Would you hire this man?

The first thing I would ask is what is his qualifications. Westwall? Not so much.

I'd have stopped my review of his resume right about here ;)

Aide to Devin Nunes​

He was an aide to Devin Nunes who chaired the House Intelligence Committee.[3][6] during which Patel played a prominent role in promoting the Republicans discreditation in the investigations into Donald Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 election, in particular connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.[6][4] He was the primary author of the Nunes memo which alleged that the FBI was biased against Trump.[6][5]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kash_Patel#cite_note-14 The New York Times reported that the memo was widely dismissed as "biased" containing "cherry-picked facts" though "it galvanized President Trump’s allies and made Mr. Patel a hero among them".[13]
Because you are projecting.....from your very first post. And it was SO obvious. :heehee:

You are the masters of projection Whatever a prog accuses you of, they are actually doing.

Everything you claimed Trump was doing turned out to be all you clowns were the actual culprits.
I should have put this in Badlands instead of US Mafia - But the latter kind of cracked. me up because the dude looks like he's about apply a set of concrete shoes to send someone to swim with the fishes. :lol:

Sorry I attributed you as being a Trump diehard although I don't seem to recall much criticism from you with regards to Captain Chaos.

What I don't think you understand is that I very much like a lot of moderate conservatives. I could have seen myself voting for Kasich or Bullock (and many others) over Biden - who I thought was too old. Didn't vote for Hillary either although I did for Bubba twice.

This may surprise you first vote not long out of high school was for Reagan in 1980.
I voted Carter in 1980. I didn't like Trump stirring up crap all the time. I agreed with many of his policies, I believe giving tax cuts was a stupid idea that hurt America.
And here you are doing it again. Projecting onto others. :heehee:

And YOU bringing up the fat former guy.............who's got TDS now? :heehee:

Bringing him up is called evidence of YOUR projection..

You aren't very smart,, are you.
I voted Carter in 1980. I didn't like Trump stirring up crap all the time. I agreed with many of his policies, I believe giving tax cuts was a stupid idea that hurt America.

Yeah at that time we needed tax credits (over 80% of which went to trust fund babies, billionaires and corporations) like we needed a freaking hole in the head. It was a shameful 2 trillion dollar display in Republican stupidity.
I'd probably hire the person pictured in the OP over the OP himself.

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