Why do you believe that the rich deserve 90% +


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves? I am serious, why do you believe these people should be able to mistreat their workers, unregulate industiries to mistreat their workers, child labor and to pollute to their hearts intent. Your party is now literally allowing companies to work their workers to death in high heat, decreasing the age bringing back child labor and fighting like hell not to pay the workers right. You seem to enjoy the fact that the ceo makes 1,000 times more then his workers?

Why do you push a form of religion that forces these same little people to live a certain way when they're not breaking their backs for their betters? You must enjoy torturing the hell out of your follow man....Why do you think going back to the 18th century is even a good idea? It isn't but you seem to be utterly stone aged in your mindset.
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves? I am serious, why do you believe these people should be able to mistreat their workers, unregulate industiries to mistreat their workers, child labor and to pollute to their hearts intent. Your party is now literally allowing companies to work their workers to death in high heat, decreasing the age bringing back child labor and fighting like hell not to pay the workers right. You seem to enjoy the fact that the ceo makes 1,000 times more then his workers?

Why do you push a form of religion that forces these same little people to live a certain way when they're not breaking their backs for their betters? You must enjoy torturing the hell out of your follow man....Why do you think going back to the 18th century is even a good idea? It isn't but you seem to be utterly stone aged in your mindset.
because they earned it and didnt molest or groom any children to do it,,

dont you think people deserve what they earned??

why do you push a religion that uses children for adult sexual pleasure or murder children before they even get a fair chance at living a life??
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves? I am serious, why do you believe these people should be able to mistreat their workers, unregulate industiries to mistreat their workers, child labor and to pollute to their hearts intent. Your party is now literally allowing companies to work their workers to death in high heat, decreasing the age bringing back child labor and fighting like hell not to pay the workers right. You seem to enjoy the fact that the ceo makes 1,000 times more then his workers?

Why do you push a form of religion that forces these same little people to live a certain way when they're not breaking their backs for their betters? You must enjoy torturing the hell out of your follow man....Why do you think going back to the 18th century is even a good idea? It isn't but you seem to be utterly stone aged in your mindset.

Shut the fuck up. No one shills for giant corporations more than Dems. The DNC is almost entirely bankrolled by billionaires. Let see you Dems call for Congress critters to be banned from stock trading since they all mysteriously make tens of millions off insider trading.
How is it any of jessicuh’s fuckin’ business?
because she wants to teach children how to have gay sex,,

Stormlover said:
The benefits of teaching our kids to be bisexual. Think about it! Lets say your best friend is a man which is typically true and they typically turn out to be the most reliable people you know and the person you can trust. Why not marry him? Same can be said if you're female, your female bestie. The second benefit of teaching our next generation to be bisexual is the simple fact that a lot of people don't have partners and the cold truth is being bisexual opens the door to a lot less loniness.

The advantages are huge! A relationship shouldn't only be about having kids but stability in your life, trust and companionship. We as a society choose the opposite sex blindly and most of the time this person isn't worth the shit as a friend and person you can trust unlike a lot of your same sex friends. That is just the truth. This causes divorce and nastiness as the opposite sex generally has been taught to dislike the other sex and that trends to destroy relationships.

I don't disagree with the goals of the teachers teaching this because it opens doors towards stronger relationships with people that are far better for you then being forced to deal with some unknown of the opposite sex. Why shouldn't it be taught? Gay marriage is legal and there's nothing wrong with it. Be gay, Be bi and be happy!

because they earned it and didnt molest or groom any children to do it,,

dont you think people deserve what they earned??

why do you push a religion that uses children for adult sexual pleasure or murder children before they even get a fair chance at living a life??

This is stupid. You've addressed nothing. And the reality of business is those guys didn't earn anything alone. As for your third line, nobody pushes that.
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves? I am serious, why do you believe these people should be able to mistreat their workers, unregulate industiries to mistreat their workers, child labor and to pollute to their hearts intent. Your party is now literally allowing companies to work their workers to death in high heat, decreasing the age bringing back child labor and fighting like hell not to pay the workers right. You seem to enjoy the fact that the ceo makes 1,000 times more then his workers?

