Trump Is Not the Cause of the Chaos


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Trump Is Not the Cause of the Chaos

25 Jan 2024 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

Supercharging their efforts to gaslight America, Donald Trump’s enemies are denying the law of physics.
At least since Isaac Newton formulated his laws of motion, we’ve understood that every effect can be explained by its cause. This insight was a radical break from more primeval beliefs that things just happened or resulted from the will of often inscrutable deities and phantasmatic beasts.
Trump opponents reject this foundation of science and logic. Going beyond their grotesque comparisons of him to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, they now cast Trump as a mythical beast – like Golem, Leviathan, or Kraken – who wreaks whirlwinds of destruction without prodding.
Trump’s chief primary opponent, Nikki Haley, says that “chaos” accompanies him. Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan argues that “impeachments, embarrassments, scandal, [and] 1/6” follow in his wake. Democrats and their stenographers at once-great news organizations say Trump’s description of his enemies as “vermin” upon whom he will seek “retribution” is proof that he plans to rule as a murderous dictator.
In their telling, all of this has come out of thin air – the uncaused cause and inevitable result of Trump’s movement across the landscape. Like the winds and thunderclaps of yore, he unleashes himself upon an innocent people. The tumult is solely a reflection of his evil nature. This is superficial to the point of being laughable, but it’s the story they’re telling.
Trump is not the cause of this uproar. The behavior they deem beyond the pale and disqualifying is largely the effect of the vicious and dishonest attacks they have leveled against him since he announced his candidacy in 2015.
Nothing – not even Trump – happens in a vacuum. The laws of cause and effect abide. This raises a conundrum for voters as we head toward November. Trump’s enemies will only ratchet up their attacks. Trump, rightfully angered by his mistreatment, seems likely to double down on his oft-intemperate responses (even though it is not in his, or the country’s best interest). He can’t seem to help himself. Who could?
I understand why many Americans recoil at the prosect of four more years of tumult. But they need to ask themselves: Who caused the problems? By defeating Trump, they will only be rewarding the real cause of the chaos.

Looking back on 2016 to 2020, America had rogue portions of the government and the private sector trying to take him down for no valid reason.
Ccorporations are trying to enforce the WEF and DEI guidelines against us.
It’s time to clean house in the U. S. government, the media, the universities, the corporations and Deep State trying to enact laws they have no valid legal reason to do.
We need to go after those funding riots, anti-Constitution actions, and District Attorneys that think they have
the right to thwart the laws of the land.
Attacks on the personality of either Biden or Trump will not change any minds or win over any votes not already committed.
The issues are what matter to the voters. The border and illegal immigration crisis created by DNCCP Socialists; inflation, supply shortages, interest rates and the economy in general; foreign conflicts; and so many more. Votes are there for the taking by the candidate who addresses them.
Looking back the last Three year of Biden's reign we have seen the chaos he and his appointees have created.
  • Oil and fuel shortages leading to inflation;
  • Nine Million (8,000,000) Foreign Invaders at southern border;
  • U.S. Civilians held hostage for 111 Days by Hamas;
  • U..S. Civilians willfully abandoned behind enemy lines in Afghanistan;
  • U.S. Military bases attacked 150 times since October by Iranian proxies;
  • Russian invasion of the Ukraine;
  • Defense Secretary disappears for two weeks, without the President's knowledge, while U.S. is conducting air strikes in Middle East.;
  • 17.6% increase in Cost of Living;
  • Chinese spy balloon traversing the U.S., unchallenged, from Alaska through South Carolina.
    hat chaos has ALL occurred since Joe Biden assumed the Oval Office.
The following paraphrase pretty much sums it up:
Trump is not the cause of this uproar. The behavior the Socialist left deem beyond the pale and disqualifying is largely the effect of the vicious and dishonest attacks they have leveled against him since he announced his candidacy in 2015.
Trump Is Not the Cause of the Chaos

Me thinks you doth protest too much.
Trump Is Not the Cause of the Chaos

Me thinks you doth protest too much.
The thing is, whenever he's doing it, and their pumped up on their dopamine high, they'll all be posting about how "chaos is what's needed."

I'm sure I saw this sentiment from these chuds on here the other day.
The way Democrats handled Trump during his presidency reminded me of the joke about keeping an idiot in suspense by telling him to go sit in a round room. Only this room was oval. It is shameful how these people in government put political party over country.
Denial in the extreme.

