Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump

22 Dec 2023 ~~ By Vigilant Fox

“They [the establishment] look at Trump as a vampire, and they put a stake in his heart, but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time,” expressed military historian Victor Davis Hanson in a viral video in late November.

“They are terrified of him because they think he’s smarter this time, and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him.”
Tucker Carlson Concurs
The Colorado Supreme Court made a significant ruling Tuesday, disqualifying former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot. This decision is anchored in the interpretation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which specifically mentions that any public official who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States may be disqualified from holding public office.

Read more on that here:
On Monday, Tucker Carlson told Dan Bongino, “If you want to know what things are going to look like in the future, just chart out what has been happening recently and ask yourself, are things accelerating or decelerating? … just chart it out. And in the case of Trump, they started with protests, they moved to impeachment. Now they’re at indictment. None of it has worked. What’s next? What could possibly be next?” he asked.
That next step appears to be taking Trump off the ballot altogether. But Tucker suggested something much more sinister is looming.


Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump​


Published on December 19, 2023
By Vigilant Fox

“They [the establishment] look at Trump as a vampire, and they put a stake in his heart, but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time,” expressed military historian Victor Davis Hanson in a viral video in late November.
“They are terrified of him because they think he’s smarter this time, and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him.”

Tucker Carlson Concurs​

The Colorado Supreme Court made a significant ruling Tuesday, disqualifying former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot. This decision is anchored in the interpretation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which specifically mentions that any public official who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States may be disqualified from holding public office.
Read more on that here:
Monday, Tucker Carlson told Dan Bongino, “If you want to know what things are going to look like in the future, just chart out what has been happening recently and ask yourself, are things accelerating or decelerating? … just chart it out. And in the case of Trump, they started with protests, they moved to impeachment. Now they’re at indictment. None of it has worked. What’s next? What could possibly be next?” he asked.
That next step appears to be taking Trump off the ballot altogether. But Tucker suggested something much more sinister is looming.

“If you felt, and you really believed — and a lot of them do — that the worst thing that could happen to the country, and, more specifically, to you, in the professional class, is to have Donald Trump as president. And everything you have tried has failed. And they have been accelerating steps: protests, impeachment, indictment. How many more arrows do you have in your quiver? And what’s the next one? And, of course, it’s assassination.”

Carlson ended by suggesting that the very reason this topic is not widely discussed or dismissed is that it holds an uncomfortable or inconvenient truth for those in power: “Look at the things you’re not allowed to say. You’re not allowed to say them, not because they’re conspiracy theories or lies. You’re not allowed to say them precisely because they are not conspiracy theories or lies. They are true.”

Indeed, the discussion has merit and truth within the totality of what has transpired since 2016.
Both Carlson and Bongino spoke wisely, and bravely. I too have previously voiced the same question on this board and came to the same conclusion.
I do think he is safe even if he is re-elected and acts more effectively against the Deep State than he did in the first term.
Trump’s opponents are devious.
They are comfortable manipulating the media, manipulating the Administrative State and legal system. Unlike someone like Putin, they are comfortable with ordering murder of political opponents - rather than doing it themselves.
I think they will wait and see if the Resistance tactics they used in the first term work this time before taking more drastic action.
It's my personal belief that if the Deep State powerful are successful in assassinating Trump the world will explode.
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I know todays Democrats have been transformed into Marxists but I really hope they don't consider assassination. Democrats are obviously not playing with a full deck these days, just look at their justification of the Hamas massacre. Unfortunately, it really wouldn't be too hard to picture them murdering political opponents, as fucked up as they are. Back to MAGA
I know todays Democrats have been transformed into Marxists but I really hope they don't consider assassination. Democrats are obviously not playing with a full deck these days, just look at their justification of the Hamas massacre. Unfortunately, it really wouldn't be too hard to picture them murdering political opponents, as fucked up as they are. Back to MAGA
Liberals definitely want to murder Trump. They tried EVERYTHING and he keeps WINNING and WINNING! :adoreheart::adoreheart:
Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump

Well, Tucker is right:
  1. Trump is a lot smarter now.
  2. Trump is a lot better prepared.
  3. And Trump is very angry, and has good cause to be, and in their admission of that, they are admitting because they know they have royally screwed over the guy in ways no one else has ever been, in ways our legal system has never been stretched to permit before taking us to the brink of a fascist banana republic, they stuck the proverbial stake in his heart thinking it a definite death blow, blow after blow, but it has not killed Trump only made him stronger--- and more popular ---for their very actions have shown that Trump really was right in everything he has claimed all along, and there is nowhere left for the democrats to go now but to attempt murder. Something that they too have publicly flirted with for years.
If they don't kill Trump, he will be president in a year and knows who his enemies are now. If they do kill Trump, it will blow wide open what the democrats, Washington, DC and America has really become now, and that is almost as bad as that too will destroy them.

It is now a Lose-Lose for the Far Left because they dared think themselves all powerful, infallible, and able to do anything they wanted.

Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump

22 Dec 2023 ~~ By Vigilant Fox

“They [the establishment] look at Trump as a vampire, and they put a stake in his heart, but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time,” expressed military historian Victor Davis Hanson in a viral video in late November.

