When references are made to institutionalized racism, this is what is meant.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to U.S. Jobs

A group of economists recently performed an experiment on around 100 of the largest companies in the country, applying for jobs using made-up résumés with equivalent qualifications but different personal characteristics. They changed applicants’ names to suggest that they were white or Black, and male or female — Latisha or Amy, Lamar or Adam.

On Monday, they released the names of the companies. On average, they found, employers contacted the presumed white applicants 9.5 percent more often than the presumed Black applicants.

Yet this practice varied significantly by firm and industry. One-fifth of the companies — many of them retailers or car dealers — were responsible for nearly half of the gap in callbacks to white and Black applicants.

Two companies favored white applicants over Black applicants significantly more than others. They were AutoNation, a used car retailer, which contacted presumed white applicants 43 percent more often, and Genuine Parts Company, which sells auto parts including under the NAPA brand, and called presumed white candidates 33 percent more often.

It doesn't mean overt, extreme racism is rampant in America. It's existence is much more subtle and insidious than that. Some people may exhibit signs of racism subconsciously. Or not consider it to be racism at all.

What is much more difficult to measure than the job discrimination this study reveals is the affect on blacks in America. To what extent has it caused the economic and educational disparities that exist given what some call systemic racism has been going on for centuries.

What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to U.S. Jobs

A group of economists recently performed an experiment on around 100 of the largest companies in the country, applying for jobs using made-up résumés with equivalent qualifications but different personal characteristics. They changed applicants’ names to suggest that they were white or Black, and male or female — Latisha or Amy, Lamar or Adam.

On Monday, they released the names of the companies. On average, they found, employers contacted the presumed white applicants 9.5 percent more often than the presumed Black applicants.

Yet this practice varied significantly by firm and industry. One-fifth of the companies — many of them retailers or car dealers — were responsible for nearly half of the gap in callbacks to white and Black applicants.

Two companies favored white applicants over Black applicants significantly more than others. They were AutoNation, a used car retailer, which contacted presumed white applicants 43 percent more often, and Genuine Parts Company, which sells auto parts including under the NAPA brand, and called presumed white candidates 33 percent more often.

It doesn't mean overt, extreme racism is rampant in America. It's existence is much more subtle and insidious than that. Some people may exhibit signs of racism subconsciously. Or not consider it to be racism at all.

What is much more difficult to measure than the job discrimination this study reveals is the affect on blacks in America. To what extent has it caused the economic and educational disparities that exist given what some call systemic racism has been going on for centuries.

Meanwhile government contracts can include MBE/WBE requirements that basically force contractors to give 10%-30% of their contract to these subcontractors, basically blocking out males and whites from these enterprises.

But that's OK because "reasons"
But that's OK because "reasons"
There is nothing vague about the reasons.

A Discrimination Report Card

It's not a stretch to conclude this report would have revealed much, much more discrimination 30 years ago. And much more still 30 years before that. And so on.

What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to U.S. Jobs

A group of economists recently performed an experiment on around 100 of the largest companies in the country, applying for jobs using made-up résumés with equivalent qualifications but different personal characteristics. They changed applicants’ names to suggest that they were white or Black, and male or female — Latisha or Amy, Lamar or Adam.

On Monday, they released the names of the companies. On average, they found, employers contacted the presumed white applicants 9.5 percent more often than the presumed Black applicants.

Yet this practice varied significantly by firm and industry. One-fifth of the companies — many of them retailers or car dealers — were responsible for nearly half of the gap in callbacks to white and Black applicants.

Two companies favored white applicants over Black applicants significantly more than others. They were AutoNation, a used car retailer, which contacted presumed white applicants 43 percent more often, and Genuine Parts Company, which sells auto parts including under the NAPA brand, and called presumed white candidates 33 percent more often.

It doesn't mean overt, extreme racism is rampant in America. It's existence is much more subtle and insidious than that. Some people may exhibit signs of racism subconsciously. Or not consider it to be racism at all.

What is much more difficult to measure than the job discrimination this study reveals is the affect on blacks in America. To what extent has it caused the economic and educational disparities that exist given what some call systemic racism has been going on for centuries.

I hate to break it to ya, but based on the ridiculous lawsuits being brought, if I were hiring for a job I would NEVER hire a trans, a SJW, an "influencer" a democrat, or anyone who was forcefully broadcasting their sexual preferences, whatever they might be.

