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  • Thanks for the Rep..Didn't you used to post on the ole' MSNBC boards or maybe it was the ole' MSN
    UK boards?
    And you are very much a hypocrite.

    You attack Ron Paul on a personal level, but when it comes your way you get offended.

    Just like a leftie.
    That type of legal action should scare the crap out of anyone, no matter what side of the aisle you stand on. Federally you can still be charged though and be dragged thru a civil lawsuit if I understand this correctly.
    Now I'm going to have my last really nice fall day here, so I'll be posting on the fly. But I will try to get you as many details on this as I can later today. Just a heads up. Keep posting and keep that sarcasm flowing. I have fun bashing you back. I'm truly sorry though that you took offense. Will get back to you later. yours,td.
    Now here's the deal in the US. Defamation of character lawsuits federally are not a criminal offense, BUT, there are I think 16 or 17 states where it is a criminal offense. And of course "joe blow politician" has to take umbridge with postings and decide to sue, but it can happen. Remember the other day I started that thread on the Ohio politician suing Susan B. Anthony for loss of livelihood?
    Good morning Lakhota. I have a lot of fun joshing with you. Especially getting into "faux" snits at your rants. I'm sorry you took offense. I am very serious though about trying to give you a heads up on this situation in Britain where the politician did sue and win a defamation suit. The BBC at the time refered to it as the "first internet defamation suit". And I remember reading that a lawsuit had been launched on this side of the Atlantic. This sent chills up my spine because I spend a fair number of hours bashing politicians as you do. I've become a lot more careful in my postings. Now he won the case because he could prove malice.
    (I'm going to continue in another post; I lost the first one because I was over the limit)
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