When it's all said and done, what do you get?

I started to respond to each and every point until I realized you are a lunatic

Until you realized I was right, and that you couldn't refute a single one (honestly).

The things in that list are accurate and factual. And they happened because of Trump. And you still don't see how far left of center those are. And how far left Trump has taken the GOP.
Every one of those listed are things we might expect Biden or Mitt Romney to do. But it was Trump.

When the majority of the GOP can't:

1. See the difference between actual conservatism and RINOs
2. Start supporting leftist issues (because a Republican is responsible)
3. Ignore the bad
4. Embellish Trumps actual record (and make excuses)

Then the GOP needs to be replaced by an actual conservatism party.
Until you realized I was right, and that you couldn't refute a single one (honestly).

The things in that list are accurate and factual. And they happened because of Trump. And you still don't see how far left of center those are. And how far left Trump has taken the GOP.
Every one of those listed are things we might expect Biden or Mitt Romney to do. But it was Trump.

When the majority of the GOP can't:

1. See the difference between actual conservatism and RINOs
2. Start supporting leftist issues (because a Republican is responsible)
3. Ignore the bad
4. Embellish Trumps actual record (and make excuses)

Then the GOP needs to be replaced by an actual conservatism party.
There is little in your list that was right.
It is a big world out there, there are a ton of Veteran ex-pats as we have likely seen much more of it then xenophobic morons like you. We also have a built in sense of wanderlust having spent a good portion of our lives moving every 3 to 4 years.

The idea of retiring and living out our years in the same place sounds a lot like purgatory to me and my wife, thus we won't.
I’ve been traveling the world since I was a child…I’ve seen it all. I’ve enjoyed my visit in many countries, I wouldn’t prefer to live in any of them…not yet anyway.
I’m American to my core…I enjoy the simple things you should enjoy…I value the feel of REAL America…I enjoy living around likeminded folks, being able to communicate with strangers at the grocery store…Looking at the family next to me and knowing they speak my language, share the same interests, maybe attend the same church….etc etc
It’s bizarre as fuck that you globalists seem to get off on trying to communicate with foreigners by playing charades in public….using hand gestures and translator apps. It’s weird as fuck that you seem to prefer to live around people you have nothing in common with.…hell, some of you will even run from your children in search of such weird ass shit.
Panama will likely be our starting point, but I doubt it will be our ending point.

You call Panama a shithole because of your hatred for brown people and your ignorance of anything that is not America. Panama is the choice for ex-pats from all over the world, not just the US.
I call Panama a shithole becuse it is a shithole…I’ve been there a few times (stayed at an awesome place on the water in Boca Chica last trip) and been to Costa Rica many times
But hey, you stay here in the US whining about how bad it is till the day you die, it seems to be the one thing that keeps you warm at night.
Don’t you have children about to start their own families? Don’t you want to be close to your grandchildren?
The wife and I have exhausted all effort raising our girls….as they approach the age to marry and have children we will have to be close, we have invested way too much time and energy into them to leave them now…we just can’t force ourselves to become selfish. To us, retirement is about grandchildren and watching/helping the next generation blossom.
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I’ve been traveling the world since I was a child…I’ve seen it all.

Somehow that just rings false. Your hatred of non-white people does not equate to you doing such things.

I enjoy living around likeminded folks, being able to communicate with strangers at the grocery store…Looking at the family next to me and knowing they speak my language, share the same interests, maybe attend the same church….etc etc

Us too, which is why we are looking forward to getting to know other ex-pats, which we have already started doing.

The thought of you going to church makes me laugh out loud.

It’s bizarre as fuck that you globalists seem to get off on trying to communicate with foreigners by playing charades in public….using hand gestures and translator apps. It’s weird as fuck that you seem to prefer to live around people you have nothing in common with.…hell, some of you will even run from your children in search of such weird ass shit.

This will blow your tiny little mind, but it is possible to learn more than one language. I recently read a study that said doing so after 50 might be the most impactful thing one can do to stave off memory issues later in life. I have already started learning Spanish and by the time we move I plan to be fluent. It has been a lot of fun so far.

We are moving to be around those with more in common with us than we have now. I have very little in common with most of my neighbors, they have all lived here for their entire lives and their idea international travel is going to Cabo or on some giant fucking cruise ship and have no desire to ever be anywhere else.

