will FREE Georgians remove Putin's 🇷🇺 🐷 proxies FROM the POWER ?

In small Georgia (about 3 million people) there are about 35 thousand registered non-governmental organizations that employ young people who have no other sources of income, and if the funding of these organizations stops, they will be unemployed. So, when they are given a command from the outside, they start to pretend “legal activity”.
You thought they were fighting for freedom, but they are just making money.
Yes. What is even more important, after observing the Ukrainian example, the Georgian government and the sober part of society doesn't ask - "Should we allow NATO defend us? " (The answer is clear - "Definitely no"). Now they ask "What should be done to do not allow NATO defend us? ", and one of the answers is "To control NGO's "
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia

The Glowbullies' getting Ewe Cronyans slaughtered haven't attained their goals, so they're doubling down by sacrificing Jaw-jinns.
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You're-a-Peeins Live on an Incontinent Continent

The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia

The Glowbullies' getting Ewe Cronyans slaughtered haven't attained their goals, so they're doubling down by sacrificing Jaw-jinns.

Keep it up
your winning!!
The problem is, that's not enough to have balls to f#ck someone. You also need a dick, i.e. actual military capabilities. In this case it should be:
1) capability to survive an all-out nuclear war against Russia;
2) capability to win the all-out nuclear war with the acceptable ("twenty million top") losses;
3) capability to prevail in the post-WWIII world's order.

And now we are not ready.
What does this have to do with Russia?!
The foreign agent law also works on Russian agents, hello, you corrupt idiots!
Why are Georgians protesting against the law on foreign agents? In essence, it is a copy of the American law of 1938, adjusted for modern conditions. It is designed to protect the state from foreign influence.
Don't Georgians want to live like in the USA - independent and democratic?
The Georgian parliament has advanced a “foreign influence” bill that requires media and civil society groups to register as “foreign agents” if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from overseas. This is similar to what YouTube does to propaganda channels funded by foreign governments such as Ukraine and Russia. Georgians should be informed about who's behind NGOs and independent media outlets. For example, Visegrád 24 is a Polish fake news outlet, which claimed that protesters were chanting “Glory to Ukraine!"

Thousands have been taking to the streets of Tbilisi since Monday to show their opposition to the draft law with riot police chasing demonstrators through the labyrinth of narrow streets near parliament, beating them and making arrests.

Kobakhidze, known for anti-Western rhetoric while insisting that he is committed to Georgia’s European aspirations, said the law would boost the financial transparency of NGOs funded by Western institutions.

Those protesters are either ignorant about that law or they think it's a good idea for foreign powers to influence their Country, either way they are idiots, by the way the US has had a law like that for years.
Why are Georgians protesting against the law on foreign agents? In essence, it is a copy of the American law of 1938, adjusted for modern conditions. It is designed to protect the state from foreign influence.
Don't Georgians want to live like in the USA - independent and democratic?
The Empire of lies and chaos are using the same Regime change handbook as they have for years, i saw how they worked in the former Yugoslavia, remember that gang of subversives working for the Empire called OTPOR? trained overseas and since turned up in other Countries including Ukraine.
The Empire of lies and chaos are using the same Regime change handbook as they have for years, i saw how they worked in the former Yugoslavia, remember that gang of subversives working for the Empire called OTPOR? trained overseas and since turned up in other Countries including Ukraine.
Imagine if Moscow & Saint Pete🇸🇦🐷🇷🇺 slaves would stand up. But you 🇷🇺 🐷 🇸🇦 are weak, just too weak...

the only solution :

Why are Georgians protesting against the law on foreign agents? In essence, it is a copy of the American law of 1938, adjusted for modern conditions. It is designed to protect the state from foreign influence.
Don't Georgians want to live like in the USA - independent and democratic?
you are a natural 🇸🇦🐷🇷🇺 slave, you´ll never get it. its Like Poland in 1980s


Prime Minister Of Georgia Exposes U.S. Regime Change Attempt.

On April 18 I had mentioned a recent color revolution attempt in Georgia:

U.S./EU Lobby Against Georgian Law That Would Reveal Their Secret Influence

Those organization who currently receive money from the various U.S. or EU government or non-government organizations are of course not amused that they will have to reveal their association with such sources. They want to lobby for foreign positions without being identified as foreign influencers.
They have therefore launched protests against their country's government and parliament which has passed the law in the first reading. Two further readings will be required to finalize the law.
The protesters against the law claim that it is a "Russian law" against "foreign agents".
However neither is the law "Russian style" - it is a copy of FARA - nor does the law include the loaded word "agent". It does not accuse anyone of being such but seeks public transparency over foreign financial influences which would of course also include Russian ones.
Despite violent protests by the usual suspects the relevant bill has passed its second reading in the Georgian parliament. A third and final reading is expected in the mid of May.

The 'NGO' complex of U.S./EU regime change organizations in Georgia is enormous:

Lord Bebo @MyLordBebo - 8:20 UTC · May 3, 2024
🇬🇪 “Georgia has one of the highest amount of NGOs per capita!
  • 20,000 NGOs are active in Georgia!
  • 1 NGO per 148 citizens!
  • 90% get their funding from foreign countries!”
-> He is not pro Russia, he is pro Georgia and the protesters are pro money!
-> BBC interview with Nikoloz Samkharadze, Chair, Foreign Relations Committee, Parliament of Georgia (vid)
The current government of Georgia has a solid majority and obviously knows what is happening in its country.

It has rejected a recent - conditional - invitation to the U.S.:

The Government of Georgia has declined an invitation from the US to discuss strategic partnership and assistance, reports Ekho Kavkazu.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia confirmed receiving the invitation from the Prime Minister. However, before the visit, parliament was supposed to temporarily suspend consideration of the bill On Transparency of Foreign Influence.
Well, the parliament did not do so.

Now witness this very public slap-in-the face which Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze is handing out to Derek H. Chollet, the Counselor of the U.S. State Department:

Cont. reading: Prime Minister Of Georgia Exposes U.S. Regime Change Attempt

Problem with Countries like Georgia same with Ukraine they gave free reign for far too long to these subversive groups from other Countries, in Ukraine Yanukovych allowed terrorists like Nuland and insane McCain to fly in and out of Kiev like they owned the place, they should have been held at the airport and put on the next flight back to Washington, if they had been maybe there wouldn't be a war now in Ukraine.
Police beat up protesters!
Where in Georgia or France?
What's the difference?
If it's in Georgia, it's bad, people should never be beaten, and if it's in France, it's great, these scum are to blame!
Problem with Countries like Georgia same with Ukraine they gave free reign for far too long to these subversive groups from other Countries, in Ukraine Yanukovych allowed terrorists like Nuland and insane McCain to fly in and out of Kiev like they owned the place, they should have been held at the airport and put on the next flight back to Washington, if they had been maybe there wouldn't be a war now in Ukraine.

Police beat up protesters!
Where in Georgia or France?
What's the difference?
If it's in Georgia, it's bad, people should never be beaten, and if it's in France, it's great, these scum are to blame!

🇷🇺 🐷🐔 🇸🇦 YOU LOST AGAIN👍

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