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  • Appreciate the rep back. It was nice to finally be able to put up a story with a happy ending.

    Jim, your ward staff advises that in your syphilis-induced dementia that you should be limited only to public messaging on the Boards, where they can monitor it. Thus my message board is closed to you, as is my private message system. Others on the Board, whom I wish, have access to me. I will be glad to talk with you on the Board.
    JB begins the Public Visitor message board, then whines when he is bested at the game. Poor boy. You really don't help your syphilitic homosexual dementia by projecting your rage onto me. Only you are responsible for your poor choices. Yes, you should be embarassed.
    I did not know you were syphilitic as well as struggling with dementia. Your counselors tell me to not inflame you further by allow public visitor messaging, so we will be putting you on time out for a while. I hope the meds do help.
    JB, please come to Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. He loves gays like you, just like He loves everybody else. He can help you to live without your inner rage at yourself.
    Don't mention it, JB. Treating your dementia is not easy but if you work with your caregivers regularly and trust them all will be helpful to you. Trust their 'original thought' because yours now is failing. Life is what it is, and you are coming to the end of the road. Life is distorted for you, but that is the path of the demented. I will pray for you.
    Good morning, JimBowie. Let's take those meds and see if you can get through the day. Really, it helps keep your dementia at bay.
    JiB wrote me again, "Look, you gonna get you friends mad if they cant get that brown eye off you, so dont let your anal retentiveness prohibit you from getting to your circle jerk on time, OK? // Wouldnt want to think I contributed to your stay in the hospital getting those broom handles removed from your back side."

    His dementia is growing. :lol:
    JB wrote me again, "You did it again, Jake the Fake." Nope, I did not. You need to get to your circle jerk with your fascist buddies, so I won't hold you up. Heh Heh . . . he said, "hold you up", faggot . . . Heh Heh. You have friends for that, kid.
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