divide & conquer

  1. Brian Blackwell

    The Call for Liberty

    I’m putting aside the gloves for this rant, because I’ve got to vent some frustration over the willful reluctance of many here to snap the fuck out of it and realize that they are free-range slaves living in a work camp controlled by sociopathic entities - I won’t even grace these misanthropic...
  2. Brian Blackwell

    How emotion affects our political views

    What is emotion? Have you ever heard a definitive answer to this question? Chemical reactions... well, yes, but what purpose does it serve? Fight or flight, human bonding for procreation... ok, but obviously it's more nuanced and influential than that. I'd like to submit an idea for your...
  3. The Original Tree

    Hate, Division, Identity Politics, Character Assassination, Violence Come with a Price for THE DNC

    HATE & DIVISION using a WEDGE OF IDENTITY POLITICS & VIOLENCE & INTIMIDATION, RACE BAITING, & CHARACTER ASSASSINATION will get the LEFT exactly WHAT THEY DESERVE! The DNC set another Record LOW for July vs. The GOP. DNC $2.8 Million vs. RNC $10.2 Million Democratic Implosion Continues As DNC...

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