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  • Thanks for the rep. I usually try to refrain from talking to anyone that way, but Shootspeeders is a complete and utter moron.
    9/11 is a puss. Happy to leave a visitor message for you, but has his turned off. Coward and a nutjob, go figure...

    Tell you what, 9/11, your belief in conspiracies prevents you from rational thought. Kennedy tripled the number of troops in Vietnam in '61 and '62. Technically I guess you could say Eisenhower started the whole mess in '55, but let's not pretend Kennedy was an angel.

    as always,you prove you are clueless about history in the fact that JFK signed a document two months before his assassination calling for a complete withdrawel of vietnam by 1965 which Johnson reversed one day before his assassination signing a document that called for covert wars.a document jfk never saw and never signed since it reversed his policy of withdrawing the first 1,000 of 12,000 men by the end of that year 1963. In an interview with walter kronkite in sept 63, you see a graphic displayed that says 82 casultys,thats a far cry from the 58,000 americans killed under johnson and Nixon.:cuckoo::lol: comedy gold that you say Kennedy got us into vietnam.pricless.:lol: Johnson and Nixon were the bastards that murdered those 58,000 americans.:cuckoo:

    The Vietnam War and the Assassination of JFK - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum
    You were not. Thanks for the Pos. Rep. Below is a quote from Warbler (aka warrior) who gave me a negative rep on the same post:

    "Go suck a bag of dicks you strung-Libberhoid cocksucking assfucker." He's clearly has a problem.
    thank you for the rep and the compliment. I don't feel brave. It is what it is and as I am 'high functioning' autistic, it isn't as bad.

    I only found out about 5 years ago that I was autistic, was not diagnosed till I turned 50 years old. My shrink said he normally didn't evaluate people with less than two sessions, but he gave me the diagnosis at the end of my first session.

    I am very repressive on what I would like to say or do. When I did 5 years in the infantry, it was kind of weird to others how I would obsess with things, but since I could pick up skills quick I got assigned all kinds of things to fill missing specialists, that kind of thing.

    Anyway, that was all more than you likely wanted to read, but again, I don't feel brave. I mostly don't feel fear so much as fascination with what is at hand, if that makes any sense at all.

    Anyway, I hate the thought of miscommunicating to people, and wanted to set that straight.

    Have a great weekend.
    ShootSpeeders is usually Johnnie on the spot with these stories. He must be having an off day. :lol:

    Thanks for the rep.
    Understand what you mean about Edison and Ford: significant challenges culturally and historically to accept they were not great individuals personally, much the latter. Steve Jobs' legacy will face that problem as well: cold, personally uncaring, eternally vigilant on technology and the beautiful.
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