US politicians should not punish Russian people. Because when the USA invaded Iraq Americans were not punished.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Because Biden supporters are often uneducated and have a short attention span I will put this in the first paragraph. Please keep in mind when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 … American people were not sanctioned by Russia or the international world. Americans were free to travel where they wanted. They could go to Spain or have a good time in Asia and use their credit card and debit cards.

The various sanctions that the United States has influenced on Russia has had a dramatic effect on the Russian people.

Along with Belarusians, for example.

For example, a Russian or Belarusian has a difficult time traveling now. And they cannot use their debit or credit cards in foreign countries. They’re blocked.

I was informed of this by a Belarusian here in Cambodia along with some Russians in Thailand. This is disgraceful. As an American hearing them telling me “yeah man we can’t use our credit or debit cards When we travel we have to bring a bunch of cash.”

The Russians and Belarusians are our fellow Christians. These are beautiful people. They also have diverse cultures. There are Jews and Muslims within their ranks. Such wonderful people. Of course they stood tall in World War II on our side.

A lot of our fellow Americans don’t travel anywhere. They’re not aware of the world around them. Whatever they are told by CNN or Fox News is what they believe…..They should explore the world learn about different countries or at least read a book or watch documentaries about the Russian people … that’s actually the liberal way.
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Because Biden supporters are often uneducated and have a short attention span. Please keep in mind when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 … American people were not sanctioned by Russia or the international world. Americans were free to travel where they wanted. They could go to Spain or have a good time in Asia and use their credit card and debit cards.

The various sanctions that the United States has influenced on, Russia has had a dramatic effect on the Russian people

Along with Belarusians, for example.

For example, a Russian or Belarusian has a difficult time traveling now. And they cannot use their debit or credit cards and foreign countries. They’re blocked.

I was informed by a Belarusian here in Cambodia along with some Russians in Thailand. This is disgraceful.

The Russians and Russians are our fellow Christians. These are beautiful people. They also have diverse cultures. There are Jews and Muslims within their ranks. Such wonderful people. Of course they stood tall in World War II on our side.

A lot of our fellow Americans don’t travel anywhere. They’re not aware of the world around them. Whatever they are told by CNN or Fox News is what they believe
They should explore the world learn about different countries or at least read a book or watch them documentaries about the Russian people … that’s actually the liberal way.

That's awful!

Maybe the Russian people shouldn't have re-elected Putin?

(Insert laugh track here)
Because Biden supporters are often uneducated and have a short attention span. Please keep in mind when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 … American people were not sanctioned by Russia or the international world. Americans were free to travel where they wanted. They could go to Spain or have a good time in Asia and use their credit card and debit cards.

The various sanctions that the United States has influenced on, Russia has had a dramatic effect on the Russian people

Along with Belarusians, for example.

For example, a Russian or Belarusian has a difficult time traveling now. And they cannot use their debit or credit cards and foreign countries. They’re blocked.

I was informed by a Belarusian here in Cambodia along with some Russians in Thailand. This is disgraceful.

The Russians and Russians are our fellow Christians. These are beautiful people. They also have diverse cultures. There are Jews and Muslims within their ranks. Such wonderful people. Of course they stood tall in World War II on our side.

A lot of our fellow Americans don’t travel anywhere. They’re not aware of the world around them. Whatever they are told by CNN or Fox News is what they believe
They should explore the world learn about different countries or at least read a book or watch them documentaries about the Russian people … that’s actually the liberal way.
Its not a good comparison because we werent doing a land grab. Iraq did not become part of the United States after we won.
Drug problem and porn along with the feminization of men has ZOMBIFIED many Americans.

Most, especially this is the case with the hard-core pro-Ukrainian supporters in America. Many of them don’t know much about the history of Ukraine. They don’t understand that it was once part of the Soviet Union. Some of them might not understand anything about Ukraine other than a few points They learn on CNN or Fox News.

For example, some Americans, who support Ukraine, believe that every Russian is a brain, dead supporter of Putin. That’s blatantly not the case simply look at YouTube the 1420 channel where Russians are interviewed on the streets of Moscow and they vehemently criticize Putin.
Its not a good comparison because we werent doing a land grab. Iraq did not become part of the United States after we won.
In a sense, Iraq became a client of the USA. Various deals were made between American companies to make a ton of money from that invasion.

