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  • yes a little frantic...lol
    I get so sick of hearing them accuse fox viewers of being misinformed, dumb, low information blah blah

    thanks for the rep dear
    Thanks for the neg. I don't give a shit what you think about what I said though. Trayvon was a thug and got what he deserved.
    And all this from a person who is so afraid of open debate on the things he claims to believe that he places most people who have an opposing point of view on ignore. Or at least claims to.......The nutjob can talk all the shit he wants. It really doesn't matter....
    let me see,your friends with agent troll gomer ollie even though he doesnt believe in sandy hook which YOU do as evidenced in your posts,yet your still friends with him even though he LIES ALL THE TIME ABOUT 9/11 AND SANDY HOOK? what kind of warped logic is that?

    also,you say you believe the official versions of 9/11 and the jfk assassination yet you believe as i do that sandy hook was staged? again,what kind of warped logic is that? if you believe sandy hook was staged,then why do you not believe the same about jfk and 9/11.get serious.again whats up with this warped logic of yours?
    You should have just forwarded them to a mod....

    He hates me because I make him look like an imbecile. Can't help it, he makes it so easy.
    your friends with gomer pyle ollie and namvet? dude do you know gomer ollie is a paid government disinfo agent sent here to troll the boards about the truth of 9/11 and other government corruption? namvet is just a kid who fantasizes in vietnam.this troll is in denial that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters as part of a CIA operation.do the right thing,get them off your list.they are traiters to americans.especially gomer,he has betrayed and and disgraced hie fellow military officers defending the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission.
    Good Lord, another idiot in the midst. So you must be for gun bans since you disagree with my post. God Damned Communist.
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