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  • That wasn't the threads topic tho.

    "all you see" should not be black people for most crimes. And it isn't in 95%+ of the land in America where white criminals don't way outnumber black due to population.
    I didn't start the thread but whatever. Black people should be held to the same standards as anyone else when it comes to breaking the law especially when they're killing people or stealing stuff they don't need like TVs. I am not as concerned about meth heads in the boonies slowly killing themselves
    Yea which is why it's crazy to say all you see is black criminals. You ain't looking if you believe that lol
    I didn't say white people don't commit crimes. I said black crime rates are disproportionate compared to their share of the total population. by an extreme degree.
    move ot a better neighborhood or leave it sometimes. Trust me white crime everwyhere. Black crime covers a few blocks lol in comparison
    there's a lot more white people than there are blacks in this country.
    But unless you live in a maor city or the south you never see any black people so where teh fuck do you live where you see more black criminals than white?

    Fantasy world outside major American cities.
    Google it. It would take too long to explain on this tiny keyboard. :)
    Based on scientific studies transgenderism is genetic and the brains of trans people are closer to the other "sex" in its wiring. Serious question, if you don't believe trans people deserve rights like everyone else do you want them killed? Because that is the choices. If it is the later than you have no right talking about human rights in iran or Saudi arabia ever again.
    I think its wrong to indoctrinate children into the transgender lifestyle. Just because a boy plays with a doll or likes the color pink...
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