100% Obama Votes


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
If already posted, my apologies.

I really wasn't shocked at some of the claims of 'fraud' in PA, because of no votes for Romney. Weird things happen.

Saw this today, now this seems wrong:

Newsalert: In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes

Saturday, November 17, 2012
In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes
NBC Chicago reports:

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that in 59 Philadelphia precincts, Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote. So Ward Room decided to look at the results in the president’s hometown, and see if he won as many shutouts here. The answer: no. Romney was rejected by every voter in only 37 Chicago precincts, an embarrassing result, given that segregation and Machine politics are two of our city’s most notable qualities.

Any doubt there was some vote fraud? Check out this comment on NBC Chicago's website:

In critical swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois there are a lot of precincts in Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Chicago which reported 100% of their votes cast for Obama. These add up to many 10's of thousands of votes for Obama and 0 for Romney. I repeat, 0 for Romney. I have read a number of articles about this and people knowlegable in Political Science and Statistics are starting to take notice of this.Statistically, even if among 10's of thousands of voters all wanted to vote for Obama, it would not be possible to receive 100% of the vote because at least a few would make a mistake and vote incorrectly for Romney. Not to mention the fact that a least a few of those 10's of thousands might actually disagree with Obama. These types of election returns are only seen in countries run by dictators.

Just a reminder to those who want to get rid of the electoral college: corrupt Chicago voting practices could and would determine an election. Vote fraud occurs in Chicago because the U.S. Attorney doesn't want to conduct a simple investigation of those 37 precincts. Is there similar hand writing on any of those ballots ? Did any dead people vote ? Since Chicago lost 6.9% of its population in the 2010 Census : were any of those 37 precincts in the declining population wards? Maybe, if Chicago had a legitimate U.S. Attorney some of these questions would be answered. No word on this story from "alleged" former crime fighter and Obama "protector" Patrick Fitzgerald. Is Barack Obama and the U.S. Attorney's Office afraid of this milk story???
Posted by Steve Bartin
what makes it fraud is even on a fluke some retard would accidentally mark the wrong box or someone who doesn't see well, or a number of different reasons. Where theres fraud the dem always comes out on top.
Haven't seen anything to prove otherwise
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Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum told WND as an equipment manager for the elections system, he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned. “On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported. Then when he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

THE BIG LIST of vote fraud reports
Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum told WND as an equipment manager for the elections system, he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned. “On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported. Then when he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

THE BIG LIST of vote fraud reports

I'm pretty liberal with new media, but WND doesn't cut it for me. Got to get some local sources to back it. I know, that sucks, but it's the way of the world.
Obama won. Stop clinging to the idea that the election was stolen because of fraud because it's not going to fucking work out well for you. Look at how well it worked out for the gore supporters.
Obama won. Stop clinging to the idea that the election was stolen because of fraud because it's not going to fucking work out well for you. Look at how well it worked out for the gore supporters.

I agree. Even as it becomes more apparent there were serious problems with the election, I've yet to see anything in the areas that count that would make a difference.
Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum told WND as an equipment manager for the elections system, he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned. “On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported. Then when he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

THE BIG LIST of vote fraud reports

I'm pretty liberal with new media, but WND doesn't cut it for me. Got to get some local sources to back it. I know, that sucks, but it's the way of the world.

True but those sources can be verified if you cared to look into it.
Obama won. Stop clinging to the idea that the election was stolen because of fraud because it's not going to fucking work out well for you. Look at how well it worked out for the gore supporters.

I agree. Even as it becomes more apparent there were serious problems with the election, I've yet to see anything in the areas that count that would make a difference.

Maybe not this time. But clearly the Dems are up to no good in many inner city areas.

I am sorry buy Romney should get at least 1 vote by mistake when you are talking thousands.

and the only rebuttal I have heard from the left so far was to point out a place in Utah where Obama got 0 votes. Only that was out of a total of 17 votes, Not thousands.
i ihave no doubt in my mind that the election was won on Fraud tactics. We no longer have honest elections. The citizens in this country are made up of tons of foreigners that vote here and people that are mentally slow to grasp reality of things, or vote for the dumbest of reasons, such as getting free stuff from Obama, or because Obama is black, or because Obama is a democrat and they feel they have to vote for him. People don't vote or consider the important reasons to vote for someone. Their reasons are ridiculous, and unfortunately it has caused a nightmere on the rest of us.
I simply can not imagine the circumstances where the RNC would allow all the votes in Chi-Town and The City of Brotherly Love to be counted by the DNC behind closed doors.

Wouldn't happen. Accept the truth and move on.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd8Rm-Eq9V8]WAR - Why Can't We Be Friends? - YouTube[/ame]
In the Philly.com article that was the root of all of this; it is cited that McCain got blanked in an almost equal number of voting precincts (54) and Bush got blanked in, I believe it was, 4. Nothing new to see here. Obama is very popular with his demographics.

You guys need to venture outside of your comfort zone and stop reading your talking points. Romney was a terrible candidate who ran a sorry campaign.

You'll be back in 2014.
You'll mis-interpret that as a mandate when it's just the TEA party flexing it's wallet
You'll bank hard to the right in 2016 just like you did this year
And you just may be looking at 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House (probably not though)
If already posted, my apologies.

I really wasn't shocked at some of the claims of 'fraud' in PA, because of no votes for Romney. Weird things happen.

