Wikileakes: Julian Assange could not leake info in a Communist totalitarian regime


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I must bring it to everyones attention that Julian Assange could not have leaked all this sensitive information in a Communist country. He would have been immediately arrested
or executed.

It is only western capitalist democracies that this man has targeted.Countries that have freedom of the press that this man has chosen to destroy, and embarrass.

The United States must vigorously prosecute,and file for his immediate extradition and prosecution for crimes against the United States.
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Huh? So you disagree with freedom of speech? He could have released this information in any nation and the consequences would have been the same: demonization. Same happened here with the Pentagon Papers. Power does not like transparency, see only: No personal privacy FOIA break for firms -

'8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media'

"Shredding the corporate media's malicious attacks on WikiLeaks."

"The corporate media's tendency to blare misinformation and outright fabrications has been particularly egregious in coverage of WikiLeaks. As Glenn Greenwald has argued, mainstream news outlets are parroting smears and falsehoods about the whistleblower site and its founder Julian Assange, helping to perpetuate a number of "zombie lies" -- misconceptions that refuse to die no matter how much they conflict with known reality, basic logic and well-publicized information."

1. Fearmongering that WikiLeaks revelations will result in deaths.
2. Spreading the lie that WikiLeaks posted all the cables.

8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media | | AlterNet

"One cable by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in December 2009 notes that “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” Despite this, “Riyadh has taken only limited action to disrupt fundraising for the UN 1267-listed Taliban and LeT [Lashkar e-Tayyiba] groups that are also aligned with al-Qaeda." Wikileaks' Cables Suggests that Oil Motivates U.S. Policy More than Fighting Terrorists | World | AlterNet

"My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act -- Here's Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange
The Espionage Act is a huge danger to our open society; it's been used to send hundreds of dissenters to jail just for voicing their opinions, transforming dissent into treason." My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act -- Here's Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

"The list by the men and women who actually edit our news continued: (3) midterm elections; (4) U.S. economy; (5) Haiti earthquake; (6) tea party movement; (7) Chile mine rescue; (8) Iraq; (9) WikiLeaks; (10) Afghanistan.

All of those were obviously big stories. But hold the presses! It is not a list I would vote for. This year was a game-changer, and what we need is a game-changer list. On that kind of list, I would drop one-off sensations, beginning with the oil spill, the Haitian earthquake and the mine rescue. There will always be stories like those, and they are always illuminating of something, particularly the courage and stupidity of people in positions high and low. The world will continue to mine and drill for the resources that make life more secure and comfortable, even if the jobs that make that possible are tragedies waiting to happen. And Haiti? More proof that the rich honor the poor and endangered only until the next disaster makes headlines.

No. 1 on the game-changer list would be WikiLeaks." Richard Reeves: The Game-Changer List - Truthdig

Blogging WikiLeaks News & Views For Monday, Day 30 | The Nation

Why Wikileaks Will Kill Big Business And Big Government | The New Republic

WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange: 'Terrorist' or journalist? -
"If the people who work in the mainstream media were doing their job, though, they would be using this time to go through all of those documents released through WikiLeaks, Assange's website. They would be airing and printing the material that is now available to them, material they should have been striving to uncover on their own. The documents are where the real stories lie, not the court case that will decide one man's fate."

"Those documents reveal that much more goes on behind the scenes in diplomatic circles than name-calling and back-biting. Apparently, governments make it common practice to deceive those they govern. They conspire with one another to deceive entire populations as to who is responsible for military attacks, to disguise power plays at the leadership level and to arrange and conceal exchanges of both goods and live fire. People who, when it suits their political motives loudly proclaim that sunlight is the best cleanser, suddenly demand that the shades be pulled tightly closed, lest national security be undone by the revelation of their actions."
Dylan Brody: Julian Assange is a Sideshow; the Documents Should Take Center Stage

Michael Moore: Another WikiLeaks Cable From the Bush Administration About My Movies

"Still, I for one am in favor of giving Assange the Médaille militaire, the Noble Prize, 15 virgins in paradise and a billion in cash as a reward for his courage in doing damned well the only significant thing that can be done at this time -- momentarily fucking up government control of information. But "potentially stimulating a new age of U.S. government transparency," (BBC) it ain't."

Take the world recent shaking WikiLeak's "revelations" of Washington's petty misery and drivel, which are scarcely revelations, just more extensive details about what we all already knew. Come on now, is it a revelation that Karzai and his entire government is a nest of fraudulent double-crossing thieves? Or that the US is duplicitous? Or that Angela Merkel is dull? The main revelation in the WikiLeaks affair was the U.S. government's response -- which was to bring US freedom of speech policy firmly in line with China's. Millions of us in cyber ghettoes saw it coming, but our alarm warnings were shouted inside a cyberspace vacuum bell jar."


US air force blocks staff from websites carrying WikiLeaks cables | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks embassy cables: the key points at a glance | World news |
Huh? So you disagree with freedom of speech? He could have released this information in any nation and the consequences would have been the same: demonization. Same happened here with the Pentagon Papers. Power does not like transparency, see only: No personal privacy FOIA break for firms -

'8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media'

"Shredding the corporate media's malicious attacks on WikiLeaks."

