Why vote for Biden again?

Victimized white fuckups spewing cult nonsense.
Like who? What media? Give me examples. Otherwise you're just gaslighting Americans like a typical WEF/Democrat shill.

Who do you blame for Bribins low poll numbers, especially on the economy.
Thing will only get worse after the election if democrats win. 10+ gas prices and boat loads of cash of proxy wars.

Democrats goal is 1 billion migrants by 2030, by land air and sea. If democrats win, the flood gates will open and America will be lost.
America is already lost. It's just that most people haven't figured it out yet. They think the mess can be fixed if they just vote harder. The best reason to vote for Pedo Joe is that he'll make things worse faster than Trump, which will wake up more people to what's going on. Republicans exist to slow the decline so that people become acclimated to it. Then we get another round or two of Democrat acceleration.
So, why would any Democrat vote for a Democrat, especially for Biden or Congress? I know many Democrats are much richer than Republicans now and can afford these price increases. Gasoline also doubling too! Then, there are the Democrats who vote for Democrat liberals for their legislators and governor who just gave fast food companies a reason to lay off thousands of people even maybe shutdown their stores too.

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Reagan was reelected with high interest, high unemployment and high prices.
America is already lost. It's just that most people haven't figured it out yet. They think the mess can be fixed if they just vote harder. The best reason to vote for Pedo Joe is that he'll make things worse faster than Trump, which will wake up more people to what's going on. Republicans exist to slow the decline so that people become acclimated to it. Then we get another round or two of Democrat acceleration.
Same shit the said forty fifty years ago, yet here we is.
Reagan was reelected with high interest, high unemployment and high prices.
Before Reagan democrats brought Americans gas lines and rationing.

If democrats win 2024 there will be gasoline and rationing, all done to Americans intentionally.
Republicans biggest complaint about Biden after almost 4 years: My milk is too expensive!!! I'm paying a $1.25 more for gas!!!!
America is already lost. It's just that most people haven't figured it out yet. They think the mess can be fixed if they just vote harder. The best reason to vote for Pedo Joe is that he'll make things worse faster than Trump, which will wake up more people to what's going on. Republicans exist to slow the decline so that people become acclimated to it. Then we get another round or two of Democrat acceleration.

Republicans exist to obstruct any progress and movement in government. The border bill and the Ukraine aid is a great example of what republicans do best. They're not here to slow the decline, they are the reason for it. You've been duped like every other right wing rube who worships their party.
Republicans exist to obstruct any progress and movement in government.

When you Leftists say progress you mean communism.
The border bill and the Ukraine aid is a great example of what republicans do best.

I've yet to see any evidence that the border bill would have done anything to reduce illegal aliens coming into the country. Funding Ukraine is simply prolonging a war that kills White people and serves to advance the Great Reset.

They're not here to slow the decline, they are the reason for it. You've been duped like every other right wing rube who worships their party.
I don't have a party. Republicans are controlled opposition to Democrats. Apparently you didn't understand my post if you think I worship the GOP for aiding in the destruction of the US.

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