1:00 AM Thursday morning - no TrumpCare agreement


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The GOP continues to eat itself in the House. The majority of the majority party cannot agree on TrumpCare. Until it can, repeal and replace is not going to happen.

After dramatic day, GOP fails to reach health care deal - CNNPolitics.com

Hours later, Ryan and his top deputies never came out to speak to the cameras and dozens of reporters waiting outside, and it was clear that leadership had no good news to share. With the exception of a few members who rushed away without speaking to press, all leaders in the room, including Ryan, appeared to have ducked out using side exits.

While this gathering was wrapping up, House leaders had gotten more bad news: GOP Rep. Charlie Dent, the leader of the moderate Tuesday Group, released a statement opposing the current bill spearheaded by Ryan and President Trump.

The late-night session in Ryan's office came soon after what appeared to be a major breakthrough in the impasse. The Freedom Caucus, which had stubbornly opposed the GOP bill for days, was suddenly optimistic that a deal was possible. The White House was offering a provision that would strip the so-called "essential health benefits" from the House bill, and GOP leadership indicated they were open to this change.

Late Wednesday, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said: "We are very hopeful we can get this done."
Simple Matthew and JakeStarkey
Just offer both options:
A. Plan A - ACA as passed by Democrats
B. Plan B or C - plan(s) endorsed by Republicans
including neither A or B but free market choices as before.

And let taxpayers choose on our tax forms
whether to direct a % of our taxes to A B or C.

The reason they CAN'T agree is health care
decisions belong to people and states, not federal levels
where one size policy DOES NOT FIT ALL.

So let people decide.
INCLUDING the option to pool resources together
* by state
* nationally by plan A B or C

If Americans don't have to agree on a national religion
in order to protect our free exercise of religion,
why can't we accept the same approach to health
care, or any other policy involving BELIEFS?
They are being idiots trying to "fix" the ACA. It should be abolished plain and simple. Free up regulations to allow insurers to sell to anyone. Also help bring down costs, especially of drugs.
They are being idiots trying to "fix" the ACA. It should be abolished plain and simple. Free up regulations to allow insurers to sell to anyone. Also help bring down costs, especially of drugs.

Dear theHawk
Why not abolish the requirements and mandates to fund it?

The advantage of giving taxpayers the EQUAL CHOICE to fund it SHIFTS THE BURDEN TO THOSE SUPPORTERS of how to manage the programs THEY WANT TO FUND. Why not LET them have at it!

Why would I WANT to take on responsibility for redesigning and rewriting a program I don't believe BELONGS to fed gov to begin with?

Instead of fighting to block it for all people, why not REQUIRE those who want it to pay for it? Let THEM figure it out, and get everyone else off the hook who NEVER wanted fed govt to go there IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I'd compare it to a religious policy.
Instead of arguing to ABOLISH Christianity, because Catholics and Protestants can't agree on which approach to establish,

Get rid of imposing it through govt mandates.
but give people equal freedom to CHOOSE to fund and manage it.
They are being idiots trying to "fix" the ACA. It should be abolished plain and simple. Free up regulations to allow insurers to sell to anyone. Also help bring down costs, especially of drugs.
It is easy to give something.

But then it is politically impossible to take it away again.
Today (Thursday 3/23/2017) is the scheduled day of the votes in the House and Senate.

Trump-Care (as so deigned by Nancy Pelosi and rightly so) looks like it will go down to defeat in both houses simply because the politicians do not want to face angry voters back home at the next election cycle in 2018.
They are being idiots trying to "fix" the ACA. It should be abolished plain and simple. Free up regulations to allow insurers to sell to anyone. Also help bring down costs, especially of drugs.
It is easy to give something.

But then it is politically impossible to take it away again.

Dear yiostheoy
So once states recognized the right to slaves it was impossible to change that?
Today (Thursday 3/23/2017) is the scheduled day of the votes in the House and Senate.

Trump-Care (as so deigned by Nancy Pelosi and rightly so) looks like it will go down to defeat in both houses simply because the politicians do not want to face angry voters back home at the next election cycle in 2018.

