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  • Hey! Thanks for the rep! These people need to work on thier short, medium and long term memory loss. It used to be that history has been written by the victors but time have changed and as Mulder noted...the truth is out there.
    Belated thanks for the rep! Holy toledo. I just read the other posts. Well, you got one nice one from me. :lol:

    hey asshole provide proof of your pussy neg rep

    t minus and counting douchebag
    oh boy geeze please tell me you know the old joke about george. aye carumba. its an old warner brothers joke.

    I will hold him, I will love him, I will call him George. It's a sasquatch thing. None of this is turning out well.

    Honest and for true and everything is a compliment from a canadian point of view.
    oh I hope you know that was a joke. oh cripes even my husband laughed at your avie the other day when I was trying to tell him that I found a nice lib.

    and I call you george...:
    Thank you. It always amazes me that the reality of Reagan has not hit home. Even 'W' has not gotten what he deserves, by far!
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