Saw this today, now this seems wrong:

Newsalert: In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes

Saturday, November 17, 2012
In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes
NBC Chicago reports:

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that in 59 Philadelphia precincts, Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote. So Ward Room decided to look at the results in the president’s hometown, and see if he won as many shutouts here. The answer: no. Romney was rejected by every voter in only 37 Chicago precincts, an embarrassing result, given that segregation and Machine politics are two of our city’s most notable qualities.

Any doubt there was some vote fraud? Check out this comment on NBC Chicago's website:

In critical swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois there are a lot of precincts in Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Chicago which reported 100% of their votes cast for Obama. These add up to many 10's of thousands of votes for Obama and 0 for Romney. I repeat, 0 for Romney. I have read a number of articles about this and people knowlegable in Political Science and Statistics are starting to take notice of this.Statistically, even if among 10's of thousands of voters all wanted to vote for Obama, it would not be possible to receive 100% of the vote because at least a few would make a mistake and vote incorrectly for Romney. Not to mention the fact that a least a few of those 10's of thousands might actually disagree with Obama. These types of election returns are only seen in countries run by dictators.

Just a reminder to those who want to get rid of the electoral college: corrupt Chicago voting practices could and would determine an election. Vote fraud occurs in Chicago because the U.S. Attorney doesn't want to conduct a simple investigation of those 37 precincts. Is there similar hand writing on any of those ballots ? Did any dead people vote ? Since Chicago lost 6.9% of its population in the 2010 Census : were any of those 37 precincts in the declining population wards? Maybe, if Chicago had a legitimate U.S. Attorney some of these questions would be answered. No word on this story from "alleged" former crime fighter and Obama "protector" Patrick Fitzgerald. Is Barack Obama and the U.S. Attorney's Office afraid of this milk story???
Posted by Steve Bartin

Where are the people in those areas that actually did vote for Romney? Wouldn't you think they would be speaking up and saying that their vote wasn't counted? I think they would or some reporter would find them out. Of course that doesn't mean anyone would pay attention.
Obama won. Stop clinging to the idea that the election was stolen because of fraud because it's not going to fucking work out well for you. Look at how well it worked out for the gore supporters.

I agree. Even as it becomes more apparent there were serious problems with the election, I've yet to see anything in the areas that count that would make a difference.

How can you say that when you and I have absolutely no idea the deapth of the fraud, if there was fraud.

PA has a Republican governor yet never votes for a Republican president, or almost never. PA also has a Republican Senator. So I can't understand how the vote went to Obama.

Never the less, saying we know what we don't is not an answer.
In the Philly.com article that was the root of all of this; it is cited that McCain got blanked in an almost equal number of voting precincts (54) and Bush got blanked in, I believe it was, 4. Nothing new to see here. Obama is very popular with his demographics.

You guys need to venture outside of your comfort zone and stop reading your talking points. Romney was a terrible candidate who ran a sorry campaign.

You'll be back in 2014.
You'll mis-interpret that as a mandate when it's just the TEA party flexing it's wallet
You'll bank hard to the right in 2016 just like you did this year
And you just may be looking at 4 more years of a Democrat in the White House (probably not though)

I suppose you realize that your argument only holds water if this is the FIRST time there was voter fraud. The only thing that makes the vote safe is those who work the polls, cheating, in my opinion, would be easy.
If already posted, my apologies.

I really wasn't shocked at some of the claims of 'fraud' in PA, because of no votes for Romney. Weird things happen.

Saw this today, now this seems wrong:

Newsalert: In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes

Saturday, November 17, 2012
In 37 Chicago Precincts, Romney Received No Votes
NBC Chicago reports:

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that in 59 Philadelphia precincts, Mitt Romney did not receive a single vote. So Ward Room decided to look at the results in the president’s hometown, and see if he won as many shutouts here. The answer: no. Romney was rejected by every voter in only 37 Chicago precincts, an embarrassing result, given that segregation and Machine politics are two of our city’s most notable qualities.

Any doubt there was some vote fraud? Check out this comment on NBC Chicago's website:

In critical swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois there are a lot of precincts in Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Chicago which reported 100% of their votes cast for Obama. These add up to many 10's of thousands of votes for Obama and 0 for Romney. I repeat, 0 for Romney. I have read a number of articles about this and people knowlegable in Political Science and Statistics are starting to take notice of this.Statistically, even if among 10's of thousands of voters all wanted to vote for Obama, it would not be possible to receive 100% of the vote because at least a few would make a mistake and vote incorrectly for Romney. Not to mention the fact that a least a few of those 10's of thousands might actually disagree with Obama. These types of election returns are only seen in countries run by dictators.

Just a reminder to those who want to get rid of the electoral college: corrupt Chicago voting practices could and would determine an election. Vote fraud occurs in Chicago because the U.S. Attorney doesn't want to conduct a simple investigation of those 37 precincts. Is there similar hand writing on any of those ballots ? Did any dead people vote ? Since Chicago lost 6.9% of its population in the 2010 Census : were any of those 37 precincts in the declining population wards? Maybe, if Chicago had a legitimate U.S. Attorney some of these questions would be answered. No word on this story from "alleged" former crime fighter and Obama "protector" Patrick Fitzgerald. Is Barack Obama and the U.S. Attorney's Office afraid of this milk story???
Posted by Steve Bartin


lets open it all Up annie,

lets go!

Your party will NEVER win another elections again.

Lets go all through the last few elections and check all the machines and all of the software patches and every one of the companies.

this wont go anywhere and the reason is if it did the republican party woiuld be dead.

I hope we do go through it all.

The Republican party wont support that and will drop this like a hot iron.

They KNOW who will be going down if its all opened up.

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