"The corporate media's tendency to blare misinformation and outright fabrications has been particularly egregious in coverage of WikiLeaks. As Glenn Greenwald has argued, mainstream news outlets are parroting smears and falsehoods about the whistleblower site and its founder Julian Assange, helping to perpetuate a number of "zombie lies" -- misconceptions that refuse to die no matter how much they conflict with known reality, basic logic and well-publicized information."

1. Fearmongering that WikiLeaks revelations will result in deaths.
2. Spreading the lie that WikiLeaks posted all the cables.

8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media | | AlterNet

"One cable by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in December 2009 notes that “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” Despite this, “Riyadh has taken only limited action to disrupt fundraising for the UN 1267-listed Taliban and LeT [Lashkar e-Tayyiba] groups that are also aligned with al-Qaeda." Wikileaks' Cables Suggests that Oil Motivates U.S. Policy More than Fighting Terrorists | World | AlterNet

"My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act -- Here's Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange
The Espionage Act is a huge danger to our open society; it's been used to send hundreds of dissenters to jail just for voicing their opinions, transforming dissent into treason." My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act -- Here's Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

"The list by the men and women who actually edit our news continued: (3) midterm elections; (4) U.S. economy; (5) Haiti earthquake; (6) tea party movement; (7) Chile mine rescue; (8) Iraq; (9) WikiLeaks; (10) Afghanistan.

All of those were obviously big stories. But hold the presses! It is not a list I would vote for. This year was a game-changer, and what we need is a game-changer list. On that kind of list, I would drop one-off sensations, beginning with the oil spill, the Haitian earthquake and the mine rescue. There will always be stories like those, and they are always illuminating of something, particularly the courage and stupidity of people in positions high and low. The world will continue to mine and drill for the resources that make life more secure and comfortable, even if the jobs that make that possible are tragedies waiting to happen. And Haiti? More proof that the rich honor the poor and endangered only until the next disaster makes headlines.

No. 1 on the game-changer list would be WikiLeaks." Richard Reeves: The Game-Changer List - Truthdig

Blogging WikiLeaks News & Views For Monday, Day 30 | The Nation

Why Wikileaks Will Kill Big Business And Big Government | The New Republic

WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange: 'Terrorist' or journalist? -
"If the people who work in the mainstream media were doing their job, though, they would be using this time to go through all of those documents released through WikiLeaks, Assange's website. They would be airing and printing the material that is now available to them, material they should have been striving to uncover on their own. The documents are where the real stories lie, not the court case that will decide one man's fate."

"Those documents reveal that much more goes on behind the scenes in diplomatic circles than name-calling and back-biting. Apparently, governments make it common practice to deceive those they govern. They conspire with one another to deceive entire populations as to who is responsible for military attacks, to disguise power plays at the leadership level and to arrange and conceal exchanges of both goods and live fire. People who, when it suits their political motives loudly proclaim that sunlight is the best cleanser, suddenly demand that the shades be pulled tightly closed, lest national security be undone by the revelation of their actions."
Dylan Brody: Julian Assange is a Sideshow; the Documents Should Take Center Stage

Michael Moore: Another WikiLeaks Cable From the Bush Administration About My Movies

"Still, I for one am in favor of giving Assange the Médaille militaire, the Noble Prize, 15 virgins in paradise and a billion in cash as a reward for his courage in doing damned well the only significant thing that can be done at this time -- momentarily fucking up government control of information. But "potentially stimulating a new age of U.S. government transparency," (BBC) it ain't."

Take the world recent shaking WikiLeak's "revelations" of Washington's petty misery and drivel, which are scarcely revelations, just more extensive details about what we all already knew. Come on now, is it a revelation that Karzai and his entire government is a nest of fraudulent double-crossing thieves? Or that the US is duplicitous? Or that Angela Merkel is dull? The main revelation in the WikiLeaks affair was the U.S. government's response -- which was to bring US freedom of speech policy firmly in line with China's. Millions of us in cyber ghettoes saw it coming, but our alarm warnings were shouted inside a cyberspace vacuum bell jar."


US air force blocks staff from websites carrying WikiLeaks cables | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks embassy cables: the key points at a glance | World news |

If he leaked info in Communist Red China, he would have been executed months ago.
If he leaked info in Communist Red China, he would have been executed months ago.

You are still missing the point, he could have leaked any amount of stuff in China so long as it fit into the propaganda machine. The Bush Administration leaked the name of a CIA agent, but when you hold the reigns of power, you make the law.

Legal As She Is Spoke » Blog Archive » Wikileaks Has Committed No Crime

"But in the United States, generally publishing classified information is not a crime. The sort of information that a news organization can be prosecuted for publishing is limited to: nuclear secrets (Atomic Energy Act), the identities of covert agents (Intelligence Identities Protection Act), and certain forms of communications intelligence (Section 798 of the Espionage Act)."
Did Interpol ever take Julian Assange off their International arrest warrant's Red Alert list, or has he been apprehended?
I must bring it to everyones attention that Julian Assange could not have leaked all this sensitive information in a Communist country. He would have been immediately arrested
or executed.

