Zone1 Yale Jewish Student in Hospital after Antisemite Stabs him in Eye…

Los Angeles Magazine

Something Stinks About Donald Trump’s Trial: It Might Be Trump​

Sources in the courtroom are reporting that the former president is farting during his criminal proceeding
There's something in the air in New York, and it's coming from Donald Trump's courtroom.

Ben Meiselas, co-founder of MeidasTouch and owner of Los Angeles Magazine, reported today that "Donald Trump is actually farting in the courtroom and that it's very stinky around him."

"Trump's lawyers are repulsed by the scent and the smell," he said, noting that these observations are from credible sources in the courtroom.

During the two debates between Trump and President Biden, Trump should be questioned about the fecal smells that follow him wherever he goes.

There is also the moral stench of Trump's character.
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The political left has aligned themselves with everything that is anti-woman.

It would be more accurate to say that the extreme left is hostile to Western civilization. Because Islam is also hostile to Western civilization, those on the extreme left tend to sympathize with Islam. and to over look areas where the values and behavior of Muslims differ from the values and behavior of those on the extreme left.

For example, a gay rights demonstration could never be held in a Muslim country. By the time the police arrived to arrest the demonstrators those demonstrators would have been beaten to death by a raving mob of Muslims.

Everything the left hates about the religious right is far more true of Muslim society.

OMFG!! He’s saying that Biden is going to ramp up at the anti-Israel efforts (which has been shown to either be driven by or expand into Jew-hate) AFTER the election - because showing his true colors now will cost him the win? And then he will be 100% in support of the Muslim savages?

What would you advise Jews do, other than arm up?
OMFG!! He’s saying that Biden is going to ramp up at the anti-Israel efforts (which has been shown to either be driven by or expand into Jew-hate) AFTER the election - because showing his true colors now will cost him the win? And then he will be 100% in support of the Muslim savages?

What would you advise Jews do, other than arm up?
Vote policy, not party.
What matters is that the Ukrainians do not want to be ruled by Russia.
Imagine if Russia orchestrated a coup in Mexico, installed a Mexican president that was friendly to Russia and then armed the cartels in an on going territory dispute with the US. That’s the situation in Ukraine. We are not there defending “freedom” or the interests of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is just a pawn in this war.
Imagine if Russia orchestrated a coup in Mexico, installed a Mexican president that was friendly to Russia and then armed the cartels in an on going territory dispute with the US. That’s the situation in Ukraine. We are not there defending “freedom” or the interests of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine is just a pawn in this war.
I am still confident that the Ukrainians, or at least the vast majority, do not want to be ruled by Russia. They would not fight like they do otherwise.
I am still confident that the Ukrainians, or at least the vast majority, do not want to be ruled by Russia. They would not fight like they do otherwise.
I’m confident neither the average Ukrainian, Russian, or American really wants the war, let alone understands what its really about.

“Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship…

…the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

Hermann Wilhelm Göring
We went from a nation that doesn’t negotiate with terrorists to a nation that gives terrorists blow jobs.

Hamas should be destroyed.

The non Christian Palestinians should be deported. This should have been done right after Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War.
Hamas should be destroyed.

The non Christian Palestinians should be deported. This should have been done right after Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War.
Im so sick of these Islamic barbarians that I would support deporting every single Muslim that didn’t have 100% full citizenship. Yank them out of school, yank the out of their jobs, yank them out of their families. Bu-bye.

All over the Muslim world these orcs are persecuting, raping and murdering Christians. Assimilate or get the F out.

Leftists are siding with the “oppressed” Muslims, and the more who come in here - the worse for Israel and the worse for Jews, the two of which are inseparable. We see that at the anti-Israel protests where they bully, assault, and block Jews,
Im so sick of these Islamic barbarians that I would support deporting every single Muslim that didn’t have 100% full citizenship. Yank them out of school, yank the out of their jobs, yank them out of their families. Bu-bye.

All over the Muslim world these orcs are persecuting, raping and murdering Christians. Assimilate or get the F out.
They are certainly bringing increased antisemitism to NoVa, where one county has a massive mosque and they are 15% of the population. The Jew-hate there at the local high school is so extreme that my friend pulled her son out mid-year because he was being so bullied, and the school wouldn’t do anything.

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