One minute they're screaming in joy over his constant insults and attacks and threats and intimidation, then the next minute he's just an innocent little victim.

This is a cult.

Trump Is Not the Cause of the Chaos

25 Jan 2024 ~~ By J. Peder Zane

Supercharging their efforts to gaslight America, Donald Trump’s enemies are denying the law of physics.
At least since Isaac Newton formulated his laws of motion, we’ve understood that every effect can be explained by its cause. This insight was a radical break from more primeval beliefs that things just happened or resulted from the will of often inscrutable deities and phantasmatic beasts.
Trump opponents reject this foundation of science and logic. Going beyond their grotesque comparisons of him to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, they now cast Trump as a mythical beast – like Golem, Leviathan, or Kraken – who wreaks whirlwinds of destruction without prodding.
Trump’s chief primary opponent, Nikki Haley, says that “chaos” accompanies him. Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan argues that “impeachments, embarrassments, scandal, [and] 1/6” follow in his wake. Democrats and their stenographers at once-great news organizations say Trump’s description of his enemies as “vermin” upon whom he will seek “retribution” is proof that he plans to rule as a murderous dictator.
In their telling, all of this has come out of thin air – the uncaused cause and inevitable result of Trump’s movement across the landscape. Like the winds and thunderclaps of yore, he unleashes himself upon an innocent people. The tumult is solely a reflection of his evil nature. This is superficial to the point of being laughable, but it’s the story they’re telling.
Trump is not the cause of this uproar. The behavior they deem beyond the pale and disqualifying is largely the effect of the vicious and dishonest attacks they have leveled against him since he announced his candidacy in 2015.
Nothing – not even Trump – happens in a vacuum. The laws of cause and effect abide. This raises a conundrum for voters as we head toward November. Trump’s enemies will only ratchet up their attacks. Trump, rightfully angered by his mistreatment, seems likely to double down on his oft-intemperate responses (even though it is not in his, or the country’s best interest). He can’t seem to help himself. Who could?
I understand why many Americans recoil at the prosect of four more years of tumult. But they need to ask themselves: Who caused the problems? By defeating Trump, they will only be rewarding the real cause of the chaos.

Looking back on 2016 to 2020, America had rogue portions of the government and the private sector trying to take him down for no valid reason.
Ccorporations are trying to enforce the WEF and DEI guidelines against us.
It’s time to clean house in the U. S. government, the media, the universities, the corporations and Deep State trying to enact laws they have no valid legal reason to do.
We need to go after those funding riots, anti-Constitution actions, and District Attorneys that think they have
the right to thwart the laws of the land.
Attacks on the personality of either Biden or Trump will not change any minds or win over any votes not already committed.
The issues are what matter to the voters. The border and illegal immigration crisis created by DNCCP Socialists; inflation, supply shortages, interest rates and the economy in general; foreign conflicts; and so many more. Votes are there for the taking by the candidate who addresses them.
Looking back the last Three year of Biden's reign we have seen the chaos he and his appointees have created.
  • Oil and fuel shortages leading to inflation;
  • Nine Million (8,000,000) Foreign Invaders at southern border;
  • U.S. Civilians held hostage for 111 Days by Hamas;
  • U..S. Civilians willfully abandoned behind enemy lines in Afghanistan;
  • U.S. Military bases attacked 150 times since October by Iranian proxies;
  • Russian invasion of the Ukraine;
  • Defense Secretary disappears for two weeks, without the President's knowledge, while U.S. is conducting air strikes in Middle East.;
  • 17.6% increase in Cost of Living;
  • Chinese spy balloon traversing the U.S., unchallenged, from Alaska through South Carolina.
    hat chaos has ALL occurred since Joe Biden assumed the Oval Office.
The following paraphrase pretty much sums it up:
Trump is not the cause of this uproar. The behavior the Socialist left deem beyond the pale and disqualifying is largely the effect of the vicious and dishonest attacks they have leveled against him since he announced his candidacy in 2015.
Poor Donald; always the victim.
Denial in the extreme.

One minute they're screaming in joy over his constant insults and attacks and threats and intimidation, then the next minute he's just an innocent little victim.

This is a cult.

Trump has been grabbing women, cheating employees, contractors , vendors and investors all his life. He's enjoyed his serial adultery, power and wealth.

He's had mental health problems his whole life. Nothing new.


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