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  • Thanks for the positive rep re: global warming. My avitar pic prooves them right I guess, huh? lol ;)
    No change. I'm generally in good spirits. And I enjoy civil disagreement. It's the loonies that are annoying.
    I don't hate you, sad thing that you are; I know that one must have compassion for those whose faculties are not quite up to par. Hating you would mean I had some stake in your well-being. I don't.
    Thanks for the rep, PC - It is a pun, at least for the sake of the pun and not necessarily for the sake of the politics.

    Haa! I absolutely love that...I can't watch it enough times. It's the truth...but try and tell that to all those gun-control nuts.....they'll know one day when they get held up and have nothing to defend themselves with!
    no hit and run dear...I have a life outside of posting on this board. you're pretty aggressive for someone who just joined. Is that your nature or just the nature of cons in general?
    Hit and run again? I notice that you don't even make a response on the thread so we could have a debate. I'm not saying that you are a churlish coward, but if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck...
    and I would even care what you think because?????

    Do you have to practice to be such a pompous bitch or were you born that way? You really are overestimating your importance here.
    I would have given you + Rep for your "This is the Kind of Propaganda that Obama is Sending Out" post today but the Rep manager tells me I haven't spread enough love around. That's pretty hard given all the leftist BS on this board.
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