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Why is The Left So Determined to Slaughter Innocent Babies?

Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.

On this planet there are over 8 billion people.

We only have a certain amount of agricultural space. We only have a certain amount of fresh water. We can make more agricultural space with vertical farming, we can make more fresh water with desalinization. The latter costs loads of money. I don't know about vertical farming.

However right now we're a pretty land/fresh water based society and we're struggling.

The US, especially the west, the east of China, and many other places are losing their fresh water, it's going to cause problems. The war in the Ukraine is probably all about gaining control of agricultural land in order to control countries who have bad agricultural land (see oil rich nations like Saudi Arabia). The Arab Spring happened because of a drought in Russia and the Ukraine, dropping exports of essential food to north African and Middle Eastern countries.

At some point we're going to find we have too many people and it's going to turn into a massive war, with mass immigration and all kinds of problems.
Many men are in prison for murdering unborn babies, but not ONE woman is in prison for having a butcher doctor tear apart the body inside her which is NOT "her body."

You celebrate and promote this double standard of injustice. When real mothers hold their baby in their arms for the first time, they create a lifelong bond, of love and responsibility about which you obviously know nothing.

My good friend has a grandson whose mother is an unfit drug addict. They put their infant grandson up for adoption as they are too old to raise the baby. A beautiful and loving couple had to come across the US from Virginia to California to adopt the baby as there are so few available for adoption due to the mass slaughter you find so delightful and defend so maliciously.

My niece cannot conceive and years ago went to Russia twice to adopt children, as there were none in America, thanks to butchers/savages like you.
Holy shit ! What ??!! That sure is a bizarre unhinged boatload oof bovine excrement. What is it that I hate? A clump of unviable cells?. I don’t even hate those of you who think that government should be making medical decision and put women’s lives at risk in the process. I don’t even hate the lawmakers and judges who pass those laws and hand down the rulings, while hypocritically preaching about small less intrusive government . No, I dot hate, but you all sure disgust me

You seem to be operating on the assumption that all or most abortions are performed for convenience with a heartless disregard to what you consider to be a life, while you have little regard for the life and well being of children after they are morn and even less for the women. Many of the laws being passed by the states that ban abortions with only narrow exceptions deprive medical professionals from making a judgment call as to when a woman’s life is at risk. You have blood on your hands!

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