Trump Wanted So Stay In Office. Long Live Trump.

... and their feet never touch the ground.
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And you all look alike
... and their feet never touch the ground.
Let’s see, to be a Humper, you have to believe…
Every state in the union is wrong in certifying elections,
Every hospital in the world is wrong, in treating covid
Every science facility is wrong in AGW and any
Every news organization that says anthing wrong about trump, is lying.
Every judge in the United States that refused to hear election fraud case without evidence is wrong,
Every immigrant is a rapist

Every convicted insurrectionist is innocent…
any thing we missed ?
Now that I see that photograph of yours I realize that it was your chest we were standing on. :happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
That was typically weak. I see you had to advertise you were trying to be funny. Three little Humpers….
If it were to happen , hopefully it will be by the hands of one of his former disgruntled employees or associates. Not by a Democrat , they'd never live it down.
Oh for sure. Remember how Trump got booed roundly at rally when he declared, they should get vaccinated.”
He quickly said, “you have your freedoms.” or whatever
Then, he completely walked away from covid vaccines in subsequent rallies. I can see a supporter getting confused….they all start out that way
Let's see, to be you is to be a voluntary idiot ...

I see you are a determined, voluntary idiot ...

Only the brain of a determined, voluntary idiot thinks your statement lends insight to something important. 🍬
Erratic , impulsive behavior does not lend itself well to leadership roles. That's what trump is all about , never should have gotten into politics or business for that matter. Colossal failure at both.
Let's see, to be you is to be a voluntary idiot ...

I see you are a determined, voluntary idiot ...

Only the brain of a determined, voluntary idiot thinks your statement lends insight to something important. 🍬
No meaningful retort…..
To be a Humper, YOU have to suspend reality. From trickle down shit, to election fraud, to climate change AGW denial, to your love of Putin….
You bozos need to live in Oz. Munchkins unite vs Hunter, Hillary and still Trump thinks he‘s still running agaisnt a black man. Trump, who btw, claims he’s now nearly broke. Will you luv him when he’s poor ?
This is from the new book by journalist Maggie Haberman:

Former President Donald Trump repeatedly told aides in the days following his 2020 election loss that he would remain in the White House rather than let incoming President Joe Biden take over, according to reporting provided to CNN from a forthcoming book by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.

“I’m just not going to leave,” Trump told one aide, according to Haberman.

“We’re never leaving,” Trump told another. “How can you leave when you won an election?”

Trump’s insistence that he would not be leaving the White House, which has not been previously reported, adds new detail to the chaotic post-election period in which Trump’s refusal to accept his defeat and numerous efforts to overturn the election result led to the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol by pro-Trump rioters.

Haberman’s book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America,” is being released on October 4.

The revelations from the book come as investigators in the US House and the Justice Department probe Trump’s refusal to cede power after the 2020 election. The House select committee investigating January 6 is planning more hearings and a final report this fall, while federal investigators have recently served several former Trump aides with subpoenas.

Haberman, a CNN political analyst, has covered Trump for the New York Times since his 2016 presidential campaign. Her stories made her a frequent target of Trump’s vitriol on Twitter.

Haberman writes that in the immediate aftermath of the November 3 elections, Trump seemed to recognize he had lost to Biden. He asked advisers to tell him what had gone wrong. He comforted one adviser, saying, “We did our best.” Trump told junior press aides, “I thought we had it,” seemingly almost embarrassed by the outcome, according to Haberman.

But at some point, Trump’s mood changed, Haberman writes, and he abruptly informed aides he had no intention of departing the White House in late January 2021 for Biden to move in.

He was even overheard asking the chair of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel, “Why should I leave if they stole it from me?”

Trump’s vow that he would refuse to vacate the White House had no historical precedent, Haberman writes, and his declaration left aides uncertain as to what he might do next. The closest parallel might have been Mary Todd Lincoln, who stayed in the White House for nearly a month after her husband, President Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated, the author noted.

Publicly, Trump dismissed questions about whether he would leave office. On November 26, 2020, he was asked by a reporter whether he would leave the White House if the Electoral College voted for Biden. “Certainly I will, and you know that,” Trump said in response, as he continued to spread lies about the election being stolen.

A longtime New York-based reporter who has worked for both of the city’s tabloid newspapers, Haberman writes that Trump’s post-election period was reminiscent of his attempts to claw his way back from dire financial straits three decades earlier, in which he tried to keep all options open for as long as he could.

But Trump couldn’t decide which path to follow after his 2020 defeat. Haberman writes that he quizzed nearly everyone about which options would lead to success – including the valet who brought Diet Cokes when Trump pressed a red button on his Oval Office desk.

The reporting provided to CNN from the forthcoming book also reveals new details on what those around Trump were doing in the aftermath of an election loss he refused to accept. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, was reluctant to confront Trump on the loss, according to Haberman.

When he encouraged a group of aides to go to the White House and brief the then-President, Kushner was asked why he wasn’t joining them himself. Trump’s son-in-law likened it to a deathbed scene, Haberman writes.

“The priest comes later,” Kushner said.

CNN was the "Source"? End of story.
Of course I have no time for a CEO / Owner of basically a criminal organization. They are organized crime, Mafia, Dictators etc. The man has been proved over and over again in Criminal and Comical Court of being a Polished but total liar.
What is wrong here, PAC's Pouring 100's of Millions to win their destination, which most likely harm millions of Citizens eventually at their gain. Sure, pick on all that but 30 years from now history will be written. Lots of Russians feel the same way about Putin. Wait and see!
The important thing is garnering knowledge of Crooks "cloud" that surround a Dictator! They have no Self Conscious!

Democratic, you gain civil rights Repubs. forget about Civil rights, U R a Thanksgiving Turkey.
Democrats, bring in the new Taxpayers, let them Vote.
Repub's throw them in a river with their kids.
Both parties, lie, lies on top of bales of lies and spend all your money they can + all future monies cause we lawyers.
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