Trump is up by 8 points nationally. What happens if he loses the electoral college?

we also cannot take another 4 years of Trump. Thus the country is fucked no matter who wins.

But hey, you are old and retired so you will be dead soon anyhow, so no big deal to you.

The fun part of this whole thing is I do not disagree with you about Biden, it is just your worship of Trump I cannot stomach.
I don't even like Trump, Harpy...I think he's a brash douche. His policies however are well thought out and have been proven. I could really care less about Trump's personality...the only thing that matters to me is the job that he does. guys can't make up your second you're exulting because he's "Broke Trump" then you're complaining that he's taking all this money in from fat cat donors and then you're claiming that he didn't really take in all that money at all! Which is it?
Trump’s the one that can’t seem to keep things straight, like how much his properties are worth! Is it any wonder that people get confused about what’s going on in his head? :dunno:

I am still old enough to remember when the Trump worshipers called polls fake and mocked people who posted about them.

My how the times have changed
Yeah.....I wouldn't trust any polls no matter what they say. They have all pretty much lost their meaning. There are no unbiased polling centers.
Now that is funny. I guess you are not really ready to compare numbers. Shocking!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

He does not think things out, he just reacts and waits to see how things turn out.
You have no clue how GDP is you? Another liberal who never took Economics! Why doesn't that surprise me?
Trump’s the one that can’t seem to keep things straight, like how much his properties are worth! Is it any wonder that people get confused about what’s going on in his head? :dunno:

Judge Engeron thinks Mar A Lago is worth 18 million but you think it's Trump who has a problem with knowing how much properties are worth? I love you liberals...
Judge Engeron thinks Mar A Lago is worth 18 million but you think it's Trump who has a problem with knowing how much properties are worth? I love you liberals...
Trump lies about everything. Why blame anything on Engeron? He is getting as confused as the rest of us by Trump’s double talk.
Trump’s the one that can’t seem to keep things straight, like how much his properties are worth! Is it any wonder that people get confused about what’s going on in his head? :dunno:

Joe has a gas-powered Corvette and top-secret documents in his garage. Technically stormtrooper federal government stasi stooges should have violated his property. We have SWATamosis now.
Trump lies about everything. Why blame anything on Engeron? He is getting as confused as the rest of us by Trump’s double talk.
Oh...he was "confused" when he gave the value on Mar A Lago? Was he confused when he hit Trump with a half a Billion dollar judgment for a victimless "crime"?
You have no clue how GDP is you? Another liberal who never took Economics! Why doesn't that surprise me?

Look, just admit you really do not want to compare numbers and quit being such a little bitch about it. it is embarrassing watching you debase yourself this way.
8% lead my ass.
You claimed that Trump was TRENDING DOWN with most groups.
With a lead in the polls that is a lie.
Don't look at the "average" of inaccurate polls, look at the most accurate polls, that include Kennedy & Stein.

You claimed that Trump was TRENDING DOWN with most groups.

I did not claim anything.

But I do believe his polling lead is getting smaller, thus it would be accurate to say he is trending down, would it not?
Obviously you don't "give a fuck" because you didn't even KNOW there are 3 methods!

how many post are you going to make that does not compare the numbers?

Why are you such a pussy that you cannot even do what you said I would not like?

man up and post the numbers....I will not respond again to anything but.
as I said, far too long.

Yes lets.

Lets start with these 3, and then you can pick some more of your own.

Job Growth

Before or after Covid? Why not start with inflation and interest rates? :dunno:

Added: Or even overall 401K growth.

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