Wikileaks: Investment in Egypt


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The Jan. 12, 2010 cable

"Turkish investments in Egypt growing fast (...) bilateral trade continues to grow at a rapid pace.”
“[According to estimates,] 40,000 Egyptians are employed in Turkish-owned factories around Cairo and Alexandria,”
US cable evaluates Turkish investments in Egypt - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

A leading figure from the Muslim Brotherhood decided to move to Turkey and stay in Turkey until the demonstrations in Egypt are over.
Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Brotherhood leader in Turkey: Israel deals will be reviewed
Brotherhood leader in Turkey said, deals would surely be reviewed in the new period.
World Bulletin / Diplomacy / Brotherhood leader in Turkey: Israel deals will be reviewed

According to research by Dore Gold at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, three members of the Muslim Brotherhood — two of whom serve in the Egyptian Parliament — were on the Turkish-sponsored ship that was attacked by Israeli forces on its way to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip in May.
“There is a great deal of ideological compatibility between the A.K.P. and the Muslim Brotherhood,” said Mr. Gold, a former top adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, referring to Mr. Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party. “This is something to watch carefully.”
Perhaps, but in the end that could be a plus rather than a minus.

Just like George Friedman from Stratfor predicted:
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Nominal GDP from the IMF

George Friedmann on Egypt and Turkey:

Like Turkey, Egypt is caught between secularism and Islam, and that tension could continue paralyzing it.
However, as Turkey rises, Ankara will need a large source of cheap labor and markets for exports.
The result will be a “coattails” effect for Egypt.
With this synergetic fortification we expect not only an end to Egyptian quiescence, but increased friction between Egypt and all other regional players.
Free Article for Non-Members | STRATFOR
Turkish foreign policy under the AKP has come to articulate a vision for improving relations with all its neighbors, particularly by privileging its former Ottoman space in the Middle East, such as Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria where agreements are being negotiated for a free-trade zone and an eventual Middle Eastern Union. The growing economic and political engagement of Turkey with the Middle East has already lead to a significant realignment in the region.

Turkey offers the prospect of realigning the region by countering revisionist and securitizing trends rampant in the Middle East geopolitically while serving as an economic engine to propel the region. | Return of the Turks as Middle East kingmaker

The study is from Tesev and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung of Germany. 2011.pdf

The TESEV report on the perception of Turkey in the Middle East is based on interviews with 2,267 people in seven Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Saudi Arabia) and Iran. The interviewers asked about Turkey’s role in the Middle East, Turkey’s EU membership, Turkey as a model for other countries and perceptions of other countries, including the US, China and Israel.

Several results stand out. First of all, 75 percent view Turkey favorably. The questions covered a number of areas, such as Turkish diplomacy in the region, the economy, tourism and democracy. Turkey is seen as playing a very positive role through its mediation efforts in the region. From the Palestinian issue to the Iranian nuclear program, many consider Turkey to be a problem-solving actor. What is even more interesting is that 78 percent believe that Turkey should play a bigger role in the region.
Not many people realize that Turkey ($800 billion) is the largest economy in the Muslim world ahead of Indonesia ($700 billion), Saudi Arabia ($450 billion) and Iran ($350 billion).
In the Arab Middle East, Saudi Arabia is still seen as the biggest economic power. But now this is changing, too. As Turkish companies and products become more visible and established in the Arab market, Turkey will soon be seen as the real economic giant in the region.

Is Turkey a model for the Arab world?
High-circulating German Press is also going into the study:
Islam in Ägypten und der Türkei - Schielen auf das türkische Modell - Politik -


Squinting on Turkey
Google Übersetzer

On Feb. 8, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar, said in Istanbul that he was taking refuge in Turkey, where he will remain until the demonstrations to remove Mubarak from power succeed. Mr. Abdel Ghaffar then praised Turkey, referring to the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP’s, political role, and said that his movement considers the AKP to be a model for Egypt after Mubarak.
These developments and the AKP’s recent comments against Mubarak make Ankara a de facto protector of the Muslim Brotherhood, a potential powerbroker in post-Mubarak Cairo. More importantly, it provides Turkey with access to hitherto unimaginable power in the Egyptian capital.
Arab revolt makes Turkey a regional power - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
Google Übersetzer

Pious and Free
Turkey becomes the model for the Arab world.

According to a survey about two thirds of people in Arab countries, see Turkey as a model for their country and want greater Turkish influence in the region.

With a circulation of 488,036 and an estimated readership of slightly above 2 million, it is the most widely read German weekly newspaper.
The paper is considered to be highbrow.
Die Zeit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a discussion board, not a spam board ekrem.
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President Gul will begin his Egypt visit tomorrow.
Turkish president to make critical visit to Egypt - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
Gül’s visit aims at demonstrating solidarity with the Egyptian state and people;
the president is also expected to share views about the transition period with Egyptian officials

Prime Minister Erdogan cancelled his scheduled Egypt visit (8th-9th February) not to support Mubarak.
It is expected, that Prime MInister Erdogan will visit Egypt shortly after President Gul.

Meanwhile the Tunisian Muslim leader, Mr Gannouchi was in Turkey.
State Television interviewing him:
His press conference took place at the Istanbul headquarters of the Humanitarian Relief Foundation, or İHH, a Turkish Islamic charity that led the Gaza-bound aid flotilla raided by Israeli commandos in May, an operation that resulted in the deaths of nine activists.
“We are learning from the experience of Turkey, especially the peace that has been reached in the country between Islam and modernity; it is a true example [to the Arab world],” Ghannouchi said.


