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  • On Facebook if you go to your homepage, on the top blue bar between your name and logout is a link for Settings. You can change account, privacy and application settings. You can control a lot through Settings. This is where you would delete your account too.

    I found two people I used to work with 18 years ago; it was great to hear from them again. I'm having a hard time finding women I used to work with or went to school with because if they're married I don't know their married names. I just added my maiden name to the 'Former Name' setting in case anyone was looking for me. :)
    Thanks for the rep. Since my post I've found a few friends I used to work with; it's great getting in touch with them again. I've posted pics on mine but have the settings so only friends can see it.
    Why bother with Shogun. He's too arrogant, ignorant and borish! I prefer debating with people who don't agree with me, but he is too much!
    Had she been a Republican First Lady they'd have thrown her under the bus. On second thought, they would have said she looked like she was thrown under a bus. Thanks for the rep PC!
    Why thank you, PoliticalChic. That darling little gal is my niece. I do love her so!
    Thanks! I know what you mean about spending alot of time on here -- sometimes its just like a magnet, isn't it? :)
    I have a lot of patience. That first person through the red light I can forgive, after all, maybe he didn't see it. The second person, I can give him the benefit of the doubt that he misjudged it. That 3rd person should be ticketed, but that forth person, the death penalty is too good for him.
    Diamonds? Yep. Kinda one in the rough.
    Rubies? Yep. Born in July.

    Other ones? Not sure. Emerald looks good though....I like green things!
    Actually dear.....I'm kind of a diamond in the rough...

    You just saw 1 facet, and now you're starting to see others.
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