Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

No wonder you're talking shit like that. It's what you've been listening to your whole life.
You see, piglet, the US is like a steroid-pumped boxer, wearing fancy boxer briefs that cost $100,000 (90% of which was stolen by the manufacturers and shared with politicians), wearing fancy gloves that cost $500,000 (same origin as the briefs). The boxer moves beautifully and waves his hands effectively.
But invariably he gets punched in the face and knocked out by a simple unattractive man in cheap underpants and gloves. The Vietnamese, Koreans and Afghans can tell you a lot about this.
And only congenital idiocy, compounded by stinking Goebbels propaganda allows you to even think about war with Russia. You fucking moron....

Interesting. I guess you forgot it was the Russians who were busted with performance enhancing drugs. Like steroids. Sadly, it didn’t help them win much at all.

But I’m not surprised. Whenever you look at Dishonesty, there is always a Russian there.
It's amazing how you Russians desperately believe the lies your government tells you! Of course, you have no choice but to believe them.
I am a human being, and I'm here learn a bit more about other points of view (say nothing about all those Ukrainians in RuNet and my own Ukrainian friends and relatives). I just see your argument as not valid.

Russia would never survive a nuclear war. Your 'experts' are lying to you. Just the worldwide contamination after a nuclear war will kill everyone in Russia.
Really? As it killed everyone in Las Vegas after almost a thousand nuclear bursts nearby? Or as it killed everyone in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The fact that NATO has intermediate range nuclear missiles on Russia's border alone is enough to ensure that Russia would not survive. Russia's strategic position is not good.
Actually, the USA don't have intermediate range nuclear missiles yet. According the open sources the only tactical weapons the USA posses are obsolete gravity bombs B61 Mods 3,4 slowly upgrading to Mod 12.

At least Russia can be assured that NATO will never start a war. NATO is strictly a defensive alliance, there is no command mechanism for NATO to take offensive action against Russia. I'm sure that the Russian government never told you that fact. They need to keep you scared of NATO.
Another lie. NATO countries committed offensive actions and fought aggressive wars in past, and right now, it pretend to take Russian lands of Crimea and Novorussia and fight proxy-war against Russia.

Not all Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. About half are not. If there was such a huge persecution of Russian Ukrainians, then they would have sided with the Russian invasion. They did not.
It mostly depends on definition of ethnicity. My grandfather from Kherson was registered by the Soviet power as "Ukrainian" but my father was already "Russian". It's a not big deal.

BTW - The Ukrainians have a lot more 'Special Services' people in Russia than Russia has in Ukraine. Don't be surprised if some are sitting on nuclear weapons - just waiting to trigger them if Russia uses nukes in Ukraine.
May be. May be not. That's the problem of civil wars - everyone has a cousin on another side. That's why the system supposed be not only fool-proof, but sabotage-proof , either.

The Donbas region was the jewel of the Soviet industry. Remember my wife grew up in the Soviet Union - she remembers all the Soviet shows about how proud they were of the Donbas industrial complex.
Yes, Donbass is great. But peaceful cooperation is better.

It just proves how you believed all the Russian government lies when you say: "It's about the very survival of the Russian people". Really? :laughing0301:
Its not just about Russian government. I do believe to the EU when they say, that they want to "decolonize" Russia. I do believe NATO officials when they say that they want to take Novorussia and Crimea. I do believe our dear members like ESay and Litwin when they say that the Russians, their language and faith should be discriminated.
If somebody says that he he is going to kill you - it's much better to believe him (and kill him first).

There was absolutely no threat to the Russian people by anyone before 2022, and there still isn't any real threat. Nobody wants to invade Russia, and nobody wants war with Russia. That is just another lie told to you so that Putin can use you to achieve his dream of reinstating the Russian Empire and becoming the next 'Peter the Great'.