But honestly, we probably should’ve taken over the country to avoid the rise of ISIL

Of course, there are some similarities and differences one major differences there is much more of a cultural similarity between Ukraine and Russia compared to Iraq and the USA. I mean Ukraine is the neighbor of Russia and it was once part of the Soviet union. So that’s a big difference.

One similarity, though is they were both invasions. And they both caused bloodshed. But in both cases there were instances of American soldiers, building schools in Iraq, helping out children. Now that is actually of course, occurring in parts of Ukraine were Russian soldiers are helping Ukrainian children in building schools. there’s also bad things happening in both of the wars. There were war crimes in both cases. That right there is an honest open approach to the issue .

I’m proud that I’m not a drug addict American who eats a bunch of McDonald’s. My mind is open. And I can see along with. I think you and many others that there is much more to the situation in Russia, Ukraine then Russia=bad
Drug problem and porn along with the feminization of men has ZOMBIFIED many Americans.

Most, especially this is the case with the hard-core pro-Ukrainian supporters in America. Many of them don’t know much about the history of Ukraine. They don’t understand that it was once part of the Soviet Union. Some of them might not understand anything about Ukraine other than a few points They learn on CNN or Fox News.

For example, some Americans, who support Ukraine, believe that every Russian is a brain, dead supporter of Putin. That’s blatantly not the case simply look at YouTube the 1420 channel where Russians are interviewed on the streets of Moscow and they vehemently criticize Putin.

Drug problem and porn along with the feminization of men has ZOMBIFIED many Americans.

So has communism.
Really the title says it all. And it should, of course give any common sense thinker the thought that well yeah, that makes sense you know when the USA invaded Iraq hell we could even talk about our intervention in Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, you name it I mean, there must be 20 of them were the most militarized country in the planet. American people don’t pay the price for the actions of the United States government in the same sense that Russians are paying for the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine.

So the critical thinking American of course would then realize “oh yeah, you know that makes sense. Why then would the USA sanction Russian people”

Even if somebody disagrees they have to at least acknowledge it. But the drug addicts, the feminized American who listens to everything CNN and Fox News tells them will just keep ranting and raving about “Russian propaganda”. That is a shame that is not in the spirit of America. there is not what the founding fathers would’ve wanted.
“Oh, look Russian propaganda”. That is what the anti-free speech, American says. And it’s a disgrace to Freethought, to freedom of speech and American values. That’s not what the founding fathers would’ve wanted. We need to have better foreign diplomacy.
Its not a good comparison because we werent doing a land grab. Iraq did not become part of the United States after we won.
True. Definitely not the anywhere close to a good comparison. As far as punishment, it is estimated, between 183,000 and 206,000 Iraqi civilian death occurred. That is a lot of real punishment in anybody's book.
Because Biden supporters are often uneducated and have a short attention span I will put this in the first paragraph. Please keep in mind when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 … American people were not sanctioned by Russia or the international world. Americans were free to travel where they wanted. They could go to Spain or have a good time in Asia and use their credit card and debit cards.

The various sanctions that the United States has influenced on Russia has had a dramatic effect on the Russian people.

Along with Belarusians, for example.

For example, a Russian or Belarusian has a difficult time traveling now. And they cannot use their debit or credit cards in foreign countries. They’re blocked.

I was informed of this by a Belarusian here in Cambodia along with some Russians in Thailand. This is disgraceful. As an American hearing them telling me “yeah man we can’t use our credit or debit cards When we travel we have to bring a bunch of cash.”

The Russians and Russians are our fellow Christians. These are beautiful people. They also have diverse cultures. There are Jews and Muslims within their ranks. Such wonderful people. Of course they stood tall in World War II on our side.

A lot of our fellow Americans don’t travel anywhere. They’re not aware of the world around them. Whatever they are told by CNN or Fox News is what they believe…..They should explore the world learn about different countries or at least read a book or watch documentaries about the Russian people … that’s actually the liberal way.
Putin, is that you? I think your orange cock-holster misses you. Why don't you invite him to Moscow?
In a sense, Iraq became a client of the USA. Various deals were made between American companies to make a ton of money from that invasion.
I mean, sure we have scumbag politicians and people in Washington taking advantage wherever they can, but its still a far cry from annexing the territory.
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True. Definitely not the anywhere close to a good comparison. As far as punishment, it is estimated, between 183,000 and 206,000 Iraqi civilian death occurred. That is a lot of real punishment in anybody's book.
You have to remember that most of those deaths were caused by Irans proxies. Sure we killed civilians, but we tried not to. War is hell.
Really the title says it all. And it should, of course give any common sense thinker the thought that well yeah, that makes sense you know when the USA invaded Iraq hell we could even talk about our intervention in Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, you name it I mean, there must be 20 of them were the most militarized country in the planet. American people don’t pay the price for the actions of the United States government in the same sense that Russians are paying for the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine.

