Why Biden Should Not Debate Trump

Why Biden Should Not Debate Trump

The networks want their show, but to give the challenger equal status on a TV stage would be a dire normalization of his attempted coup.
16 Apr 2024 ~~ By David Frum

A consortium of television networks yesterday released a joint statement inviting President Joe Biden and his presumptive opponent, Donald Trump, to debate on their platforms: “There is simply no substitute for the candidates debating with each other, and before the American people, their visions for the future of our nation.”
President Biden’s spokesperson should answer like this: “The Constitution is not debatable. The president does not participate in forums with a person under criminal indictment for his attempt to overthrow the Constitution.”
In their letter of invitation, the networks refer to presidential debates as a “competition of ideas.” But one of the two men they’re inviting turned the last election into a competition of violence: Trump tried to seize the presidency by force in 2021.
But the political system has eyes of its own. No doubt exists about what Trump did, or why, or what his actions meant. Trump lost an election, then incited a violent mob to attack the Capitol. He hoped that the insurrectionists would terrorize, kidnap, or even kill his own vice president in order to stop the ceremony to formalize the victory of Biden and his vice president, Kamala Harris.

Frums TDS drips with hatred of our 45th President.
As time has passed, and real journalism has investigated, we citizens continue to find the truth that indeed the election of Joseph Biden was rigged using every trick in the book and then some. Just ask Marc Eliais formerly of Perkins-Coie.
Today you can virtually smell the fear emanating from Democrat Neo-Marxists and David Frum Journ0lists.
After a little more than three years of governance Biden has failed evety aspect.
From Covid, Afghanistan, high inflation, the Ukraine, Supply chain failures, forcing EV's on Americans, to his political persecution of American disaster victims that didn't vote in for him 2020 (i.e., East Palestine, Ohio), to his latest disastrous trips to Scranton P.A. and Philadelphia.
Then there's the weaponization of the DoJ, FBI and CIA against Biden's political enemies, the likes of which can be compared to the CCP, Russia, Venezuela and Brazil.
In the end, 'The Atlantic' and it's writer Frum are DELUSIONAL, and full of fear of losing the coming November 5th., presidential election and their loss of power,
Because the former president just lies.
DJ is already touting for a third scheduled presidential debate. If President Biden doesn't accept that challenge, DJ will use it as an excuse to skip the two that are already scheduled. I see through him like he's not even there.
If Biden refuses to debate he is doomed... its not like he is ahead of Trump and the people have faith in him...
He needs to prove he is capable to be commander and chief... and leader of the free world...
But Biden isn't liable to be a convicted felon by November.
Polls show Trump voters don't care... in fact if they do convict Trump his numbers will grow...
Actually you are fake newsing again.
Voters do care.
Your devotion to the cult has blinded you to actual facts.
All you have is wishful thinking.

But polls show the charges carry some electoral risk: A poll conducted by ABC News and Ipsos in April 2023 found that 52% of Americans viewed the New York charges against Trump as significant.

And a new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that a fifth of Trump's supporters said they would either reconsider their support (16%) or withdraw it (4%) if he's convicted of a felony.

Actually you are fake newsing again.
Voters do care.
Your devotion to the cult has blinded you to actual facts.
All you have is wishful thinking.

But polls show the charges carry some electoral risk: A poll conducted by ABC News and Ipsos in April 2023 found that 52% of Americans viewed the New York charges against Trump as significant.

And a new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that a fifth of Trump's supporters said they would either reconsider their support (16%) or withdraw it (4%) if he's convicted of a felony.

So you think 4% is a huge number?... and Trump will not be convicted of a felony... he didn't commit a felony and the jury see's that....
I don't see any people changing their minds/vote on any debate.

Interrupting and put downs I know are a trump 'thing'
those don't win elections or debates.

Try again.
But try with some substance.

That's not going to happen this time. Trump has no control over anything. And he is on a time clock with a mic that stops working, so he doesn't get to rant or ad lib. When the orange shitstain has to play by rules, he's toast. No adoring fans, no hecklers, just the silence of that empty space above his shoulders.
Biden testified that in World War II, the world was saved from fascism by the U.S. Army, which “landed and liberated a continent”
“In a week's time it will be 80 years since we landed in Normandy, liberated a continent and literally saved the world.”
Lies as the basis of life.....
Because Biden is afraid to be called out. It’s amazing to me how Biden has been in Washington since 1973. He cannot come up with his own policies. We were told that he was the most qualified to be president. I’m sorry but he is not qualified because look at what is happening right now! Did Iran listen to the president after he said “don’t”? What did Biden do when that failed? Not a dam thing. Trump is going to light Biden up

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