Bla-bla-bla. May be I'm young, but I do remember western support of Chechen terrorists and Kazakh's nationalists. Say nothing about history lessons.
Of course, the only thing that Peter was great at was killing Russian people by the hundreds of thousands so he could become rich and powerful. Putin is the same.
Oh, my. By crushing Sweden Empire Peter the Great ensafed Russian people. He lost hundreds of thousands but he saved millions. As well as Stalin, who saved tens of millions of Russians.

Somehow, Russian always think that the more Russians that get killed the greater their leader is. So, a nuclear war that kills hundreds of millions of Russians will make 'Putin the Great', right?
It's not about how many millions were killed. It's more about how many millions were saved.

Can you be that stupid?
I can be much more stupid than that, but I hardly can reach the deepness of your stupidity. (No offense, just trying to be polite).
Interesting. I guess you forgot it was the Russians who were busted with performance enhancing drugs. Like steroids.
Yeah.. Serena Williams on the left, Maria Sharapova on the right. You can tell which one of them is on steroids.

Maryana Naumova - Russian athlete in powerlifting - barbell bench press - right
Her U.S. counterpart is at left.
Yeah.. Serena Williams on the left, Maria Sharapova on the right. You can tell which one of them is on steroids.

Maryana Naumova - Russian athlete in powerlifting - barbell bench press - right
Her U.S. counterpart is at left.
In Ukraine, no elections, no inaugurations, no parades, no victories, no laws - only associate member status with the prospect of scrubbing floors in dying Europe.
No wonder you're talking shit like that. It's what you've been listening to your whole life.
You see, piglet, the US is like a steroid-pumped boxer, wearing fancy boxer briefs that cost $100,000 (90% of which was stolen by the manufacturers and shared with politicians), wearing fancy gloves that cost $500,000 (same origin as the briefs). The boxer moves beautifully and waves his hands effectively.
But invariably he gets punched in the face and knocked out by a simple unattractive man in cheap underpants and gloves. The Vietnamese, Koreans and Afghans can tell you a lot about this.
And only congenital idiocy, compounded by stinking Goebbels propaganda allows you to even think about war with Russia. You fucking moron....

Your Russian ego is laughable!

The 'great' Russian 'Special Military Operation' in Ukraine was supposed to take only a week or so, but the smaller Ukrainian army - using old U.S. technology - stopped the Russians from taking Kiev & stopped their advance in Eastern Ukraine.

The Russians are years behind the U.S. & NATO in military technology. As usual, all the Russians are capable of is copying the West's old technology.

It was your comrade Zavulon that thinks a war between Russia and NATO is both possible and winnable.

If you could comprehend English better, you'd know that I stated that NATO is a defensive alliance only. It is not possible for NATO to start a war with Russia.

Try reading the thread before you comment on it.
I am a human being, and I'm here learn a bit more about other points of view (say nothing about all those Ukrainians in RuNet and my own Ukrainian friends and relatives). I just see your argument as not valid.
You seem to discount the migration of Eastern Europeans and Germans into Ukraine during the reign of Katherine the Great. Nor the many Germans and their allies after WWII.

Roughly half of the Ukrainian population is not ethnic Russian. However, almost the entire Ukrainian ethnic Russians support the Kiev Regime.

They, like the other peoples of Eastern Europe have lived under Russian Rule during the Soviet Union - THEY DO NOT WANT YOU BACK!!!

Really? As it killed everyone in Las Vegas after almost a thousand nuclear bursts nearby? Or as it killed everyone in Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

I didn't say that the U.S. or Europe would do well in a nuclear war. I only said that Russia would be destroyed., It's called 'Mutual Assured Destruction' - nothing new here.

Actually, the USA don't have intermediate range nuclear missiles yet. According the open sources the only tactical weapons the USA posses are obsolete gravity bombs B61 Mods 3,4 slowly upgrading to Mod 12.

You only know what we want you to know.

Another lie. NATO countries committed offensive actions and fought aggressive wars in past, and right now, it pretend to take Russian lands of Crimea and Novorussia and fight proxy-war against Russia.