Something else must be up, yiostheoy
if these politicians all wanted to please their constituents, they could just make it where everyone gets to fund the policy of their choosing.

Then everyone would be happy and couldn't argue.

I think what's going on is asking for an ass-kicking.

Someone else willing to stand up and speak out, like Cruz or Trump, Stein or Sanders, Paul or Nader
is going to have to tell the TRUTH. this is an issue of political BELIEFS. So each party should be in charge of their own membership policies and not impose on people of other beliefs.

SOMEONE needs to be the Rosa Parks here.
And say no thanks, I'm not going along with this policy....
The GOP continues to eat itself in the House. The majority of the majority party cannot agree on TrumpCare. Until it can, repeal and replace is not going to happen.

After dramatic day, GOP fails to reach health care deal - CNNPolitics.com

Hours later, Ryan and his top deputies never came out to speak to the cameras and dozens of reporters waiting outside, and it was clear that leadership had no good news to share. With the exception of a few members who rushed away without speaking to press, all leaders in the room, including Ryan, appeared to have ducked out using side exits.

While this gathering was wrapping up, House leaders had gotten more bad news: GOP Rep. Charlie Dent, the leader of the moderate Tuesday Group, released a statement opposing the current bill spearheaded by Ryan and President Trump.

The late-night session in Ryan's office came soon after what appeared to be a major breakthrough in the impasse. The Freedom Caucus, which had stubbornly opposed the GOP bill for days, was suddenly optimistic that a deal was possible. The White House was offering a provision that would strip the so-called "essential health benefits" from the House bill, and GOP leadership indicated they were open to this change.

Late Wednesday, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said: "We are very hopeful we can get this done."
After watching Democrats in Congress goose step after their leaders to pass Obamacare it is apparently a real shocker to some to the Republicans holding an honest, public debate on healthcare.
The headline Chances of passing Obamacare replacement bill improve amid talk of changes to plan, as House awaits CBO score has proven to be false.

Chances of passing Obamacare replacement improve after talk of changes, as House awaits CBO score

Of course they didn't approve it and Trump has already stated he's open to negotiation on the package. You can bet they will be negotiating. In fact, they already are.

Personally they should kick it all back to the private sector where it belongs. Govt. shouldn't have anything to do with health care.
Today will be a riveting news day again with Trump-Care as the main focus of the day.

C-Span may actually be riveting footage today as the House and the Senate vote.

If the bill passes both -- unlikely -- then it goes to committee.

If the bill fails one or the other then it is dead.

If the bill fails the House then the salient question becomes:

Today (Thursday 3/23/2017) is the scheduled day of the votes in the House and Senate.

Trump-Care (as so deigned by Nancy Pelosi and rightly so) looks like it will go down to defeat in both houses simply because the politicians do not want to face angry voters back home at the next election cycle in 2018.

Something else must be up, yiostheoy
if these politicians all wanted to please their constituents, they could just make it where everyone gets to fund the policy of their choosing.

Then everyone would be happy and couldn't argue.

I think what's going on is asking for an ass-kicking.

Someone else willing to stand up and speak out, like Cruz or Trump, Stein or Sanders, Paul or Nader
is going to have to tell the TRUTH. this is an issue of political BELIEFS. So each party should be in charge of their own membership policies and not impose on people of other beliefs.

SOMEONE needs to be the Rosa Parks here.
And say no thanks, I'm not going along with this policy....
I'm pretty sure Cruz already did that when he pointed out the bill for Trump-Care cannot pass the Senate so why should anyone take the political risk of voting for it in the House ??
They are being idiots trying to "fix" the ACA. It should be abolished plain and simple. Free up regulations to allow insurers to sell to anyone. Also help bring down costs, especially of drugs.
It is easy to give something.

But then it is politically impossible to take it away again.

Dear yiostheoy
So once states recognized the right to slaves it was impossible to change that?
It took a war, remember? Remember your 8th Grade and 11th Grade history classes? And college too?

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