Nosmo King
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  • I just love your writing and your posts, even though you ARE an O$U Grad! ;)

    (I.U. Grad here....)

    My only joy in all this is that I was a kid and have vague memories and your older.

    Puffenstuff, good gawd.
    Oh, I wouldn't wish anything bad on my enemies. Really.
    I'm sorry to hear you've been sick and I do hope you're on the road to recovery.

    Sure, I'll contribute. But I don't know much about foreign films, even the great ones: I hate to 'read' a movie. ;) My brother wrote a film review column for a monthly magazine for many years, so it's a family thing. :)
    It has been a very good day... I think spring is right around the bend because my neck is swelling and I'm moaning low.
    I've been to Brooklyn dozens of times. I did see the inside of a beauty parlor Saturday morning. I drove my friend and her mother there and got stuck for 3 1/2 hours while the paint and scissors were used on them. Sunday, I went to the Home Depot in Coney Island and got some supplies she needed around the house. I saw the weather report and drove home Sunday. Still got stuck in the snow!
    lol.. oh my! that IS a drama filled day. would make a great screen play! i laughed out loud.

    did you get to see anything when you were in?
    I ended up in the city on sunday. we saw some old friends. but i'm so glad you had a great time. i love gargiulios. Tell me about the drama!
    we're not going to be around on saturday. going to be with family. but would have been fun!
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