We are going stir crazy having lived here for a decade, the longest I have lived in one location in my entire life, by far. If not for the wife's job we would have moved long ago, but she loves her hospital.

I call Panama a shithole becuse it is a shithole…

You consider any country not majority white to be a shithole, so your opinion is meaningless to me.

Don’t you have children about to start their own families? Don’t you want to be close to your grandchildren?

Right now neither of our children have any plans to do so, neither are married or even in a serious relationship. Even when they do, they will not likely be living close to each other so we would have to travel to see them. This also might blow your mind, but there is an airport in Panama and flying form there to LA is no more expensive than flying from STL to LA. Plus with the visa we will get from Panama we will get a 25% discount on airfare, making it actually cheaper.

Not to mention they can come to us as well, how cool will that be, if we ever have grandkids. Right now I put it at about 50/50. My son is determined he will not pass on his diabetes as he thinks that would be cruel thing to do to his kids. But he is only 21 so that might change.

To us, retirement is about grandchildren and watching/helping the next generation blossom.

Good for you. My sister felt that way for a while, could not wait to be a grandmother. Now she lives in Slovenia as an SBC missionary and only sees them a couple times a year.

Not everyone thinks like you.
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I’ve been traveling the world since I was a child…I’ve seen it all. I’ve enjoyed my visit in many countries, I wouldn’t prefer to live in any of them…not yet anyway.
I’m American to my core…I enjoy the simple things you should enjoy…I value the feel of REAL America…I enjoy living around likeminded folks, being able to communicate with strangers at the grocery store…Looking at the family next to me and knowing they speak my language, share the same interests, maybe attend the same church….etc etc
It’s bizarre as fuck that you globalists seem to get off on trying to communicate with foreigners by playing charades in public….using hand gestures and translator apps. It’s weird as fuck that you seem to prefer to live around people you have nothing in common with.…hell, some of you will even run from your children in search of such weird ass shit.

I call Panama a shithole becuse it is a shithole…I’ve been there a few times (stayed at an awesome place on the water in Boca Chica last trip) and been to Costa Rica many times

Don’t you have children about to start their own families? Don’t you want to be close to your grandchildren?
The wife and I have exhausted all effort raising our girls….as they approach the age to marry and have children we will have to be close, we have invested way too much time and energy into them to leave them now…we just can’t force ourselves to become selfish. To us, retirement is about grandchildren and watching/helping the next generation blossom.
In other words you’re full of shit and nothing but talk.
Somehow that just rings false. Your hatred of non-white people does not equate to you doing such things.

Us too, which is why we are looking forward to getting to know other ex-pats, which we have already started doing.

The thought of you going to church makes me laugh out loud.

This will blow your tiny little mind, but it is possible to learn more than one language. I recently read a study that said doing so after 50 might be the most impactful thing one can do to stave off memory issues later in life. I have already started learning Spanish and by the time we move I plan to be fluent. It has been a lot of fun so far.

We are moving to be around those with more in common with us than we have now. I have very little in common with most of my neighbors, they have all lived here for their entire lives and their idea international travel is going to Cabo or on some giant fucking cruise ship and have no desire to ever be anywhere else.

We are going stir crazy having lived here for a decade, the longest I have lived in one location in my entire life, by far. If not for the wife's job we would have moved long ago, but she loves her hospital.

You consider any country not majority white to be a shithole, so your opinion is meaningless to me.

Right now neither of our children have any plans to do so, neither are married or even in a serious relationship. Even when they do, they will not likely be living close to each other so we would have to travel to see them. This also might blow your mind, but there is an airport in Panama and flying form there to LA is no more expensive than flying from STL to LA. Plus with the visa we will get from Panama we will get a 25% discount on airfare, making it actually cheaper.

Not to mention they can come to us as well, how cool will that be, if we ever have grandkids. Right now I put it at about 50/50. My son is determined he will not pass on his diabetes as he thinks that would be cruel thing to do to his kids. But he is only 21 so that might change.

Good for you. My sister felt that way for a while, could not wait to be a grandmother. Now she lives in Slovenia as an SBC missionary and only sees them a couple times a year.

Not everyone thinks like you.