Tunisian Islamist leader embraces Turkey, praises Erbakan - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Tunisian Islamist leader embraces Turkey, praises Erbakan - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review
Amr Mousa



Tantawi (current de-facto ruler until the elections)
Turkey Attempts Genocide of Karabakh Armenians


At least, on three occasions in history, Turkey has attempted genocidal acts, in its effort to implement a policy of total extermination and deportation of the Armenian population from Karabakh. From a historical perspective, Turkey’s current position and attempts to force preconditions on Armenia, as well as its continued pressure on Armenia to make concessions in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process, are very real. Referencing historical records are important in shedding light on the origins of the “Turkish Strategy” vis-à-vis the Karabakh issue.

Turkey Attempts Genocide of Karabakh Armenians | Asbarez Armenian News

I am glad that our people in Armenia are waking up to be well aware of our history and what transpired in the Caucasus and in Western Armenia to know the enemy, the mongolian/seljuk turks’ mentalities and the azeris as of late. Good job Mr. Demoyan, by knowing well your enemy, you will better brace yourself and know how to outwin them. Turkey will do everything in her power to win over both Armenia and Artsakh as they do not wish to see either one of our lands on the map; they still have this sick mentality to expand the ottoman empire through the east of the Caspian Sea to where their herdsmen nation first stepped in to the Caucausus and Western Armenia from the middle of Mongolia a thousand years ago. Armenia must become stronger with the help of her Diaspora and be united with Artsakh. That would be a good start. Armenia must support Diaspora to stand up against nations by sending a strong message to the world that they will not tolerate a denialist turkey and their antiques and games. This has to come from the Armenian government.

The three attempts at genocide against Karabakh Armenians and the defeats it received at the hands of the local Karabakh Armenians must send a clear message to Ankara that it has to recognize the Genocide committed against Armenians and many other nations during the “Pax Ottomanica” era. The imperative to reevaluate history can usher in a “zero problem” with its own history and memory, since Realpolitik cannot be applied to the country’s current national identity crisis.

For Turkey there is not other alternative.
Azerbaijan threatens to down planes and murder civilians:

Azeris Threaten to Shoot Aircraft

18 March 2011

Azerbaijan may shoot down aircraft that try to fly to the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region when its only civilian airport reopens in May, said Arif Mammadov, head of the Azeri civil aviation agency.
"The airspace over Nagorno-Karabakh is closed," Mammadov said in the capital, Baku, on Thursday in comments reported by APA news service. "Azerbaijan's aviation law allows us to destroy aircraft that fly there."
The government has alerted the International Civil Aviation Organization about the issue, he said. His comments were confirmed by the agency's press service.
Azeris Threaten to Shoot Aircraft | Business | The Moscow Times

Opposition seeks to carry out bloodless revolution in Armenia

March 17, 2011 - 20:44 AMT
16:44 GMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - The oppositional Armenian National Congress (ANC) chose a method of a bloodless revolution, according to ANC coordinator.
As Levon Zurabyan stated at re-launched opposition rally at the Liberty Square, the opposition seeks to carry out a velvet revolution similar to those in Eastern Europe and Armenia of the 1980s.
“The bloodless revolution will allow us to do without violence. We don’t want to build a rule on the ruins,” he said. At the same time, he stressed that ANC will pressure the country’s authorities until it reaches final success.

Murders in Baku and Sumgait were committed under same motto

January 13, 2011
PanARMENIAN.Net - 2011 marks the 21st anniversary of the Armenian massacre in Baku. Colonel Valery Kiporenko had served on the USSR Security for State Committee (KGB) investigating group in Sumgait and Baku for seven months. 21 years later, he recollects those events in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net and

[...]Were there any victims among Azeris?

No. Armenians didn’t kill any Azeri. They were not ready to resist. I recollect what happened with Hovhannesyan brothers, who stood the siege for two hours. Their parents escaped to Belarusian neighbors who lived a floor above. The brothers had a gun belonging to their relatives and were trying to shoot back. But, in the end, the apartment was set on fire and the brothers were murdered in the yard. I was in the mortuary during the autopsy. They were beaten so severely that the flash was falling off the bones. The most terrible episode for me was the rape of a 16-year Armenian schoolgirl. She was raped in the presence of hundreds of people, then tortured and burnt. The crowd did nothing to help her.

Were these spontaneous or plotted disorders?

This was a well-organized action. Criminals were robbing, killing and raping. There were so called “refugees” from Armenia, who were telling about “horrors” taking place in Armenia but they were lying.
How can you describe the massacre of Armenian population in Azerbaijan? Can this be called a genocide?

Yes, what happened in Sumgait was genocide. Azerbaijanis were shouting that Armenians seized the best apartments and they are a minor nation, which must be exterminated.
Please, tell what happened in other cities…

At that time I was engaged in investigation in Sumgait and I do not know what was happening in other cities. The disorders in Baku burst out under the same motto: to annihilate Armenians. All non-Azerbaijanis were ill treated. I remember how a shop assistant refused to sell me some bread because “we support Armenians.” I heard that Armenians were taken into the sea on ferries under the pretext of evacuation and we never knew what happened to them.
After what had happened, do you think that the people of Nagorno Karabakh could do anything but fight to defend themselves?

The people of Karabakh had to defend themselves, otherwise the story of Sumgait and Baku would be repeated there. Each nation has the right to self-determination, including the people of Karabakh. Maybe it would be more correct to annex Karabakh to Armenia during the soviet era…
What would you wish our readers?

I wish no one witnessed the crimes committed through national hatred. Nationalism is a horrible phenomenon. I am convinced that there aren’t bad nations, there are bad individuals.
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