Why Joe Biden's Economy is Better than Donald Trump's

The facts and numbers prove Biden's economy is better.
Trump blew up the deficit, had weak low GDP growth, and Trump's economy crashed in 2018 when they tried to raise rates and Trump needed QE.

Biden inherited the $3T/yr Trump deficit and has lowered.
Biden has record low unemployment, better than Trump. deal with it
Biden has better GDP growth than Trump, accept it.
Bullshit!! Stuff your 'facts and numbers' everyone is suffering under Biden economically and NOW we have 2, going on 3, wars!!! The only good advice Obama gave: "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
Trump's "economy" was supported by TRILLIONS in help from the Fed and BIG government spending. And it was at ONLY 2.3% when the virus hit. Calling it a great economy is some weird, fucked up combination of abject ignorance, blind partisanship and intellectual dishonesty.

Biden's "economy" is the continuing effect of this insane tidal wave of cash that has been pumped into the system between 2009 and 2021. Only now, countries like Japan and China have stopped supporting us by buying our treasuries, partly because we're no longer economically trustworthy, and as a result, interest rates are spinning out of control.

Personally, I'd pinpoint Clinton's signing of the repeal of Glass-Steagall that set this whole fucking thing in motion. He let schmucks like Rubin and Summers and Greenspan convince him that banks didn't need to be regulated, and the fucking financial Wild West was born, resulting in the 2008 Meltdown and all the shit that has happened since.

We're now right at the doorstep of going the way of Japan and becoming economically stagnant for decades, and both fucked up parties are to blame. A pox on both houses.
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Bullshit!! Stuff your 'facts and numbers' everyone is suffering under Biden economically and NOW we have 2, going on 3, wars!!! The only good advice Obama gave: "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
oh yea its definitely Biden's fault Trump's best buddy Putin invaded Ukraine
And hamas attacked isreal

You people are desperate and pathetic to do anything to try and discredit Biden because he economy is so much better than Trump's, with record low unemployment, much better GDP growth and lower deficits than what he inherited from Trump
oh yea its definitely Biden's fault Trump's best buddy Putin invaded Ukraine
And hamas attacked isreal

You people are desperate and pathetic to do anything to try and discredit Biden because he economy is so much better than Trump's, with record low unemployment, much better GDP growth and lower deficits than what he inherited from Trump
Promises were made. The Prog induced COVID crisis of course was the cause of any negativity. Progs put party in front of country.
Promises were made. The Prog induced COVID crisis of course was the cause of any negativity. Progs put party in front of country.

What this poster says is 100% true. How many remember all the dem states staying locked down so as the economy would reflect it by the numbers. They waited until the last moment to unlock, so as those numbers would not be reflected before the election. All this was by BANKER, was a self fulfilling prophecy by the Left, that they perpetrated on the American people to win an election.
The extension of the Obama economy was good, but like everything else "Disastrous Donnie" touches that all went to hell in 2020. Jan 20th 2021 however is the date the Neo-GOP wants everyone to believe is when it all went to hell. They've proclaimed this, as predicted, since Jan 21st 2021!
What this poster says is 100% true. How many remember all the dem states staying locked down so as the economy would reflect it by the numbers. They waited until the last moment to unlock, so as those numbers would not be reflected before the election. All this was by BANKER, was a self fulfilling prophecy by the Left, that they perpetrated on the American people to win an election.
I made a meme about it in 2020, I saw it coming.

1) Joe Biden has much much better GDP growth than Trump and has put up big GDP numbers, lets not forget 2021 was a big year. GDP is considered the most important measure for judging an economy.
2) Joe Biden has lower unemployment than Trump and has a much stronger job market with rising wages.
3) Joe Biden has lowered the deficit compared to the massive number Trump left Biden with. Biden had to deal with the massive Trump deficit, a $3T/yr mega deficit
4) Joe Biden has America pumping more oil and nat gas than under Trump
5) Joe Biden inherited a country in riot and ruin, and a virus killing millions with no plan at all on how to mass distribute a vaccine to hundreds of millions of people, and then Trump's best buddy Putin started a war in Ukraine that caused the price of commodities, wheat, oil, nat gas, etc to surge massively, sabotaging Biden's booming 2021 economy.
6) Joe Biden has normalized the US economy after is was highly disrupted from covid and supply chain problems.
7) Trump's economy crashed in 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2+%, then Trump needed rate cuts and QE in 2019, because his economy was weak.
8) Trump had world record Fed balance sheet expansion and record fake money printing, the FED is cutting the balance sheet under Biden.

