1,000,000 Fish FREEZE TO DEATH in Bolivia


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Chris loves to drone on and on and on so I am going to drone right back.

Over 1 million fish and thousands of alligators, turtles, dolphins and other river wildlife are floating dead in numerous Bolivian rivers in the three eastern/southern departments of Santa Cruz, Beni and Tarija. The extreme cold front that hit Bolivia in mid-July caused water temperatures to dip below the minimum temperatures river life can tolerate. As a consequence, rivers, lakes, lagoons and fisheries are brimming with decomposing fish and other creatures.

Unprecedented: Nothing like this has ever been seen in this magnitude in Bolivia. Inhabitants of riverside communities report the smell is nauseating and can be detected as far as a kilometer away from river banks. River communities, whose livelihoods depend on fishing, fear they'll run out of food and will have nothing to sell. Authorities are concerned there will be a shortage of fish in markets and are more concerned by possible threats to public health, especially in communities that also use river water for bathing and drinking, but also fear contaminated or decaying fish may end up in market stalls. They've begun a campaign to ensure market vendors and the public know how to tell the difference between fresh and unhealthy fish.

In university fish ponds and commercial fisheries the losses are also catastrophic.

1 Million Fish Dead in Bolivian Ecological Disaster
I love the logical thinking of right wingers. Endlessly entertaining. They are like "children's scissors", cute, colorful, not to sharp.

Right wingnuts think that if the earth's temperature rises by 1 degree, it rises everywhere by 1 degree. They don't understand that even a slight change can bring catastrophic consequences all around the world.

Fires and drought in Russia.

Floods in China and Pakistan.

Snow to the Eastern Seaboard.

Drought and high temperature in the South.

Lack of sea ice.

All the highest since people started keeping records, yet, unrelated. Because they are so far away? Is that it? It's not exactly as if the right is into "science" "data" or "facts".
I love the logical thinking of right wingers. Endlessly entertaining. They are like "children's scissors", cute, colorful, not to sharp.

Right wingnuts think that if the earth's temperature rises by 1 degree, it rises everywhere by 1 degree. They don't understand that even a slight change can bring catastrophic consequences all around the world.

Fires and drought in Russia.

Floods in China and Pakistan.

Snow to the Eastern Seaboard.

Drought and high temperature in the South.

Lack of sea ice.

All the highest since people started keeping records, yet, unrelated. Because they are so far away? Is that it? It's not exactly as if the right is into "science" "data" or "facts".

Hey dumb ass, the claim IS that the whole world had a temperature rise of just over 1 degree. By the way dumb fuck, that was what was predicted would happen in 1900.

Now fall back on the tried and true, golly the freeze WAS because of global warming.
I love the logical thinking of right wingers. Endlessly entertaining. They are like "children's scissors", cute, colorful, not to sharp.

Right wingnuts think that if the earth's temperature rises by 1 degree, it rises everywhere by 1 degree. They don't understand that even a slight change can bring catastrophic consequences all around the world.

Fires and drought in Russia.

Floods in China and Pakistan.

Snow to the Eastern Seaboard.

Drought and high temperature in the South.

Lack of sea ice.

All the highest since people started keeping records, yet, unrelated. Because they are so far away? Is that it? It's not exactly as if the right is into "science" "data" or "facts".
why dont you tell that to your butt buddy, chris
he keeps posting anecdotal weather stories
The AGW alarmists' game of heads we win and tails you lose is getting old.

I really don't know which side is right but I can safely say that the certainty shown by AGW alarmists is totally out of proportion to the evidence.

And the epic failures like the Hockey Stick are ignored and allowed to continue in the public sphere as if they were still factual.

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