To risky.

Has nothing to do with race. Has everything to do with workplace security, environment, and quality of life.
I hate to break it to ya, but based on the ridiculous lawsuits being brought, if I were hiring for a job I would NEVER hire a trans, a SJW, an "influencer" a democrat, or anyone who was forcefully broadcasting their sexual preferences, whatever they might be.

To risky.

Has nothing to do with race. Has everything to do with workplace security, environment, and quality of life.
I hate to break it to ya, but this study has nothing to do with that.
Meanwhile government contracts can include MBE/WBE requirements that basically force contractors to give 10%-30% of their contract to these subcontractors, basically blocking out males and whites from these enterprises.

But that's OK because "reasons"
Is 10%-30% blocking out the 90%-70% from being white/male? :dunno:
There is nothing vague about the reasons.

A Discrimination Report Card

It's not a stretch to conclude this report would have revealed much, much more discrimination 30 years ago. And much more still 30 years before that. And so on.

And yet legalized discrimination is still allowed in government contracts. Why is that?
I hate to break it to ya, but this study has nothing to do with that.

Actually, it does. The respondents look at how names are written, and from that alone they do an assessment, is this person a risk.

Yes or no.

You have a weird name and you are a risk.

Sadly, these days, thanks to all of the ridiculous lawsuits, no one is willing to take even the slightest risk.

That's reality whether you like it or not.
So here's the thing: Let's say I have a car dealership in a posh suburb, 95% "white" and Asian. I have seen exactly two Black people walk into my showroom in the past year. While I personally couldn't care less whom I buy from, I fear that my clients would be reluctant to buy from, or even be comfortable with "Jamal."

Should I stand on principle and hire someone who will lose me sales, or find sales people with whom I know all my customers will be comfortable?
So here's the thing: Let's say I have a car dealership in a posh suburb, 95% "white" and Asian. I have seen exactly two Black people walk into my showroom in the past year. While I personally couldn't care less whom I buy from, I fear that my clients would be reluctant to buy from, or even be comfortable with "Jamal."

Should I stand on principle and hire someone who will lose me sales, or find sales people with whom I know all my customers will be comfortable?
Why wouldn't your clients feel comfortable w/Jamal?
Why wouldn't your clients feel comfortable w/Jamal?
I don't know

What was discovered is that it is easier for employers to discern fake resumes when the fake applicant is pretending to be a black guy than it is when the phony application is portraying someone pretending to be a Honky.

Actually, it makes a lot of sense. Its just easier for the fraudsters to pretend to be what they are, instead of what they aren't.

And it has nothing to do with "racism".
Programs like affirmative action were put in place to compensate for centuries of racial discrimination. The study I referenced shows the centuries long practice continues to this day, albeit likely to a lesser degree.

By punishing those that by now weren't around for institutional racism.

What you are describing is the natural tendency for people trust "other" less than they trust "same".

And that works both ways.

Put a white run BBQ place next to a Black run BBQ place and where do you think most of the black people would go to first?
They said they sent 80,000 applications to 100 companies?
Can anyone do math anymore??
We are to believe they sent 800 applications to 100 companies?? 800 to each company??
How many of those applications were tossed out? Ya think maybe someone wondered why they were getting so many applicants?
They said it was around 100 of the nations LARGEST COMPANIES.... but then said "a fifth of the "discriminations" were from "car dealers and retailers"
What? -- car dealerships are in the top 100 large companies???

Can anyone critically read anymore?
A lot of smelly stuff in this "study"
They said they sent 80,000 applications to 100 companies?
Can anyone do math anymore??
We are to believe they sent 800 applications to 100 companies?? 800 to each company??
How many of those applications were tossed out? Ya think maybe someone wondered why they were getting so many applicants?
They said it was around 100 of the nations LARGEST COMPANIES.... but then said "a fifth of the "discriminations" were from "car dealers and retailers"
What? -- car dealerships are in the top 100 large companies???

Can anyone critically read anymore?
A lot of smelly stuff in this "study"
I see you have a chosen a popular form of denial among conservatives. If you don't like the findings of a study, question its legitimacy. Kinda like what happened when Trump and his minions didn't like the outcome of the 2020 election.

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