Dale Smith
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  • Wishing you, your love ones and your country a wonderful Holiday Season and 4 or more years of wonderful President! Thank you for all your support, I'm happy to have guys like you around.
    Please don't leave. There are lots of us who don't know what we don't know. Stay and pass what you've learned along to the rest of us.
    Fuck the federal "gubermint"...double middle finger salute with great gusto to this corporate entity.
    Trying to get people to wake the fuck up to reality is a daily struggle...but yet I must press on.
    Thank you for the friend request. :D
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Dale Smith
    Dale Smith
    Dale Smith
    You are a constitutionalist and that makes you aces in my book. By following you, I can be sure to come to your assistance should the trolls start attacking you. :eek:)
    • Thanks
    Reactions: ChrisL
    Well thank you. I appreciate that. :) I'm pretty good at defending myself though. Lol. Never hurts to have some backup though, I suppose!
    Dale Smith
    Dale Smith
    Of that, I have no doubt but it never hurts to have someone in your corner that has your back...and I know a lot of stuff. I have dedicated the last three years of my life doing nothing but research and learning. :eek:)
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