Most Americans aren't that patriotic. They're just bashing you in a way to make it sound like you're not. A liberal debate tactic.
Most Americans aren't that patriotic. They're just bashing you in a way to make it sound like you're not. A liberal debate tactic.

BL is not patriotic in the least. He does not love this country, he loves what his view of what the country should be, all white, straight Christians. He literally would be happy if he never had to see a non-white, non-Christian again in his whole life.
BL is not patriotic in the least. He does not love this country, he loves what his view of what the country should be, all white, straight Christians. He literally would be happy if he never had to see a non-white, non-Christian again in his whole life.
hahaha…that’s where you backwards as fuck Twilight Zoners miss it by a mile….REAL Patriots aim to preserve and protect CORE AMERICA.…that’s all…it’s just that simple.
Globalist pukes such as yourself and Unkotare believe a ‘patriot’ should want America to be forever changing, you believe a Patriot should hate our right to sovereignty, you believe Americans OWE all of Mexico’s people a shot at the American Dream at the compromise of America and Americans.
Trust me….no real core American takes you crazy weirdos seriously…none!

Lets play along with that retarded bullshit…one isn’t going to shove 8 million more beaners down your throat….do you see any value in that?
No. I don't share your racist fears. You know that.

Choosing between Biden and Trump is pointless. It's like choosing between too burgers, both made from rancid beef. I'm not going to bother sniffing them to see which is less spoiled. I'll just have something else. Or go hungry. But I won't willingly eat something I know to be bad for me.

In my view both Biden and Trump will be bad for the country. I won't willingly vote for either. Maybe you don't see it that way. Maybe you think Trump will be pretty good. That doesn't surprise me.
No. I don't share your racist fears. You know that.
Oh fuck…here we go…you sound like C_Clayton_Jones or rightwinger …..”YOU’RE A RACIST….unless you want beaners shoved down your throat”
Choosing between Biden and Trump is pointless. It's like choosing between too burgers, both made from rancid beef. I'm not going to bother sniffing them to see which is less spoiled. I'll just have something else. Or go hungry. But I won't willingly eat something I know to be bad for me.

In my view both Biden and Trump will be bad for the country. I won't willingly vote for either. Maybe you don't see it that way. Maybe you think Trump will be pretty good. That doesn't surprise me.
Trump will suck for me when compared to Tucker Carlson or Stephen Miller…but I’m not retarded enough to think I should write them in or not vote at all.
See how easy this shit is?
If we willingly constrain ourselves to Biden and Trump were going to get what we deserve, a shitty President.

That wouldn't be much different than what we've been getting for the last 60 years, is it?

We've had candidates that were exceptionally good. But for one reason or another, they always get thrown under the bus by their party leaders and the media.
We can all see the system is rigged. That's it's messed up. But only for us. For the party leaders and those who pull their strings, it exactly the way it's supposed to be.

Their game. Their rules.
Oh fuck…here we go…you sound like C_Clayton_Jones or rightwinger …..”YOU’RE A RACIST….unless you want beaners shoved down your throat”

I've been around "beaners" my entire life. There's way more good ones than bad.
Trump will suck for me when compared to Tucker Carlson or Stephen Miller…but I’m not retarded enough to think I should write them in or not vote at all.
See how easy this shit is?

"Lesser of two evils" voting is retarded. It's how we end up with politicians like Trump and Biden.
It is not like it is raining for 7 months straight, it is not unlike Florida or Okinawa in that there is a rain most days but many days it only last 30 minutes or less.

There are a ton of outdoor things to do in Panama, especially if you live in the mountains.

Not bad advice. We plan to spend our first year living in Panama City while we get the lay of the land and one can get along well there without being fluent and it will be a good time to learn the Panamanian version of Spanish.
Panama Red....
I've been around "beaners" my entire life. There's way more good ones than bad.
Yeah, yeah….Just don’t look at the REAL data….right? Trust what weird Mexico First globalists say about their ‘personal experiences’…right?

"Lesser of two evils" voting is retarded. It's how we end up with politicians like Trump and Biden.
If you Lib-Lite-Tarians could roll someone out worth a little more than dogshit legit people might take a look…Why can’t you?
REAL Patriots aim to preserve and protect CORE AMERICA.…that’s all…it’s just that simple.

I do not think that white male Christians are what make up CORE AMERICA. That is all you want to protect and preserve.

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