US Set to Pump Record Amount of Oil in 2023, Surpassing 2019 !

Thanks for tacitly acknowledging the prez has very little to do with the price of oil, which is set on the international market. Meaning, all those howls about Biden and high gas prices were horseshit.
So, much for the Trump cult bragging TRUMP had fuel prices down to 65 cents a gallon.
But they don't care.

I'm amused.

the guy that is pushing for EVs, and getting rid of gas pumps is increasing oil production, and you don't see the hypocrisy?

Of course, you don't.

you can't see the end of your nose.
yet back in the real world, Biden has the US pumping more oil than under Trump.

Your bullshit is just that.
enjoy record US oil, nat gas, AND renewable production, more than Trump.
Biden has bested Trump once again.

Biden approved a record amount of drilling at the beginning of his presidency, more than Trump did, and because of that Biden now has America pumping more oil than ever before at any time !!! Big win for America !!

All patriotic Americans should be very happy about this, but most republicans are jealous and unhappy at Biden's booming energy success.
Why is this??
What does this say about republicans as a party and people??

I think it all revolves around the fact that GW Bush and Donald Trump were terrible and failed presidents with little success's and massive permanent increases to the deficit, massive amounts of debt, failed wars, economic crashes, low weak GDP growth, and riots at the Capitol.

Because the past 2 republican presidents were total failures, republicans are jealous and rooting for all democrats to fail like their failed GOP counterparts.

The republican tears, jealousy, and crying over Biden's clear and obvious record oil production (more than Trump) shows their true colors as a party and a people. They are traitors who hate America and only care about their blind loyalty to the corrupt GOP Deep State. Party over country.

yet back in the real world, Biden has the US pumping more oil than under Trump.

Your bullshit is just that.
enjoy record US oil, nat gas, AND renewable production, more than Trump.

We led the world in oil production in 2018, under trump. We were approaching that number between 2013-2015, under obama but then oil crashed under obama. How can you be this stupid? You're a walking statistical anomaly.
Biden has bested Trump once again.

Biden approved a record amount of drilling at the beginning of his presidency, more than Trump did, and because of that Biden now has America pumping more oil than ever before at any time !!! Big win for America !!

All patriotic Americans should be very happy about this, but most republicans are jealous and unhappy at Biden's booming energy success.
Why is this??
What does this say about republicans as a party and people??

I think it all revolves around the fact that GW Bush and Donald Trump were terrible and failed presidents with little success's and massive permanent increases to the deficit, massive amounts of debt, failed wars, economic crashes, low weak GDP growth, and riots at the Capitol.

Because the past 2 republican presidents were total failures, republicans are jealous and rooting for all democrats to fail like their failed GOP counterparts.

The republican tears, jealousy, and crying over Biden's clear and obvious record oil production (more than Trump) shows their true colors as a party and a people. They are traitors who hate America and only care about their blind loyalty to the corrupt GOP Deep State. Party over country.

Good job joe! Though, to be honest, Biden hasn t really bested trump He has done a good job of keeping oil production up, but production under trump was equally as high. There are a couple of months where production under trump was higher than joes, but all in all, everything seems to be running about as well as it did since about 2019

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yea leases approved by Biden.

Biden approved more leases than Trump did, record amounts and now Biden has record oil production, more than Trump

You are clearly jealous that Biden has more oil production than Trump, why is that??

Private leases arent approved by the feds, einstein. That would be federal leases ie alaska, gulf of mexico.
Biden has bested Trump once again.

Biden approved a record amount of drilling at the beginning of his presidency, more than Trump did, and because of that Biden now has America pumping more oil than ever before at any time !!! Big win for America !!

All patriotic Americans should be very happy about this, but most republicans are jealous and unhappy at Biden's booming energy success.
Why is this??
What does this say about republicans as a party and people??

I think it all revolves around the fact that GW Bush and Donald Trump were terrible and failed presidents with little success's and massive permanent increases to the deficit, massive amounts of debt, failed wars, economic crashes, low weak GDP growth, and riots at the Capitol.

Because the past 2 republican presidents were total failures, republicans are jealous and rooting for all democrats to fail like their failed GOP counterparts.

The republican tears, jealousy, and crying over Biden's clear and obvious record oil production (more than Trump) shows their true colors as a party and a people. They are traitors who hate America and only care about their blind loyalty to the corrupt GOP Deep State. Party over country.

Because tRump didn't so it.

It really is just that simple.
The reason Republicans and Conservatives are upset is because large amounts of thst oil are being shipped overseas. Not a drop of American oil should be shipped overseas until ALL American needs are met. That includes a 100% full domestic reserve, a100% full military reserve and ALL domestic commercial and personal needs.
Biden has boosted US oil production by contracting with US oil producers to refill the SPR.

Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act" expands offshore drilling lease sales was passed by 100% Democrat votes & Zero Republican votes.

The "Inflation Reduction Act" does not allow the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to issue a lease for offshore wind development unless the agency has offered at least 60 million acres for oil and gas leasing on the OCS in the previous year.

Under Trump operations of nearly all US Oil Rigs were halted, causing over a hundred US Oil drillers to go bankrupt. Trump printed 5X more US Dollars than all presidents in history combined.

More US Oil has been produced under Biden's first 3 years than Trump's or any president in history. Today a record 13.2 million barrels of oil is produced in the US every day.

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