Hunter, you can't explain that to the 70% of Americans who believe the country is going in the wrong direction. They don't believe you. They know you love your father and will do anything for him.
1) Joe Biden has much much better GDP growth than Trump and has put up big GDP numbers, lets not forget 2021 was a big year. GDP is considered the most important measure for judging an economy.
2) Joe Biden has lower unemployment than Trump and has a much stronger job market with rising wages.
3) Joe Biden has lowered the deficit compared to the massive number Trump left Biden with. Biden had to deal with the massive Trump deficit, a $3T/yr mega deficit
4) Joe Biden has America pumping more oil and nat gas than under Trump
5) Joe Biden inherited a country in riot and ruin, and a virus killing millions with no plan at all on how to mass distribute a vaccine to hundreds of millions of people, and then Trump's best buddy Putin started a war in Ukraine that caused the price of commodities, wheat, oil, nat gas, etc to surge massively, sabotaging Biden's booming 2021 economy.
6) Joe Biden has normalized the US economy after is was highly disrupted from covid and supply chain problems.
7) Trump's economy crashed in 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2+%, then Trump needed rate cuts and QE in 2019, because his economy was weak.
8) Trump had world record Fed balance sheet expansion and record fake money printing, the FED is cutting the balance sheet under Biden.

Look in the mirror. (Try not to shatter it in the process.) You see that thing below your nose? It's called your mouth. You might want to try talking with that instead of your ass.

I post facts numbers and data, you post memes.

You people are a total joke and none of you can debate me at all on facts and issues.

All you people do is post memes and bullshit like pathetic children

Here's another meme for you then.

I post facts numbers and data, you post memes.

You people are a total joke and none of you can debate me at all on facts and issues.

All you people do is post memes and bullshit like pathetic children
What facts do you have the deficit has been lowered?

Why do your facts ignore items consumers really care about .. like buying a house, filling their vehicle with fuel, buying a used car, getting groceries?

Please .. share those "facts, numbers and data."
1) Joe Biden has much much better GDP growth than Trump and has put up big GDP numbers, lets not forget 2021 was a big year. GDP is considered the most important measure for judging an economy.
2) Joe Biden has lower unemployment than Trump and has a much stronger job market with rising wages.
3) Joe Biden has lowered the deficit compared to the massive number Trump left Biden with. Biden had to deal with the massive Trump deficit, a $3T/yr mega deficit
4) Joe Biden has America pumping more oil and nat gas than under Trump
5) Joe Biden inherited a country in riot and ruin, and a virus killing millions with no plan at all on how to mass distribute a vaccine to hundreds of millions of people, and then Trump's best buddy Putin started a war in Ukraine that caused the price of commodities, wheat, oil, nat gas, etc to surge massively, sabotaging Biden's booming 2021 economy.
6) Joe Biden has normalized the US economy after is was highly disrupted from covid and supply chain problems.
7) Trump's economy crashed in 2018 when they tried to raise rates to a little 2+%, then Trump needed rate cuts and QE in 2019, because his economy was weak.
8) Trump had world record Fed balance sheet expansion and record fake money printing, the FED is cutting the balance sheet under Biden.

This thread is evidence you never stop smoking crack
What have the people been indoctrinated into?
If something goes wrong under socialism, the system is to blame.
If something goes wrong under capitalism, it is the fault of the individual. In particular, if you have problems, it is only your fault: you did not work hard enough, you are lazy, stupid, unambitious.
The extension of the Obama economy was good, but like everything else "Disastrous Donnie" touches that all went to hell in 2020. Jan 20th 2021 however is the date the Neo-GOP wants everyone to believe is when it all went to hell. They've proclaimed this, as predicted, since Jan 21st 2021!
hahaahahaha, you blame Trump for Wuhan. ahhahhaahahahahahahahahaha dishonesty is your middle name.

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