Zone1 Why are my five-figure annual tax dollars supporting antisemitic liberal universities?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Trump - you know, the guy leftists kept claiming hates Jews - had an EO in place that withheld federal tax dollars from universities that allowed antisemitism to fester. So why isn’t Biden enforcing it? Is this another example of Biden being afraid to offend Muslims by showing there are consequences to Jew-hatred being promoted on woke campuses?

Biden needs to make a public address TONIGHT, condemning the Nazi-era atmosphere and announcing that all federal dollars will be withheld from next year’s payment to universities that do not disband the Hitler Brown Shirt encampments by tomorrow.

Non-Americans don't generally understand that antisemitism is lawfully protected under our 1st Amendment ...

5-digit tax bill ... okay ... thank you for paying my fair share of the tax load ...

Good thing House Republicans are in control of tax dollars ... or the next thing you know oil barges will have to start paying tolls in Federal Waterways ... ouch ...
Non-Americans don't generally understand that antisemitism is lawfully protected under our 1st Amendment ...

5-digit tax bill ... okay ... thank you for paying my fair share of the tax load ...

Good thing House Republicans are in control of tax dollars ... or the next thing you know oil barges will have to start paying tolls in Federal Waterways ... ouch ...
Death threats against Jews are not protected free speech.
FOX news this morning showed a list of entities who are paying for these riots on campuses across America...
Top of the list of course...
Soros... and the Rockefeller brothers...
And also what FOX calls dark democrat money sources which is China although even FOX won't say that out loud...
Soros and the Rockefeller brothers should be given a severe warning that they are risking arrest for shouting fire in a crowded room....
Your tax dollars do not go to support antisemitic liberal universities.
They go to support illiberal leftist Universities.
Trump - you know, the guy leftists kept claiming hates Jews - had an EO in place that withheld federal tax dollars from universities that allowed antisemitism to fester. So why isn’t Biden enforcing it? Is this another example of Biden being afraid to offend Muslims by showing there are consequences to Jew-hatred being promoted on woke campuses?

Biden needs to make a public address TONIGHT, condemning the Nazi-era atmosphere and announcing that all federal dollars will be withheld from next year’s payment to universities that do not disband the Hitler Brown Shirt encampments by tomorrow.

Why do our tax dollars go to murderous Israeli animals that spend all their time creating terrorists that will target Americans?
Why do our tax dollars go to murderous Israeli animals that spend all their time creating terrorists that will target Americans?
Why are you surprised when you turn your voters into mad cows?... just accepting one massive libtard protest after another and turning off the majority of Americans... after this election someone will turn this into a book on how to lose an election....
Trump - you know, the guy leftists kept claiming hates Jews - had an EO in place that withheld federal tax dollars from universities that allowed antisemitism to fester. So why isn’t Biden enforcing it? Is this another example of Biden being afraid to offend Muslims by showing there are consequences to Jew-hatred being promoted on woke campuses?

Biden needs to make a public address TONIGHT, condemning the Nazi-era atmosphere and announcing that all federal dollars will be withheld from next year’s payment to universities that do not disband the Hitler Brown Shirt encampments by tomorrow.

It's really simple.

If you don't like to see people protesting against Zionist genocide.....
... don't support Zionist Genocide.

“A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED


The only way that there will ever be peace in the Middle East is for the US to adopt an even handed Middle Eastern foreign policy and the only way to attain that is compelling AIPAC and the innumerable other Israeli foreign agents to register like every other foreign lobby / foreign agent.

An even handed and legitimate US Middle East policy would prohibit ANY aid to Israel because it refuses to sign the NPT and, therefore, violates the Symington - Glenn Amendment. (1)

The much vilified Iran which has attacked no one in over 300 years was among the first to sign the NPT yet gets no aid from the American people yet the genocidal Netanyahu regime which is one of the 4 countries in the world that won't sign the NPT manages to extract $ Trillions from the American people in ways that you can't imagine. (2)

As long as American citizens allow AIPAC etc to control such a costly and egregious double standard, Americans will continue to pay dearly to perpetuate Zionist genocide and subsidize a rogue nuclear power that shows no interest in a peaceful resolution of regional conflicts.

(1). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"

Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED

(2). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html

EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S. aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED
Why do our tax dollars go to murderous Israeli animals that spend all their time creating terrorists that will target Americans?
^^^ another brainwashed, antisemitic leftist speaks.

(Must be lunchtime at Columbia University.)
It's really simple.

If you don't like to see people protesting against Zionist genocide.....
... don't support Zionist Genocide.

“A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT "But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “ CONTINUED


The only way that there will ever be peace in the Middle East is for the US to adopt an even handed Middle Eastern foreign policy and the only way to attain that is compelling AIPAC and the innumerable other Israeli foreign agents to register like every other foreign lobby / foreign agent.

