What is your comfort food?

Homemade is the best.

Have you tried fried bread? Take a small puff of dough & roll it out to about 1/8-1/4 inch thick, cut a couple slits in the center & fry in some hot butter until well browned, turn to brown the other side. Smear with plenty of butter.
You can also use honey, peanut butter, jam, etc

Good stuff

Indian fry bread is the food of the Gods. It's cooked in oil though.

I'm pretty sure I could live solely on that stuff. I've never made it but I might try to tomorrow.

If you do, I find it's best to let the dough raise atleast once.....an hour or hour & a half? Then knead it for a few minutes to get the air pockets out. Pinch off a piece about the size of a jumbo egg or the size of a small ball that fits in the palm of your cupped hand. Roll it out flat, cut a couple of slits in the center

What is it with the slits? Some tribes put a hole in the center and, that has to be related to the same thing; but I don't understand why or what it does that makes it different.

Not sure, but I think it has to do with the dough raising while cooking.......if you didn't, the first side near the heat would be flat. While it cooked, the top uncooked side would swell making it lopsided
Hot turkey sandwich, mashed potatoes, and, stuffing. Gravy on everything, please and thank you.

Gravy goes on everything, doesn't it?

It sure does. I could easily go back to being a fat kid again.

But I don't think it's the gravy doing you in......but all those carbs the gravy is covering. And I'm not including potatoes in the carb category cause they are a vegetable & a good carb. But the bread for the sandwich & the stuffing
What is your go to comfort food? And recipes are good, too.
Lord, lord, lord it doesn't get much better than this...


Home fries and biscuits n gravy. Needs 2 over-easy eggs and bacon!

glazed donut krispy kreme nuke in microwave for 10 secs
scoop of a rich ice cream....
drizzle with chocolate sauce

lifts left arm showing medical alert bracelet and that lades and gentleman is how you dev. diabetes

Y U no just fresh Krispy Kreme donuts. They are awesome!

You smell them doughnuts, turn into the place, win!

Regular dozen glazed is fine by me. If you wanna get fancy, add Boston Cremes.
Home fries and biscuits n gravy. Needs 2 over-easy eggs and bacon!

Y U no just fresh Krispy Kreme donuts. They are awesome!

You smell them doughnuts, turn into the place, win!

Regular dozen glazed is fine by me. If you wanna get fancy, add Boston Cremes.

German doughnuts are the best.
Egg croissant sandwiches, egg pizza, pineapple pizza, apple pizza, chips and hummus, onion rings, and cereal.
In the middle of winter, on a particularly cold/wet winter day - not much beats homemade chicken soup.
Having said that - Thai chicken soup is a very-very close second.

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