“They are terrified of him because they think he’s smarter this time, and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him.”
Tucker Carlson Concurs
The Colorado Supreme Court made a significant ruling Tuesday, disqualifying former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot. This decision is anchored in the interpretation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which specifically mentions that any public official who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States may be disqualified from holding public office.

Read more on that here:
On Monday, Tucker Carlson told Dan Bongino, “If you want to know what things are going to look like in the future, just chart out what has been happening recently and ask yourself, are things accelerating or decelerating? … just chart it out. And in the case of Trump, they started with protests, they moved to impeachment. Now they’re at indictment. None of it has worked. What’s next? What could possibly be next?” he asked.
That next step appears to be taking Trump off the ballot altogether. But Tucker suggested something much more sinister is looming.


Tucker Carlson Issues Major Warning on What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump​


Published on December 19, 2023
By Vigilant Fox

“They [the establishment] look at Trump as a vampire, and they put a stake in his heart, but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time,” expressed military historian Victor Davis Hanson in a viral video in late November.
“They are terrified of him because they think he’s smarter this time, and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him.”

Tucker Carlson Concurs​

The Colorado Supreme Court made a significant ruling Tuesday, disqualifying former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot. This decision is anchored in the interpretation of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which specifically mentions that any public official who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States may be disqualified from holding public office.
Read more on that here:
Monday, Tucker Carlson told Dan Bongino, “If you want to know what things are going to look like in the future, just chart out what has been happening recently and ask yourself, are things accelerating or decelerating? … just chart it out. And in the case of Trump, they started with protests, they moved to impeachment. Now they’re at indictment. None of it has worked. What’s next? What could possibly be next?” he asked.
That next step appears to be taking Trump off the ballot altogether. But Tucker suggested something much more sinister is looming.

“If you felt, and you really believed — and a lot of them do — that the worst thing that could happen to the country, and, more specifically, to you, in the professional class, is to have Donald Trump as president. And everything you have tried has failed. And they have been accelerating steps: protests, impeachment, indictment. How many more arrows do you have in your quiver? And what’s the next one? And, of course, it’s assassination.”

Carlson ended by suggesting that the very reason this topic is not widely discussed or dismissed is that it holds an uncomfortable or inconvenient truth for those in power: “Look at the things you’re not allowed to say. You’re not allowed to say them, not because they’re conspiracy theories or lies. You’re not allowed to say them precisely because they are not conspiracy theories or lies. They are true.”

Indeed, the discussion has merit and truth within the totality of what has transpired since 2016.
Both Carlson and Bongino spoke wisely, and bravely. I too have previously voiced the same question on this board and came to the same conclusion.
I do think he is safe even if he is re-elected and acts more effectively against the Deep State than he did in the first term.
Trump’s opponents are devious.
They are comfortable manipulating the media, manipulating the Administrative State and legal system. Unlike someone like Putin, they are comfortable with ordering murder of political opponents - rather than doing it themselves.
I think they will wait and see if the Resistance tactics they used in the first term work this time before taking more drastic action.
It's my personal belief that if the Deep State powerful are successful in assassinating Trump the world will explode.

TL;DR, but I gotta admit the title made me laugh.

What the Establishment Has in Store for Trump​

Accountability for his actions

Good. Let's start with accountability.
  • The idea that you have to be held "accountable" by a corrupt ruling party that dared steal an election and a republican who dared to try to expose it and fight back.
  • Then let's go on with accountability for Joe Biden for his opening our border and inviting in 10 million undocumented aliens from hostile countries.
  • Accountability for building a family empire of riches based upon taking bribes from hostile foreign countries, selling his own country out in the process dealing favors.
  • And accountability for a family based on power and crime based on drugs, sex and perversion because they dared think themselves above the law.
Yes, let's definitely go for everyone's accountability for their actions.
Good. Let's start with accountability.
  • The idea that you have to be held "accountable" by a corrupt ruling party that dared steal an election and a republican who dared to try to expose it and fight back.
  • Then let's go on with accountability for Joe Biden for his opening our border and inviting in 10 million undocumented aliens from hostile countries.
  • Accountability for building a family empire of riches based upon taking bribes from hostile foreign countries, selling his own country out in the process dealing favors.
  • And accountability for a family based on power and crime based on drugs, sex and perversion because they dared think themselves above the law.
Yes, let's definitely go for everyone's accountability for their actions.
Has nothing to do with the crimes Trump has been indicted for

Nice try at diversion though
Has nothing to do with the crimes Trump has been indicted for

Has to do with ACCOUNTABILITY you dolt. You said you want accountability. And no, Trump has been indicted for no crime on the books, he has been indicted for made-up charges based on fantasy crimes that no one else on this planet would be charged with.
Has to do with ACCOUNTABILITY you dolt. You said you want accountability. And no, Trump has been indicted for no crime on the books, he has been indicted for made-up charges based on fantasy crimes that no one else on this planet would be charged with.

And Trump is being held accountable, for the first time in his life

He doesn’t like it
And Trump is being held accountable

Is he? Well, then, time to start holding others accountable as well. Remember: Equal justice under the law. Now then: let's talk about those boxes of stolen top secret national defense papers Biden illegally took as a senator, illegally took as a VP, then left stored in open boxes in a chinese business office for decades. Then there were those left in his garage with access to his son, the chinese spy.
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