An even handed and legitimate US Middle East policy would prohibit ANY aid to Israel because it refuses to sign the NPT and, therefore, violates the Symington - Glenn Amendment. (1)

The much vilified Iran which has attacked no one in over 300 years was among the first to sign the NPT yet gets no aid from the American people yet the genocidal Netanyahu regime which is one of the 4 countries in the world that won't sign the NPT manages to extract $ Trillions from the American people in ways that you can't imagine. (2)

As long as American citizens allow AIPAC etc to control such a costly and egregious double standard, Americans will continue to pay dearly to perpetuate Zionist genocide and subsidize a rogue nuclear power that shows no interest in a peaceful resolution of regional conflicts.

(1). "Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments"

Lawsuit Claims Aid to Nuclear Israel Illegal Under Symington Glenn Amendments - Corporate Crime Reporter

EXCERPT "A lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. claims that United States aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don’t sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Such aid violates longstanding bans on foreign aid to non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) with nuclear weapons programs, the lawsuit alleges."CONTINUED

(2). "The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion"$3-trillion.html

EXCERPT "Similarly, aid to Israel—and thus the regional total—also is understated, since much is outside of the foreign aid appropriation process or implicit in other programs. Support for Israel comes to $1.8 trillion, including special trade advantages, preferential contracts, or aid buried in other accounts. In addition to the financial outlay, U.S. aid to Israel costs some 275,000 American jobs each year."CONTINUED
^^^ and this one, on the right, is spreading blood libel with the genocide lie
Why do our tax dollars go to murderous Israeli animals that spend all their time creating terrorists that will target Americans?

About 50 years ago I walked and hitch-hiked throughout the Middle East for 10 - 11 month and had absolutely no hostile encounters even though I was an obvious red bearded Westerner.
If anything, I was treated as some sort of celebrity by my generous and curious Muslim hosts.

Almost every time someone would give me a ride, they would insist that I come with him to his village to meet his family and friends.
Of course I was not allowed to pay for anything I ate and drank while we sat in the village square and communicated for hours and hours.

The innumerable Muslims I met along the way were all fascinated about life in America, wanted to visit America and respected what Americans have done etc but the two questions I was most frequently asked were:

1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"

2. "Why does the American government help the Israelis kill Palestinians and take their land?"

I tried to explain the destructive influence of Israeli lobbies on US policy making and the egregious pro Israel bias of Western MSM but the Muslims with whom I communicated couldn't understand how sophisticated Americans could be so easily manipulated nor can I.

You are exactly right in that the US Government's unconditional support for Netanyahu's genocide is as criminal as it is counterproductive.

There are 1.7 Billion Muslims in the world and the US Government is directly complicit in the systematic extermination of the weakest of them.

What could do more to recruit anti American extremists as AIPAC sleepwalks America into fighting a War on Islam so that Netanyahu can have his "Greater Israel"?

I think you'll appreciate the following quote:

“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”– John Sheehan, Society of Jesus. (Jesuit priest)

About 50 years ago I walked and hitch-hiked throughout the Middle East for 10 - 11 month and had absolutely no hostile encounters even though I was an obvious red bearded Westerner.
If anything, I was treated as some sort of celebrity by my generous and curious Muslim hosts.

Almost every time someone would give me a ride, they would insist that I come with him to his village to meet his family and friends.
Of course I was not allowed to pay for anything I ate and drank while we sat in the village square and communicated for hours and hours.

The innumerable Muslims I met along the way were all fascinated about life in America, wanted to visit America and respected what Americans have done etc but the two questions I was most frequently asked were:

1. "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"

2. "Why does the American government help the Israelis kill Palestinians and take their land?"

I tried to explain the destructive influence of Israeli lobbies on US policy making and the egregious pro Israel bias of Western MSM but the Muslims with whom I communicated couldn't understand how sophisticated Americans could be so easily manipulated nor can I.

You are exactly right in that the US Government's unconditional support for Netanyahu's genocide is as criminal as it is counterproductive.

There are 1.7 Billion Muslims in the world and the US Government is directly complicit in the systematic extermination of the weakest of them.

What could do more to recruit anti American extremists as AIPAC sleepwalks America into fighting a War on Islam so that Netanyahu can have his "Greater Israel"?

I think you'll appreciate the following quote:

“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”– John Sheehan, Society of Jesus. (Jesuit priest)

Get out of my thread with your genocide lie, and blaming Jews for everything. This is Zone 1. You can go back to the Israel forum to spread your antisemitism.

THIS thread is about the antisemitism allowed to run rampant on lib campuses, and that Biden is still giving them taxpayer dollars.

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