Yemen's Houthi rebels claim responsibility for cruise missile strike in Israel - New York Post


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Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Yemen's Houthi rebels claim responsibility for cruise missile strike in Israel - New York Post
  1. Yemen's Houthi rebels claim responsibility for cruise missile strike in Israel New York Post
  2. Houthi Cruise Missile Hits Israel in Ominous First Newsweek
  3. Houthis Not Only Iran-Backed Group With Cruise Missiles That Can Reach Israel Forbes
  4. Israel admits Yemen's Houthis penetrated Eilat missile defenses in first The Jerusalem Post
  5. Houthis say fuel tanker in the Red Sea targeted with missiles Reuters

Remote : Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:56:24 GMT
Local : 2024-03-21(Thursday) 13 : 56 : 24

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the Iranians with their emperial desires for regional "influence" are about to get evicted from my stomach...
what's going on in Palestine is a recipe for endless or at least recurring wars.
and i'd love a switch of diet for our youths.
action movie cartoonist and actors should be made more aware of the long-term impact that their "heroic" content is causing.
Genocide is coming back to bite the Zionist regime.

It's a terrible price to pay for the Palestinian people, but evil must be stopped before it becomes a world war. Russia and China won't tolerate this evil genocide much longer.
Amderica's/Biden's stalling tactics aren't foolling the people of the world.

Save the people of Israel before it's too late.
Genocide is coming back to bite the Zionist regime.
It's inevitable and it unfortunately lends credit to Hitler's prophecies. To put it in straight forward terms .... Hiter was right on that point.
It's a terrible price to pay for the Palestinian people, but evil must be stopped before it becomes a world war.
I saw an interview about that recently. I think it was issued through "Redacted". I'll post it here if I can find it again. Anyway, it is being said that Hamas understood the risk and death of its own people but ... as you say ... "the price to pay" ......
Russia and China won't tolerate this evil genocide much longer.
I hope you're right.
Amderica's/Biden's stalling tactics aren't foolling the people of the world.
I wish I were as sure of it as you are. I am from Sweden and as you probaly know we just joind NATO which means America's/Biden is fooling the people of the world.
Save the people of Israel before it's too late.
No, I disagree. I say, save the Jews from Isreael and Zionism before it's too late. Either beg the Arabs to allow Jews to reside in an expanded Palestine, Jordan or make ammends with the Arabs and create a smaller plot of land calling it Israel, or send them all back to New York.
It's inevitable and it unfortunately lends credit to Hitler's prophecies. To put it in straight forward terms .... Hiter was right on that point.

I saw an interview about that recently. I think it was issued through "Redacted". I'll post it here if I can find it again. Anyway, it is being said that Hamas understood the risk and death of its own people but ... as you say ... "the price to pay" ......

I hope you're right.

I wish I were as sure of it as you are. I am from Sweden and as you probaly know we just joind NATO which means America's/Biden is fooling the people of the world.

No, I disagree. I say, save the Jews from Isreael and Zionism before it's too late. Either beg the Arabs to allow Jews to reside in an expanded Palestine, Jordan or make ammends with the Arabs and create a smaller plot of land calling it Israel, or send them all back to New York.
The Zionist regime started the war with the purpose of expanding their lands to include the Palestinian people's territory.

In this age of modern highly destructive weapons, that approach can't work anymore. That's the same truthful facts that tell us that Russia will never be defeated.
The Zionist regime started the war with the purpose of expanding their lands to include the Palestinian people's territory.
We only understand that now in hindsight but we didn't know it when "we" agreed to create Israel and gave Zionism our blessing.
In this age of modern highly destructive weapons, that approach can't work anymore. That's the same truthful facts that tell us that Russia will never be defeated.
We'll see.
We only understand that now in hindsight but we didn't know it when "we" agreed to create Israel and gave Zionism our blessing.

We'll see.
The people of America will never abandon their support of the Zionist evil. That guarantees that it's going to be very bloody, as are all of America's wars. It's the god thing they hold to.

But the truth to accept in the modern world is that the Zionists will bleed as much or more than all their's and America's victims.

Or be vapourized first?
"The people of America"? You need to clarify that before I give a thumb's up or thumb's down.
Sorry but in my opinion it's close enough to unanimous.

And furthermore, no such considerations were given to WW2 Nazis.

(except the valued rocket scientists)
We only understand that now in hindsight but we didn't know it when "we" agreed to create Israel and gave Zionism our blessing.
if only we could evolve, especially in geo-politics.
and it does seem the time is right for Israelis to be the alpha-people that can fight a war without losing the moral highground; i.e. allow aid trucks (at scale) be manned by Israelis.
We only understand that now in hindsight but we didn't know it when "we" agreed to create Israel and gave Zionism our blessing.
if only we could evolve, especially in geo-politics. and it does seem the time is right for Israelis to be the alpha-people that can fight a war without losing the moral highground; i.e. allow aid trucks (at scale) be manned by Israelis.
Since we're talking about opinions I have to say (from my personal point of view) that we are passed the time for Israel to discover and implement "the moral high ground". It's too late for that. In my opinion (again) I think Zionism needs to be thoroughly crushed. South Africa succeeded in crushing Apartheid so IT CAN BE DONE.
Since we're talking about opinions I have to say (from my personal point of view) that we are passed the time for Israel to discover and implement "the moral high ground". It's too late for that. In my opinion (again) I think Zionism needs to be thoroughly crushed. South Africa succeeded in crushing Apartheid so IT CAN BE DONE.
zionism and pro-Israeli aid aren't going anywhere.
The people of America will never abandon their support of the Zionist evil. That guarantees that it's going to be very bloody, as are all of America's wars. It's the god thing they hold to.

But the truth to accept in the modern world is that the Zionists will bleed as much or more than all their's and America's victims.

Or be vapourized first?
Wanna bet?

Do you know why it was called the Six Day War?
zionism and pro-Israeli aid aren't going anywhere.
What is "pro-Israel aid"? It's only the expression of people who want Jews to have their own state but it's no more important (globally speaking) than percentages of the population who prefer California oranges over Florida or Jaffa oranges. Let them continue, they don't hurt anyone. But "Zionism"? That's another thing entirely. It's in the same locker room with Nazism, Stalinism, and Apartheid. None of them can be incorporated into a modern self-conscience, soul-searching entity. They must never be allowed any future. So, when you say, "Zionism isn't going anywhere" I have to disagree in the strongest possible terms. Within the next 50 years (tops) it won't exist any longer. The success of its replacement, however, depends upon how the transition is managed. I lived in Rhodesia in the years leading up to the fall of White leadership and look what happened! A shithole. Why? Because the whites didn't assist black politicians - or more specifically because the white government was corrupt and racist so blacks moving in to replace whites had nothing to model themselves on but what they inherited from the previous rulers. So, what will happen to Israel once Zionism is abolished? Jews need to prepare themselves today already and start making friends with Hamas supporters in order to blunt the tip of Mohammad's sword.
And again the world is distancing itself from Zionism.

Could that then be construed to be suggesting that Nazi purge of Jews was really an attempted purge of Zionism exclusively?
I can only speak for myself in saying that I have no reason to hate or even dislike Jewish people who are not offensive toward the non-Jews with which they must live in peace.

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