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  • Let me know when you grow a brain.
    You wouldn’t know what a brain is! But hey, thanks for playing
    Both objects radiate and both objects absorb. The warmer object radiates more so the cooler objects absorbs more. Warmer cools and cooler warms. NET HEAT TRANSFER
    dude, you can't even comprehend your own thought there. the warmer object emits cooling down, it absorbs absolutely nothing from the cooler object. I'm still waiting on that evidence. The cooler object is absorbing all of the emitted energy from the warmer object, one way flow. you have nothing in that statement that says otherwise.
    All matter radiates all the time. That is a fucking FACT fool.
    I never said it didn't. I said it doesn't when it is around warmer objects. let me ask you, can an object absorb and emit at the same time?
    mmm.. I don't actually, "follow" other members around on the USMB but I like to warn them of the possibility at least.. lol.. Thanks for what your posting and acknowledging, it's nice having you around.. hey, we should share some laughs sometime...(nice) Lumpy
    Thanks. Don't see you in here too often. I'm a logical type. It has to have logic for me to absorb something. I find the left in here has very little if any in most battles in here. I try to avoid getting personal, I usually get reprimanded every time I do it. Where do you live? I'm in the Chicago suburbs.
    Lumpy 1
    Lumpy 1
    I live in Oregon after 40 odd years in California. Yup, not much logic or bottom line thinking from the left going on around here. I kinda fade in and out of posting anymore, basically, if I'm not smiling, I'm not posting..
    I hope you end up as homeless so some rich fucker can take a nice long shit on you....HOpefully, government won't be there to help you worthless backwards animal.
    Thought you might like to know that today, January 17, 1929 Popeye in Thimble Theatre. Created by Elzie Crisler Segar, and first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: jc456
    Thanks for the information. No I did not know that. I will go look it up! 43 years I've imitated popeye's voice.
    Solar is number 2# and wind is number 3# most installed sources of energy. I've linked this shit in the energy forum quite a few times...If you don't believe it,,,well, you can sit on a dick.
    Post up the charts you piece of shit. Quit your fking crying
    I hope you've figured out by now that I have you and skookerassnub on ignore. If you're still writing things expecting a response from me, you're wasting your time.
    funny, I see that you run from a discussion merely because you can't make your point. And instead of moving to something new, you post up the same information over and over again.
    I bet that's frustrating when you can't make your point clear. but you want to run with your tail between your legs go for it. I will still post on your posts and everyone else will still see it debunked over and over again. having a two way dialog I see is beyond you.
    Hey JC,
    When you think of it, try to occasionally post something up on the PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING thread. I couldn't give a shit I started it......but it always lurking on the top of the page drives these mofu's to mental meltdowns. Keep the lOsInGs coming......cracks my ass up!!

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