Why do you push a form of religion that forces these same little people to live a certain way when they're not breaking their backs for their betters? You must enjoy torturing the hell out of your follow man....Why do you think going back to the 18th century is even a good idea? It isn't but you seem to be utterly stone aged in your mindset.
Maybe if you spent less time asking false, unsubstantiated questions and spent more time working and improving your lot, you would understand more. Do you think Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Buffett and more than I can count started out as millionaires? Nope. They persevered and worked hard to get to where they are. Don't covet someone else's fortunes--make your own.
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves? I am serious, why do you believe these people should be able to mistreat their workers, unregulate industiries to mistreat their workers, child labor and to pollute to their hearts intent. Your party is now literally allowing companies to work their workers to death in high heat, decreasing the age bringing back child labor and fighting like hell not to pay the workers right. You seem to enjoy the fact that the ceo makes 1,000 times more then his workers?

Why do you push a form of religion that forces these same little people to live a certain way when they're not breaking their backs for their betters? You must enjoy torturing the hell out of your follow man....Why do you think going back to the 18th century is even a good idea? It isn't but you seem to be utterly stone aged in your mindset.
LOL the Democrats are playing you like a fiddle.
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves? I am serious, why do you believe these people should be able to mistreat their workers, unregulate industiries to mistreat their workers, child labor and to pollute to their hearts intent. Your party is now literally allowing companies to work their workers to death in high heat, decreasing the age bringing back child labor and fighting like hell not to pay the workers right. You seem to enjoy the fact that the ceo makes 1,000 times more then his workers?

Why do you push a form of religion that forces these same little people to live a certain way when they're not breaking their backs for their betters? You must enjoy torturing the hell out of your follow man....Why do you think going back to the 18th century is even a good idea? It isn't but you seem to be utterly stone aged in your mindset.
Probably a lot more to it than that, but it takes a bit of research to sort it all out.
Maybe if you spent less time asking false, unsubstantiated questions and spent more time working and improving your lot, you would understand more. Do you think Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Buffett and more than I can count started out as millionaires? Nope. They persevered and worked hard to get to where they are. Don't covet someone else's fortunes--make your own.
Bravo! Well said.
This is stupid. You've addressed nothing. And the reality of business is those guys didn't earn anything alone. As for your third line, nobody pushes that.
Kids should learn how the real world of economics works from their teachers. Then they would have a fighting chance of succeeding financially. Why are they kept in the dark by the school system?
Kids should learn how the real world of economics works from their teachers. Then they would have a fighting chance of succeeding financially. Why are they kept in the dark by the school system?
They have no economics classes in school? I think not.
They have no economics classes in school? I think not.
They do, but most students don't think it applies to them. And, I said economics in the real world.

Kids learn that the future of the middle class lies in the manufacturing sector, so upon graduation they all apply for college to avoid working in those blue-collar manufacturing jobs.
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They do, but most students don't think it applies to them.

Considering we had an investment securities agent hanging around for fifty years we never heard the end of it.
The US citizen helps to pay for corporate freebies through a trillion in tax write offs and tax deception methods.
More ^ Goonblow fiction.

Let’s all help educate the simple minded and ignorant Goonblow.

Put a “corporate tax” on all companies. It will make n simple cause and effect fashion results in higher costs for their products and services because

The companies will simply pass along the higher costs to the consumers.

So when our politicians fuck around by raising corporate taxes, you know who ends up paying — always? That’s right! The people. The less affluent are, of course, hit harder by this.

Then libturd lemmings actually seek a super regressive form of taxation.
Why do you republicans believe that the rich deserve 90% + the wealth, huge tax breaks for anyone making more then one million per year and everyone else should just go fuck themselves?
I have better questions, why do you call it Republicans when the Rich and the Super Rich are Democrats, not Republicans?

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