Unprecedented: 16 former Trump officials openly oppose his re-election

There is no president in history that has had this many former officials in their administration openly oppose re-election of said president. The criticism itself is also high among each of them.

It is definitely indicative of how incompetent Trump really is as a leader.

Haha, another John Bolton lover.
There is no president in history that has had this many former officials in their administration openly oppose re-election of said president. The criticism itself is also high among each of them.

It is definitely indicative of how incompetent Trump really is as a leader.

In my opinion the former officials are most likely Swamp Critters. The Swamp is full to the brim with such creatures. Trump underestimated the Swamp.

'You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.' -- Donald Rumsfeld...
Oh gee that’s convenient. You do know how atypical it is for SIXTEEN former officials to oppose his reelection right?
What did you think of OJ Simpson before he murdered his wife?
Definitely not comparable. Trump was making a judgement call about Bolton’s credentials. Obviously that judgement matters for people running the country. Comparing OJ’s talent to crime he committed down the road is something entirely different
Oh gee that’s convenient. You do know how atypical it is for SIXTEEN former officials to oppose his reelection right?
Just because you imagine something is atypical doesn't mean it is.

Obama didn't want his own Vice President to run in 2016, and he was very slow to endorse him in 2020.

There is a lot of polling of democrats that show the majority don't want Biden to run again. ex:

Most Democratic voters wish they had an alternative to Biden​

A broad 67% majority of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters now say it’s very or extremely likely that Biden will again be the party’s presidential nominee, up from 55% who felt that way in May. But 67% also say the party should nominate someone other than Biden – up from 54% in March, though still below the high of 75% who said they were seeking an alternative last summer.

There is no president in history that has had this many former officials in their administration openly oppose re-election of said president. The criticism itself is also high among each of them.

It is definitely indicative of how incompetent Trump really is as a leader.

So now Billy quotes 16 RINOs.
Just because you imagine something is atypical doesn't mean it is.

Obama didn't want his own Vice President to run in 2016, and he was very slow to endorse him in 2020.

There is a lot of polling of democrats that show the majority don't want Biden to run again. ex:

Most Democratic voters wish they had an alternative to Biden​

A broad 67% majority of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters now say it’s very or extremely likely that Biden will again be the party’s presidential nominee, up from 55% who felt that way in May. But 67% also say the party should nominate someone other than Biden – up from 54% in March, though still below the high of 75% who said they were seeking an alternative last summer.

lol this is such a lameass deflection that is not even close to comparable
Haha, another John Bolton lover.
You mean like Trump initially since he appointed him?

What did you think of OJ Simpson before he murdered his wife?

Definitely not comparable. Trump was making a judgement call about Bolton’s credentials. Obviously that judgement matters for people running the country.
You're making one right now.
Comparing OJ’s talent to crime he committed down the road is something entirely different.
No, it isn't.
If presidents could make each of their judgment calls without advisers they wouldn't need a floor mat at the entrance to the Whine House.
Absolving Trump of any responsibility on this is absolutely ridiculous
lol this is such a lameass deflection that is not even close to comparable
Well show me your evidence that 16 former officials is somehow "atypical". All I've seen from you is more TDS.

Trump was first a businessman. He didn't surround himself with sycophants like Obama and Biden. He wasn't afraid to have opposing views in his circle of advisers.

Successful businessmen know the value of that, politicians don't. Or perhaps it's not really useful in politics- it's not so important to get it right as long as you control the message.

I don't find it surprising at all that there are people that worked for Trump who don't want him to run again. I would be more concerned if there weren't...

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