There world had accepted the annexation of Crimea. No significant action was taken to change that. Only diplomatic rhetoric. Everyone knew that Crimea had been part of Russia, the people that lived in Crimea were overwhelmingly Pro-Russian and the Crimea was critical to Russian National security.

However, Donbas is different. The Russians have no valid claim to Donbas. The Russians just wanted Donbas due to its industrial value. It was thievery.

It mostly depends on definition of ethnicity. My grandfather from Kherson was registered by the Soviet power as "Ukrainian" but my father was already "Russian". It's a not big deal.

Apparently, the Ukrainians do believe that it's a big deal.

May be. May be not. That's the problem of civil wars - everyone has a cousin on another side. That's why the system supposed be not only fool-proof, but sabotage-proof , either.

You say it's a civil war, the Ukrainians say its an invasion. The Ukrainian nationalist movement & identity has existed for many, many years.

Yes, Donbass is great. But peaceful cooperation is better.

Yes, so why don't the Russians leave Ukraine and start the process of peaceful cooperation with Ukriane.

Its not just about Russian government. I do believe to the EU when they say, that they want to "decolonize" Russia. I do believe NATO officials when they say that they want to take Novorussia and Crimea. I do believe our dear members like ESay and Litwin when they say that the Russians, their language and faith should be discriminated.
If somebody says that he he is going to kill you - it's much better to believe him (and kill him first).

Only Litwin and a few extremists want to destroy Russia. Nobody in the U.S., U.K., France or Germany want to destroy Russia. What we'd like is for Russia to behave like a civilized law-abiding nation. To engage in peaceful commerce with the rest of the world. That's what we thought was happening until Putin made it clear that he intended to conquer Ukraine and the Baltics and reestablish the old Russian Empire - thru brute military force.

Somehow, the rest of the world believes that a nation's strength is based on economics and commerce. Only Russia still needs to establish it's power through brute military force and enslaving the conquered people.

Russia is a nation lead by Feudal barbarians.

Bla-bla-bla. May be I'm young, but I do remember western support of Chechen terrorists and Kazakh's nationalists. Say nothing about history lessons.

Did anyone attempt to invade Russia? The Chechens & Kazakhs did not want to be part of Russia. They are only part of Russia because of brute military force and mass murder. Why are you so afraid of letting people be free?

Oh, my. By crushing Sweden Empire Peter the Great ensafed Russian people. He lost hundreds of thousands but he saved millions. As well as Stalin, who saved tens of millions of Russians.

The Russian stole land that had always belonged to Sweden. Peter the Great wanted a port on the Baltic Sea. There was no justification. It was thievery. He did not save any Russians. There was no threat to Russia. Hundereds of thousands died to make Peter the Great wealthier - no other reason.

Stalin killed Russian by the hundreds of thousands for purely political reasons.

It's not about how many millions were killed. It's more about how many millions were saved.

So, you have to kill hundreds of thousands of Russians, to save millions? Somehow, no Western nation feels that they must kill their own citizens to save them This is just testimony to how stupid the Russian people are.

Of course, you HAVE to believe that BULLSHIT or the Russian government will kill you.

I can be much more stupid than that, but I hardly can reach the deepness of your stupidity. (No offense, just trying to be polite).

Your Stupidity is as vast as the Russian Steppes.

