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  • Only you could mistake this forum for somewhere to have 'intelligent debate'.

    I am quite able to discuss events intelligently. You? Not so much.

    You're a funny little fool, Synthia. Also.... next time you want to insult me, you might want to actually do it on my profile rather than your own.

    I did. It is copied to both, idiot.

    Stupid boy..... and... just so you know.... no, I don't look 38... in fact.... I look younger than my age.... next time you want to 'insult' me.... try harder.... fucking idiot. You can go cry to the Mods now. Loser

    You probably think you are attractive also. :cuckoo:

    You insult civilized people with every post you spew.
    Only you could mistake this forum for somewhere to have 'intelligent debate'. You're a funny little fool, Synthia. Also.... next time you want to insult me, you might want to actually do it on my profile rather than your own. Stupid boy..... and... just so you know.... no, I don't look 38... in fact.... I look younger than my age.... next time you want to 'insult' me.... try harder.... fucking idiot. You can go cry to the Mods now. Loser
    You're 28? You look at least 38, and act like you're 12. You lie about everything else, so why not your age, right, CowardGirl?
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