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  • Do I find it interesting that you can't measure up to a third grader? Not so much. Moronic taggers rarely are particularly all that interesting.
    It's not a riddle. A third grader could've figured it out. You're just not a sophisticated troll. Maybe you should retire.
    He is absolutely not sincere. You seem like a decent enough person...but you may wish to examine how it is that you have come to that very faulty conclusion. Beck may be one of the most insincere political entertainers we have.

    And yes....when you click, you support.
    I do not support Beck. However, I do read the articles that he gets from news sources. Beck does not write the articles but presents them without comment. It's the same with Drudge. I actually don't know anything about Drudge but I read thousands of articles he presents from various news sources around the country. If you think I support Beck because I visit his site to read what other people write then I am a Beck supporter. Actually the very last article I wrote about Beck was critical of the man. I think Beck is decent and sincere but I do not take his opinions seriously.
    Thanks so much for the rep. I don't watch beck, but I do read the articles he has on the Blaze. The Blaze and Drudge both have articles that don't seem to make it into the MSM. The articles in the Blaze are not Beck's; instead they are comprised of news sources around the country. I think that Beck is a decent and sincere man, but his opinions are not always spot on.
    there is no law preventing him from making cakes for whomever. You may not like his religious view but making him violate it isn't up to you or me. I support Muslims who refuse fairs because of their religion and alcohol, there are plenty of Taxi drivers.
    What I am saying is, that the baker has the right to refuse to make a cake contrary to his sincerely held beliefs. Marriage is a choice, do you disagree?

    What if a Jewish baker was asked to make neo-Nazi holocaust celebration cake? Should he be made to?
    We all do. But please note. I am NOT a progressive. Never have been, never will be. To be a progressive you must park your brain and your willpower at the door and turn over your power and your life to some other person who is usually not any smarter than you, just higher placed.

    No thanks.
    I am for the maximum amount of individual freedom. In other words I am pro gay marriage, pro drug legalization, pro choice. I am also anti corporate and anti big government. That's about as liberal as you can get.
    Dude, I'm a liberal Democrat! Howey harms my cause more than any repub nutter does. Why do you think I respond to him like I do!

    Thanks for the rep though.
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