BTW- Why can't Russia develop its own land? It's the largest country in the world. The great Russian ego only cares about some mindless competition with the West and can only satisfy that ego by stealing other people's land.
Only @Litwin and a few extremists want to destroy Russia.
edit for you : Moscow 🇷🇺 empire, do you support imperialism ? do you think age of empires has not gone yet ?
ps I am an anti- imperialist, I (and Mr Snyder as well) see nothing extreme in this :

The enemy struck the Leninsky district of Donetsk with MLRSs
The "Paradise" restaurant in the city's Leninsky district came under attack.
A motor rally in honor of the 10th anniversary of the republic was being prepared in this district.
According to preliminary data, 1 person was killed and 1 wounded.
Presumably, the strike was carried out by American HIMARS MLRS.
Roughly half of the Ukrainian population is not ethnic Russian. However, almost the entire Ukrainian ethnic Russians support the Kiev Regime.
Really? If so, why people on the liberated ex-Ukrainian territories support Moscow's regime? The answer is simple. Ukraine was a totalitarian post-soviet sh-thole before Maidan. After Maidan it became even more totalitarian and oppressive Neo-Nazi sh-thole.

If ordinary people do not support Kievan regime on Kiev-controlled territoires - SBU will take them, or Neo-Nazi gangs will murder them (as it was in Odessa). If ordinary people do not support Moscow regime on Moscow-controlled territories - FSB (sister of SBU, both are daughters of KGB) take them.

Open borders, allow Ukrainian people leave the country, and we'll see how many Ukrainian citizens actually support Kievan regime.

They, like the other peoples of Eastern Europe have lived under Russian Rule during the Soviet Union - THEY DO NOT WANT YOU BACK!!!
Not all of them. According what Germany and France actually do - they really want Russian forces on their territory back.

I didn't say that the U.S. or Europe would do well in a nuclear war. I only said that Russia would be destroyed., It's called 'Mutual Assured Destruction' - nothing new here.
Mutual Assured Destruction is pretty obsolete conception.

Apparently, the Ukrainians do believe that it's a big deal.
Actually, there are many ethnic Ukrainians living and working in Russia. No one of them think that it is a big deal.

You say it's a civil war, the Ukrainians say its an invasion. The Ukrainian nationalist movement & identity has existed for many, many years.
Not that many. It was created in the end of XIX century, and never have been anything than a fake.

Yes, so why don't the Russians leave Ukraine and start the process of peaceful cooperation with Ukriane.
Because it's not about money at all. It is about halting current Drung nuch Osten. It's about equal rights and undivided safety for everyone.

Only Litwin and a few extremists want to destroy Russia. Nobody in the U.S., U.K., France or Germany want to destroy Russia. What we'd like is for Russia to behave like a civilized law-abiding nation. To engage in peaceful commerce with the rest of the world. That's what we thought was happening until Putin made it clear that he intended to conquer Ukraine and the Baltics and reestablish the old Russian Empire - thru brute military force.
Bla-bla-bla. Don't say, that PACE is "no one" in Europe.

encourages the Council of Europe member and observer States and the European Union to recognise that the Russian Orthodox Church is in fact being used as an instrument of Russian influence and propaganda by the Kremlin regime and has nothing to do with the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;
The Assembly states, to reinforce European Parliament Resolution of 29 February 2024 on the murder of Alexei Navalny and the need for EU action in support of political prisoners and oppressed civil society in Russia (2024/2579(RSP)), that decolonisation of the Russian Federation is a necessary condition for the establishment of democracy in the Russian Federation.

And no. Our dear friend Litwin isn't an extremist. He is a NAFO copy-paster, and represents more or less official point of view.

[Senseless whining skipped]
You think that we are evil. We think that you are evil. I don't think that there is much left to discuss.
Let's not beat the bush, let's pick a side.
Ukraine is who you want beat?
Russia is who you want beat?

Watch how grateful this Ukrainian is that at last they will get some F-16s fighters.

Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, many Ukrainians want to rejoin Russia. We are backing the eventual loser and wasting billions of us taxpayer dollars.
Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, many Ukrainians want to rejoin Russia. We are backing the eventual loser and wasting billions of us taxpayer dollars.
I don't flip that way to favor Russia.
5 people were killed

Western politicians pushed spirit-lifting speeches from the rostrums, activists explained on YouTube that Ukraine would perish without additional help, the Americans handed over expensive missile systems - all for the sake of hitting a civilian object once again...

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