What is Hunter Biden Doing Inside the White House, and Why Was His Name Left Off the Manifest?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

I know, it is Joey's son, the smartest felon, umm, man he knows. But he is under 2 indictments, one of which involves "business dealings" in which Hunter had only one thing to sell: Joe Biden's influence. There are also some wacky bank statements, unusual deposits and transfers, and many LLCs. What did Joe and Hunter do earn such money? They are both lawyers. But, you know, they did not really practice law. They are certainly not practicing today. Joey is a career politician.

The entire situation is fishy. Then there is the cocaine and potential drug use inside the White House. Let's face it, Hunter is a scum bag. How do we even know that his drug use is in the past? Yet he is inside the White House with access to God knows what. This looks a lot like a security risk to me.

Why was Hunter left off the flight manifest? One may assume that the WH did not want the media to know they would again be hosting this drug addict. But I doubt this, since the media was there. Perhaps it was to prevent it from appearing on the manifest that he was there in case the manifest is subpoenaed by the House or a grand jury when the corruption case is brought against Joey? IDK.

My biggest problem with this is that the WH is the People's House. Joey is just squatting there for as long as the voters let him. Sure, Big Joe can have visitors and family over for Christmas, as long as they are not security risks. I think everyone agrees that Hunter is going to either enter a plea to, or be convicted of, a felony on one of the two indictments presently pending against him. This makes him dangerous to be around all that is inside the WH. Don't tell me that Hunter will be restricted to the residence portion of the WH. That slimy scumbag can go anywhere he likes inside that building and access who knows what. Maybe he feels like he needs some insurance going into those criminal prosecutions?

This is dirty. I do not know exactly how it is dirty, yet. But it is dirty. That is the kind of people the Bidens are. They will do dirty stuff right out in the open and then thumb their noses at us.
What was Hunter doing on all those trips to hostile foreign countries on Air Force 2? This has been going on for at least 10 years. As for the latest episode, I think Hunter needed to let off some stress with that bag of blow hidden in daddy's desk.
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