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  • Yeah. Paulikissass is all upsetty-wetty with me. :lmao: I can't pretend to care. And the latest goober isn't worth the time it takes to type its name. I think microlending could be a good idea, overall. But perhaps kiva is simply not the way to go.
    I might suggest a good author who writes with wit and humor and plots which stand up to analysis, Nelson DeMille – try his “The Gate House” (Sequel to The Gold Coast) (October 28, 2008), ISBN 0-446-53342-4). You’ll enjoy his descriptions; for instance he write a lot about Long Island N.Y. a place I never gave much thought about, but he makes it seem to be a world of its own with an incredible history.

    Another author and a book you might enjoy because it’s about a very tough young woman who stands up to and beats a psycho/serial killer even though he has every advantage of strength and guile, is Dean Koontz’s "Intensity." A brief comment by the NY Times in the back of the front cover says: “Tumbling, hallucinogenic prose . . . ‘Serious’ writers might do well to examine his technique. The story does not move so much as rocket up the . . . gloomy highway with the reader in violent pursuit.” an apt description.
    I just finished Neon Rain. I like his style with descriptions and the way he fills out the backgrounds and personalities of his characters. His description of the cityscape and areas around New Orleans, as a for-instance, made me want to see it, even though over the years I’d decided it was too dangerous a place to tour indiscriminately.

    I thought his plot in Neon Rain was a little thin and vaguely connected in its story line, but maybe I’m unfairly judging it against some of the books I’ve been reading which if anything seem too intense with plots like a roller coasters; his was more “plodding” if that’s kind enough word.

    Anyway I’m now reading his second novel in the Dave Robicheaux series, “Heaven’s Prisoners,” and I’m enjoying it very much. I liked his mentioning the burial tomb of Evangeline, and her lover, involving the Acadian heritage of some of the people of French descent there in N.O. which is his own.
    I couldn't care less about your BIG ASS rep. BUTT the thread on Vick was PRICELESS!! :lol:
    Yeah it was, but I had to get out of Texas. Im in Ft. Collins Co now. Way more laid back and mellow.
    Thanks for the rep SB... We finally did get some much needed rain.
    Something that is generally accepted as "conservative" whether it be moral, fiscal, political, social, etc. It's a broad definition.
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