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Zone1 Why are my five-figure annual tax dollars supporting antisemitic liberal universities?

Why do our tax dollars go to murderous Israeli animals that spend all their time creating terrorists that will target Americans?
The Ignorance of Intelligence

That makes sense only to those who don't know about the 1300-year history of Islamic thrill-killing aggression and jealous desire for world domination, or to those who are told it's ancient history, like the Vikings and the Mongols. That's why our moronic mis-leaders were caught by surprise on 9/11.

The OP needs to stop whining. Because of her racism, her posts deserve no sympathy. Furthermore, why is my tax money going to support anti black racist universities? Protesting the attenpted genocide by Netanyahu that even Jews in Israel oppose, is not anti semitism.
The OP needs to stop whining. Because of her racism, her posts deserve no sympathy. Furthermore, why is my tax money going to support anti black racist universities? Protesting the attenpted genocide by Netanyahu that even Jews in Israel oppose, is not anti semitism.
1) You are calling me a racist in a Zone 1 thread. You are not entitled to violate the rules.

2) There are no anti-black universities anywhere NEAR the antisemitic venom we hear from leftists. When students are allowed to yell “Kill the blacks!“ and “Go back to Africa!,“ then we’ll talk.

3) There is no genocide, and that is blood libel type lie has been grabbed onto, and ignoramuses have fallen for. So yes, accusing Israel of ”genocide” - when 99% of Muslims are alive after six months of war - is an antisemitic lie.
The OP needs to stop whining. Because of her racism, her posts deserve no sympathy. Furthermore, why is my tax money going to support anti black racist universities? Protesting the attenpted genocide by Netanyahu that even Jews in Israel oppose, is not anti semitism.
And P.S. You’re not exactly one to tell Jews to stop whining about the raging antisemitism on liberal campuses. All you do is whine!
Only 1300 years? That's child's play to Christianity and Judaism, which have been at it for far longer.
Think, Don't Link. You Won't Find a Link About the "Missing Link"

The Arabs are Neanderthalic. They've been terrorists for dozens of millennia. If they didn't have Infidels to slaughter, they would slaughter one another.

Why would any prehistoric tribe settle in No Man's Land—the desert, the jungle, the mountains? Go beyond the decadent egalitarian perspective that controls Postmodern thought, and you will realize that prehistorically these savage humanoid species were driven out of the more habitable areas by evolved peoples. A hideout is not a homeland.
Why did my tax money got to fund the salary of a racist who claimed to have worked at a university admissions office?
Why did my tax money got to fund the salary of a racist who claimed to have worked at a university admissions office?
What did I say that was racist? You call me racist every chance you get, yet when I ask you what I said, radio silence.

Hint: objecting to race-based admissions decisions is the very opposite of racist.
And P.S. You’re not exactly one to tell Jews to stop whining about the raging antisemitism on liberal campuses. All you do is whine!

You apparently don't know even the most basic facts about the Middle East and that is that Arabs are Semites too.

If you're so worried about your tax dollars being misused, you should start by demanding the defunding of the most ruthless and parasitic genocidal regime on the planet.

Israel, through its parasitic lobbies, have managed to extort countless $ Trillions from America (1) in countless hidden ways that enable it to commit genocide and violate more international laws than any other country in the world.

I dare you to name one country that has extorted more from Americans while repeatedly betraying the American people. (2)
What is especially repulsive about Zionist parasitism are the deceptive tactics used for the purposes of extortion.

For example, one would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to notice the glut of MSM's Holocaust pity mongering used today as a smokescreen to obfuscate the genocidal atrocities committed by the country built on extorted Holocaust reparations.

It's suddenly impossible to open an American newspaper or watch MSM news without having to endure yet another grisly Holocaust fable that may or may not have happened long, long ago.

Never before has a tragic event been so crassly exploited and so enormously profitable for the perpetuation of such a blatant and indefensible genocide.

While frothing genocidal Zionists and selectively sympathetic holocaustians are trying to pass off the systematic extermination of Gaza's native residents as a "war", The majority of Americans (3) have finally seen through the deceitful Holocaust smokescreen and the moronic notion that the Gaza genocide is a "war".

I hope that you'll understand that it's hard to take your concern over the ethical us of America's tax dollars seriously when you condone what ethical Jews(4), (5) and non Jews condemn as a blatant genocide.


(1). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"

EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S. aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED

(2). "How Israel Has Betrayed America"

EXCERPT "A recent report by Newsweek magazine that Israel has spied on the United States at “an alarming level” and has done so “more than any other ally does” raises a very serious issue concerning how much Israel has betrayed America, which is something that the American mainstream media have time and again refused to debate in public." CONTINUED

(3). "The Majority of Americans Now Disapprove of Israel’s Genocide, Polling Finds"

EXCERPT "New polling finds that the majority of the American public now say that they disapprove of Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza. Approval of the assault has plummeted over the course of a few months as Israel slaughtered at least 33,000 Palestinians and continues its destruction of Gaza with impunity.

According to a Gallup survey conducted last month, 55 percent of Americans say that they disapprove of Israel’s “military action” in Gaza — up from a minority of 45 percent in a November Gallup poll." CONTINUED

(4). “Jews Against Genocide statement and action

EXCERPT “We, Jews Against Genocide, came to Yad Vashem, Israel’s memorial of the genocide committed against Jews, to honor the Palestinian children who are dying in a genocide committed by Jews.

We brought dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza, and tried to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gazan’s face, to Israel’s doorstep. We hope to show Israel, and the world, the absurd reality of using the memory of one genocide to justify another.” CONTINUED

(5). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED
Trump - you know, the guy leftists kept claiming hates Jews - had an EO in place that withheld federal tax dollars from universities that allowed antisemitism to fester. So why isn’t Biden enforcing it? Is this another example of Biden being afraid to offend Muslims by showing there are consequences to Jew-hatred being promoted on woke campuses?

Biden needs to make a public address TONIGHT, condemning the Nazi-era atmosphere and announcing that all federal dollars will be withheld from next year’s payment to universities that do not disband the Hitler Brown Shirt encampments by tomorrow.

here's a better question.

Why are you so terrified of any criticism of Israel?

Is it because even you can't logically justify an apartheid state engaging in genocide?

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