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  • Well, you were close enough to hear the stories as I was, not a bad thing for us. Bad for those involved but at times I think the lack of the threat from communism today is worse than the cold war. Our kids don't get it. Have you seen Ted Cruz's dad speak? That's powerful there.
    Thanks for the rep but holy toledo I'm not that old....:lol: those were my grandparents and my great grandfather in 1917.

    No guff though, my great grandfather got his girls out of Russia before the Revolution and before the Ukrainians were starved as punishment for defying the communists. Sadly my great grandmother stayed behind with my one great aunt who was pregnant. She could not escape.

    I went to see his grave a few years back. Long story on that one too :). I was thinking what a brave man. Three daughters on a ship to Canada not knowing their fate. But he knew he had to escape Russia even leaving his wife and another daughter behind to save the other girls.
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