It is only western capitalist democracies that this man has targeted.Countries that have freedom of the press that this man has chosen to destroy, and embarrass.

The United States must vigorously prosecute,and file for his immediate extradition and prosecution for crimes against the United States.
The major news outlets are owned by a few corporations. Riight. "Free" indeed. We must close our ears and eyes to the treachery afoot in the United States of America and prosecute a man who exposes the lies of the military and government. How treasonous of him. :doubt:
I must bring it to everyones attention that Julian Assange could not have leaked all this sensitive information in a Communist country. He would have been immediately arrested
or executed.

It is only western capitalist democracies that this man has targeted.Countries that have freedom of the press that this man has chosen to destroy, and embarrass.

The United States must vigorously prosecute,and file for his immediate extradition and prosecution for crimes against the United States.
The major news outlets are owned by a few corporations. Riight. "Free" indeed. We must close our ears and eyes to the treachery afoot in the United States of America and prosecute a man who exposes the lies of the military and government. How treasonous of him. :doubt:

Assange is not a United States citizen and has therefore not committed treason to the best of my knowledge. The Pentagon claims he has endangered the lives of a number of Afghan citizens who collaborated with the US, and they have placed as many of them in protective custody as they could find. For this, Assange is in trouble.

Bradley Manning, however, is accused on 22 counts of treasonous acts and could face the death penalty if he is convicted. Manning faces new charges, possible death penalty - US news - Security -
if you leaked any information that threatened the capitalist establishment, you;d be dead, not managing a website, or doing tv shows. even if u didnt pose a threat to the capitalist agenda, youd be dead. just ask anwar alawlaki, and his 15yr old son. let me remind you that at the end of the day, the u.s regime controls the internet. any website they dont like, gets shut down. no questions asked.
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If he leaked info in Communist Red China, he would have been executed months ago.
That still doesn't justify what is being done to him now.

Based on all I've heard about this case none of the leaked information represents the slightest threat to national security. While most of it is basically inconsequential some of it is embarrassing to certain officials because it reveals misfeasance and, in some cases, probable malfeasance.

I believe government officials should not be permitted to protect themselves against public scrutiny by exercising essential security regulations. These people are our employees and we have a right to know what they are doing.
If he leaked info in Communist Red China, he would have been executed months ago.
That still doesn't justify what is being done to him now.

Based on all I've heard about this case none of the leaked information represents the slightest threat to national security. While most of it is basically inconsequential some of it is embarrassing to certain officials because it reveals misfeasance and, in some cases, probable malfeasance.

I believe government officials should not be permitted to protect themselves against public scrutiny by exercising essential security regulations. These people are our employees and we have a right to know what they are doing.
I am apathetic, if I was a judge and this was a perfect world I would stop the charges and set him free. But I am not the judge and this isn't a perfect world. If you want a comparison think McCarthyism and the era of Anti-Communism; this is now the era of 'terrorism'. We are allowed to question and talk about it a little, but upset the wrong people and reveal the 'wrong' information and you are doomed. Now that we are in a perpetual state of war, it is pretty easy to hear the beats of the drum.
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If he leaked info in Communist Red China, he would have been executed months ago.
Which is to say -- what?

The U.S.A. is not "communist Red China." Aren't you glad of that? One very important reason why the U.S.A. is different from totalitarian regimes is the relative freedom of its citizens. In this specific issue we are concerned with freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, and freedom of information.

We have a situation in which certain items of information have been revealed ("leaked"), items which certain individuals in government believe to be subject to restricted classification but thus far have not offered specific reasons as to the way in which any of those items have been harmful to national security or national interests, or who classified them -- and why. So far all I've heard is government is pissed off because certain information and communications dealing with government matters has been revealed to the American People -- who happen to own this goddam government! So unless there is a substantial need to keep this information secret what exactly is the justification for prosecuting Assange and Manning?

Exactly who and what have Assange and Manning harmed -- and how? This whole matter smacks of the same kind of authoritarian persecution common to medieval witch hunts.
If he leaked info in Communist Red China, he would have been executed months ago.

You are still missing the point, he could have leaked any amount of stuff in China so long as it fit into the propaganda machine. The Bush Administration leaked the name of a CIA agent, but when you hold the reigns of power, you make the law.

Legal As She Is Spoke » Blog Archive » Wikileaks Has Committed No Crime

"But in the United States, generally publishing classified information is not a crime. The sort of information that a news organization can be prosecuted for publishing is limited to: nuclear secrets (Atomic Energy Act), the identities of covert agents (Intelligence Identities Protection Act), and certain forms of communications intelligence (Section 798 of the Espionage Act)."
Obama leaked information about the Seals to the open airwaves and we lost Seals in short order in direct retaliation by terrorists against the US. Now, Obama administration attorneys are hot to go after one seal who complained to the press about Obama's bragging and the cost it was to the Seal team to lose that many men.

Doesn't he ever think about any but ways to use people to get him re-elected?

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