Why do ignore members half appear?

After your several threads in the FZ about your massive iggy list, it's a wonder you see any comments at all.

Perhaps you might be too delicate for internet posting.

All good … just as explained in the other thread Whether it is the radical BLM supporters or some of the fanatical Israeli supporters do you understand that some of them will literally only insult other people using vulgar language and not discussing the topic. I think you could respect the point that it is not healthy to engage with those types of people.

I’m very tough skinned. Because I’m not for banning people unlike some of the pro Israel people. like the annoying brats they some are the pro Israel people are asking for those They disagree with to be banned or censored.

Keyword some, because I’ve come across plenty of supporters of Israel, who act with dignity when they discussed the topic.

Honestly man only an idiot or somebody who is easily bullied, would continue to try and engage with somebody who is constantly calling others a racist, or anti-Semite.
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It is kind of weird. I have that same guy on ignore btw.

There’s time when I make a post and the first six or seven people I don’t see their message but briefly see their screen name appear. It’s fascinating that these people continuously respond to me. Mostly left fanatics but a few neocons as well.

The website needs to change things around, so if somebody is on ignore You don’t see their screename or any of the things they do including liking, or disliking posts
Yeah, it's just weird how the system normally totally hides the ignored person, but then like above, they appear as a normal post with just a banner to say their content is on ignore.
Yeah, it's just weird how the system normally totally hides the ignored person, but then like above, they appear as a normal post with just a banner to say their content is on ignore.
The system administrator needs to look at this. At least that is my opinion, and the opinion of yours and others.

Easier said than done though I suppose.
I have some members on ignore. For example, I would see the post count in a thread go from #1, #2, #3, #5, #6. Even #1 can be missing and so the thread starts at post #2.

So post #4 is missing because he/she is on my ignore list.

But I've noticed -

View attachment 914677

Why is that idiot on my screen? Why did he appear, I don't click on his copy and paste crap.

Dont Taz Me Bro
It appears that way so you can laugh as you scroll past what you know is short bus content without even looking at it.
I'm not an expert on the Xenforo software, so I can't answer your question, but nonetheless, while you may be able to see that they posted, you can't see what they posted, which at the end of the day is the point.
Plus, if you're curious, you can click and see what they said. I've been guilty of this on several occasion.
I'm not an expert on the Xenforo software, so I can't answer your question, but nonetheless, while you may be able to see that they posted, you can't see what they posted, which at the end of the day is the point.
You saying you don't have access to the Xenforo manual for admins and mods?
you do contribute original content...meaning you are speaking your personal opinions...not regurgitating talking points.

I might not agree with you, but at least I can respect that you've put some personal thought behind your opinions.

The people on my ignore list are the trolls or political bots that toe the party line without ever questioning it....
Unlike most, that attitude and your garage posts keep you well clear of my iggie hole :goodposting:
Being nice... you need to get over it.
If seeing someone's screen name bothers you this much - then perhaps you shouldn't be posting here.
I only have a small handful of people on ignore, I like it better now the way Xenforo makes it so you can see the person posted, but not see their content.
Sometimes that ignored member is saying a lot in a thread, and getting a lot of responses... so without seeing anything they post - the thread would be a mess. So it gives you the choice to see it, even though you are ignoring them.
I was like that for years...but after the insane Kavanaugh leftist liefest...I put about a dozen dipshits on ignore...and the forum is much more enjoyable.

You are obviously not on my ignore list, because while you are belligerent and acerbic, you do contribute original content...meaning you are speaking your personal opinions...not regurgitating talking points.

I might not agree with you, but at least I can respect that you've put some personal thought behind your opinions.

The people on my ignore list are the trolls or political bots that toe the party line without ever questioning it....

...I can get that from the mainstream media.
Thank you for your comments. I for one think disagreement is a healthy part of communicating with others. We need both conservatives and liberals to make this republic work.

BTW, the best way to spot a troll, is to ask them a question. Trolls never answer direct questions, nor do they address specific points in an opposing argument.
Thank you for your comments. I for one think disagreement is a healthy part of communicating with others. We need both conservatives and liberals to make this republic work.

BTW, the best way to spot a troll, is to ask them a question. Trolls never answer direct questions, nor do they address specific points in an opposing argument.
Ummm.... ever see one of these?


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