10 year old kid wins science fair project by proving Tom Shady Brady is a cheater.comedy gold.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I love this kid,he is a genius,he understands Tom Brady could not carry Joe Montanas jock strap. :abgg2q.jpg:

I bet he would REALLY laugh if he knew the truth that even Montana,who is Bradys idol, has even called him a cheater as well as has SEVERAL other NFL former stars.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

sorry the truth hurts you cheatriot apologists that shady brady is not even one of the top 20 greatest quarterbacks ever,let alone the greatest.:haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok:

***UPDATE: He won the science fair and is moving on to district.:2up:

oh and dont forget how even in his HOMETOWN in san francisco,he got BOOED by the fans at the superbowl ceremonys.priceless.the whole world knows he is a fraud same as his coach.:haha::laughing0301::lmao:

#ellen #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #viral #ellenshow

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A 10-year-old kid won a science fair by proving Tom Brady is a cheater
I love this kid,he is a genius,he understands Tom Brady could not carry Joe Montanas jock strap. :abgg2q.jpg:

I bet he would REALLY laugh if he knew the truth that even Montana,who is Bradys idol, has even called him a cheater as well as has SEVERAL other NFL former stars.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

sorry the truth hurts you cheatriot apologists that shady brady is not even one of the top 20 greatest quarterbacks ever,let alone the greatest.:haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok:

***UPDATE: He won the science fair and is moving on to district.:2up:

oh and dont forget how even in his HOMETOWN in san francisco,he got BOOED by the fans at the superbowl ceremonys.priceless.the whole world knows he is a fraud same as his coach.:haha::laughing0301::lmao:

#ellen #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #viral #ellenshow

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A 10-year-old kid won a science fair by proving Tom Brady is a cheater

You ever hear the phrase “people in glass house....”?

I love this kid,he is a genius,he understands Tom Brady could not carry Joe Montanas jock strap. :abgg2q.jpg:

I bet he would REALLY laugh if he knew the truth that even Montana,who is Bradys idol, has even called him a cheater as well as has SEVERAL other NFL former stars.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

sorry the truth hurts you cheatriot apologists that shady brady is not even one of the top 20 greatest quarterbacks ever,let alone the greatest.:haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok:

***UPDATE: He won the science fair and is moving on to district.:2up:

oh and dont forget how even in his HOMETOWN in san francisco,he got BOOED by the fans at the superbowl ceremonys.priceless.the whole world knows he is a fraud same as his coach.:haha::laughing0301::lmao:

#ellen #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #viral #ellenshow

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A 10-year-old kid won a science fair by proving Tom Brady is a cheater

You ever hear the phrase “people in glass house....”?

further proof the NFL is a corrupt cartel. The NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been since tom shady brady and bill belicheat came on the scene and tainted a great sport with their lying,cheating and illegally spying on other teams practices.they have created the biggest scandals in sports history since the black sox and this is even worse than that scandal because that was ONE scandal but they MANY.

this is the first time i can EVER recall BOTH teams being giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl by the corrupt NFL refs.these refs are criminals who belong behind bars.the reason they always want the cheaters in the superbowl ie because they have the name the PATRIOTS,T

They want the red white and blue colors of america on the national stage every year and the reason they gave the rams this superbowl is i ALWAYS said the final couple years when they were in st louis that they would succeed once they got to LA because the NFL WANTS the LA market to do well so what better way than to get them on to the national scene by GIVING them a trip to the superbowl?

this poster here Dogmaphope He nailed it,he understands that is WHY they wanted the Rams in the superbowl.:clap:

The Los Angeles market is enormous and they are trying to jump start more fan interest in L.A.
I've Never Seen A More Obvious Case Of Pass Interference In My Life...And Nobody Threw A Flag

if this was ANY other AFC team i would say the NFL has rigged this superbowl for the RAMS wo win it all but come on,this is the CHETRIOTS and tom sahdy brady we are talking about,you think they are going to let them lose TWO superbowls back to back? get serious.:rolleyes:

like i said,any OTHER TEAM except the chreatriots,this game would be rigged for the Rams to win the superbowl but not against the cheatriots.no way.that would be a crime and unthinkable for something not to go THEIR way.
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Yeah. And Joe Namath and Terry Bradshaw were quadriplegics with robotics from the new world order

Did you even read the link with the kids results? He proved deflated balls can be thrown further than fully inflated ones.

he obviously closed his eyes and covered his ears since the truth about his hero that he has his head up the ass of,was exposed as a fraud.:abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah. And Joe Namath and Terry Bradshaw were quadriplegics with robotics from the new world order

Did you even read the link with the kids results? He proved deflated balls can be thrown further than fully inflated ones.
I'll tel ya what. I must agree 'cuz when my old balls are fully inflated I can throw damn near 3 feet !

From a 2 inch hose? Impressive.
2 5/64
Wow...5 NFL championships, we've lost count of divisional and conference championships, MVPs, records out the ass. All from cheating?

I love this kid,he is a genius,he understands Tom Brady could not carry Joe Montanas jock strap. :abgg2q.jpg:

I bet he would REALLY laugh if he knew the truth that even Montana,who is Bradys idol, has even called him a cheater as well as has SEVERAL other NFL former stars.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

sorry the truth hurts you cheatriot apologists that shady brady is not even one of the top 20 greatest quarterbacks ever,let alone the greatest.:haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok:

***UPDATE: He won the science fair and is moving on to district.:2up:

oh and dont forget how even in his HOMETOWN in san francisco,he got BOOED by the fans at the superbowl ceremonys.priceless.the whole world knows he is a fraud same as his coach.:haha::laughing0301::lmao:

#ellen #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #viral #ellenshow

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A 10-year-old kid won a science fair by proving Tom Brady is a cheater

No new glasses...just been traveling in a different lane....but I LOVE THIS KID!
I love this kid,he is a genius,he understands Tom Brady could not carry Joe Montanas jock strap. :abgg2q.jpg:

I bet he would REALLY laugh if he knew the truth that even Montana,who is Bradys idol, has even called him a cheater as well as has SEVERAL other NFL former stars.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

sorry the truth hurts you cheatriot apologists that shady brady is not even one of the top 20 greatest quarterbacks ever,let alone the greatest.:haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok:

***UPDATE: He won the science fair and is moving on to district.:2up:

oh and dont forget how even in his HOMETOWN in san francisco,he got BOOED by the fans at the superbowl ceremonys.priceless.the whole world knows he is a fraud same as his coach.:haha::laughing0301::lmao:

#ellen #ellendegeneres #theellenshow #viral #ellenshow

...See More
A 10-year-old kid won a science fair by proving Tom Brady is a cheater

No new glasses...just been traveling in a different lane....but I LOVE THIS KID!

The Brady ass kissers who have a mancrush on Shady Brady like Unkotore,Mudwhistle,oldstyle,and USMB's resident troll WRONGwinger,are dialing the suiicide hotline number now knowing a TEN year old KID,has exposed their hero for the fraud he is and how an asterisk belongs next to his name in the hall of fame same as his coach.
the latest poster ^ that has a mancrush on shady brady and has his head up his ass^:abgg2q.jpg:

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