So the critical thinking American of course would then realize “oh yeah, you know that makes sense. Why then would the USA sanction Russian people”

Even if somebody disagrees they have to at least acknowledge it. But the drug addicts, the feminized American who listens to everything CNN and Fox News tells them will just keep ranting and raving about “Russian propaganda”. That is a shame that is not in the spirit of America. there is not what the founding fathers would’ve wanted.

Why then would the USA sanction Russian people

Why wouldn't we?

The Founding Fathers think you're a twat.
I mean, sure we have scumbag politicians and people in Washington taking advantage whever they can, but its still a far cry from annexing the territory.
Yes, I understand your point. But we could both acknowledge the similarities and differences.

And we can both acknowledge the USA has intervened or invaded more countries in the 20th century than any other country during that time.

But we can also discuss what if Mexico join some anti-American alliance and they’re right on our border. I mean, there is a very important thing to note here Ukraine was once a part of the Soviet union, so even even if you look at it as a landgrab it’s important to know that because then it opens up the conversation to realizing that it’s perhaps not necessary to call it a land grab, but something that some portion of Ukrainians and Russians want to happen.

He is also important to note that some portion of Iraqi people actually wanted an American intervention in 2003, even if it’s a small portion.

But I enjoy the conversation. It’s thought provoking and I appreciate your points and honesty. Of course look at what the Biden supporters say. They hate freedom of speech. They’re against American values so when they see topics like this, all they can say is

“Russian propaganda”

Other words they’re trying to shut down speech. The attempt to get as many like-minded people together to drown somebody out as a “propagandist.”
You have to remember that most of those deaths were caused by Irans proxies. Sure we killed civilians, but we tried not to. War is hell.
Yes, overwhelming the American military went out of their way to not attack civilians. That sets us apart from a lot of the modern day militaries including the ones in Israel and Palestine. Maybe even Russia..This is the Christian way of America.

But even the USA has had individual soldiers who have committed crimes in war, whether it was in Vietnam or Iraq.
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You have to remember that most of those deaths were caused by Irans proxies. Sure we killed civilians, but we tried not to. War is hell.
Well, at least the "Sure we killed civilians, but we tried not to." and the "War is hell." parts were true.
I have nothing personal against the Russian people. Now those murdering raping SOB's south of the border yeah, I want them carpet bombed!
Yes, I understand your point. But we could both acknowledge the similarities and differences.

And we can both acknowledge the USA has intervened or invaded more countries in the 20th century than any other country during that time.

But we can also discuss what if Mexico join some anti-American alliance and they’re right on our border. I mean, there is a very important thing to note here Ukraine was once a part of the Soviet union, so even even if you look at it as a landgrab it’s important to know that because then it opens up the conversation to realizing that it’s perhaps not necessary to call it a land grab, but something that some portion of Ukrainians and Russians want to happen.

He is also important to note that some portion of Iraqi people actually wanted an American intervention in 2003, even if it’s a small portion.

But I enjoy the conversation. It’s not provoking and I appreciate your points and honesty. Of course look at what the Biden supporters say. They hate freedom of speech. They’re against American values so when they see top it like this, all they can say is

“Russian propaganda”

Other words they’re trying to shut down speech. The attempt to get as many like-minded people together to drown somebody out as a “propagandist.”
You are being fair, but in my opinion, the invasion of Iraq was still a good thing.

For one thing, if youre were to ask anyone in Iraq today if they could turn back time, erase the Iraq war and have Saddam and his psycho sons ruling them, you arent going to find any takers.

Secondly, we drew terrorists from all over the Middle East into a meat grinder. We killed many thousands of terrorists.

Thirdly, we put the world on notice. Fuck with the US and we might just go apeshit.
Yes, overwhelming the American military went out of their way to not attack civilians. That sets us apart from a lot of the modern day militaries including the ones in Israel and Palestine. Maybe even Russia..This is the Christian way of America.

But even the USA has had individual soldiers who have committed crimes in war, whether it was in Vietnam or Iraq.
Thats isnt true. Israel has the lowest civilian to soldier death ratio in world history in their current war in Gaza. Its a fact that no one seems to recognize.

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