United Airlines diversity quotas finally begin paying off in disaster


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Still per the UA website:

United Airlines will seek to diversify its flight decks by offering preference to female candidates and those of color.
We made progress in our efforts to have our leadership reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. In 2022, almost half of all promotions at the Senior Professional and Senior Leader level were of those belonging to underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. Growing diversity in our leadership will continue to be an essential focus in 2023 and beyond.

Imagine saying they’ll make sure most of the engine mechanics will have red hair. Here’s what you get. Are they direct cause? UA isn’t saying. Which says a lot.

  • March 4: A United Boeing 737 had to make an emergency landing shortly after take-off when a fire started in one of its engines. One news report claimed the fire was caused when some bubble wrap was pulled into the engine, an explanation that seems exceedingly unconvincing, especially because no investigation has yet been completed.
  • March 7: While taking off in San Francisco, one wheel on a United Boeing 777-200 airplane fell off, crushing several cars in an airport employee parking lot, with the plane making an emergency landing in Los Angeles. United had purchased the airplane 22 years previously, so the problem had to come from within United’s maintenance department.
  • March 8: A United Boeing 737-Max ended up on the grass while taxiing off the runway after landing when its left main landing gear collapsed. One passenger reported the incident occurred due to bad driving by the pilot, who mistakenly steered the plane onto the grass, causing the gear to collapse.
  • March 8: A United Airbus A320 had to make an emergency landing in Los Angeles when it experienced“complete hydraulic failure” in one of the airplane’s three hydraulic systems.

Does this mean Soul Plane will hire more whites?

Correlation is not causation. Where is your proof?

People seeing this won't demand proof when they decide maybe it's better to choose another airline.

An Airline's focus should be on getting people from point A to point B safely, on time, economically and in a modicum of comfort, in that order.

DEI just adds something pointless to the mix, and even if it can't be shown as a cause, it shows a deflection from the core purposes I listed above.
People seeing this won't demand proof when they decide maybe it's better to choose another airline.

An Airline's focus should be on getting people from point A to point B safely, on time, economically and in a modicum of comfort, in that order.

DEI just adds something pointless to the mix, and even if it can't be shown as a cause, it shows a deflection from the core purposes I listed above.

That I agree with, but that doesn't mean it fits the conservative narrative.

That's called circumstantial evidence. All I've seen the last couple of days on the conservative Twittersphere and social media are regurgitations of "See?? Look!! DEI!! DEI!!," yet none of you have actually provide proof that's the cause. In fact, the one person who has provided legal evidence, John Barnett, a former employee and whistleblower, said these issues are the result of Boeing cutting corners in order to pad their bottom line and increase profits. He never said a single thing about DEI hires. That's all right wing propaganda.

Imagine that. A corporation engaging in malfeasance in order to increase the bottom line. Never heard of that before. Must be DEI
That's called circumstantial evidence. All I've seen the last couple of days on the conservative Twittersphere and social media are regurgitations of "See?? Look!! DEI!! DEI!!," yet none of you have actually provide proof that's the cause. In fact, the one person who has provided legal evidence, John Barnett, a former employee and whistleblower, said these issues are the result of Boeing cutting corners in order to pad their bottom line and increase profits. He never said a single thing about DEI hires. That's all right wing propaganda.

Imagine that. A corporation engaging in malfeasance in order to increase the bottom line. Never heard of that before. Must be DEI
Separate issue. One bad thing doesn’t justify other bad things.
Let the planes crash. This is what we want as a nation. The safeties we have as Americans will be reduced to other parts of the world.

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