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  • You bet... it seems, as of late here at USMB, the libs are stepping up the attacks and BS threads pointed at Rupubix. Gotta give props where they are deserved though.
    I was going to ignore that thread, but just had to add my .02
    Yeah. People are pretty stupid sometimes.

    Sounds like your kids are doing great.

    If I'd had Abbey as a pup she'd have a great recall. Didn't get her till she was around 6 or 7 months old though. She had absolutely no training whatsoever. She does great in obedience and will get the recall I have no doubt. She's a super dog. Can't believe her original owner didn't get her at the shelter. People really do suck sometimes. Oh well. Their loss was my gain big time.

    I'll try to keep you posted on how we progress.
    Babies are doing great! My younger yr old male has taken to tracking like a pro! He's already finding targets on a 3hrs old set! My Abby(2 next month) is up to finding her targets with about an hr set.
    I'm finally taking my Abby to get spayed next week, and I'm a wreck thinking about it. She's never been in a cage, or away from our family overnight. If she is too stressed out they are going to have to call me to bring her home.

    I've been lucky with both of these guys for their recall, had no trouble at all and I can rely on it 100% that they come right to me. When I take them to town to a kids football game or something I keep them on leash though, moreso because I don't trust other people and their young kids that seem intent on sneaking up on dogs from behind. Can't understand people letting their kids do that to a couple big German Shepherds?
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