Trump Caused Oil Prices To Rise, Blamed Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

President Donald Trump’s decision to negotiate with oil producing nations to cut production by nearly 10 million barrels a day is not only unprecedented, it also is the opposite of what prior presidents have done.
While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
Biden promised to kill the fossil fuel industry, and every energy related package he's signed into law, most every conversation he's held about fossil fuel and / or press conference has been NEGATIVE against fossil fuel development.

If you're company created dildos, and Biden continued to speak negatively about the future of dildos ... you'd be an ignorant business owner to continue investing in that market.
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.

This is your brain on DailyKoOkS.


Any questions?
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
Only you lemmings are buying this skewey.
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
So does the dailykos think we were all born last week?.... if you libs fall for this its because you are gullible fools with no memory at all....
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.

Well, Biden did say this before he took offiice as part of his campaign, that he will end fossil fuels.

And the effects of his war on fossil fuels were apparent including costs rising a great deal.

Biden shutting down the keystone pipeline was a massive mistake that cost a lot of jobs, a lot of fuel and a lot of money to consumers


And it keeps on going. Biden is ruining American fuel and with it costs skyrocket.

Of course in Biden approved California their costs are so high because gas companies have to pay insane fees and meet ridiculous regulations to sell in California, that cost is passed onto the consumer.

I mean when gas prices took a brief dip right before primaries last year Biden took credit for lowering gas prices, which he did at the expense of releasing our emergency reserves. But when prices were high he blamed it on trump and said "the president can't control gas prices" but when they were lower he said he did it which means yes he can control gas prices right?

And using thedailykos as your source for news is laughable at best.
Another skewed thread, and it's laughable.
There's one reason why oil prices have steadily increased.
The oil companies know they now have a finite time to produce oil on the scales that they have always been accustomed to. They have been maximizing their profits in the time they have left.
They know that sooner than later, more and more people around the world ( we call them Dimocrats here) will be pressuring them out of business.
It's going to be a while, but eventually it will happen.
From the moment Biden announced his candidacy he began the demonization of the industry, and right on cue prices began their historic rise in prices.
After all the Trump cult weeping and deflection, the evidence that triggered them here remains.

Trump himself bragged about raising gas prices, and Trump himself criticized Biden for lowering gas prices.

The whole Republican party decided to lie and blame it on Biden, and all of the Trump cultists joined in.

So, same old same old. Trump cultists know they're lying, but they continue to lie. And why shouldnt they? Once you've sold your soul to the Lord of Lies, you may as well go all out with immoral behavior. It's not like your fate will get any worse.
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
/---/ As you already know, Trump did call for cuts in production because oil was in negative numbers and he wanted to protect US oil rig jobs, as you already know.
Biden is still doing including to Native Americans.

FOX News
FOX News


Native American protesters shut down Biden admin event over oil leasing ban​
Agroup of Navajo Nation citizens blocked two top Biden administration officials from crossing into their territory Sunday in response to a recent federal oil and gas leasing ban.

The Navajo protesters — who held signs saying "Go Home" and No Trespassing" — created a road blockade preventing Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and Bryan Newland, who heads the Bureau of Indian Affairs, from proceeding to a nearby event in northwestern New Mexico. Haaland and Newland were scheduled at Chaco Culture National Historical Park to celebrate a recent oil leasing ban.

"This morning was not ideal," Haaland said Sunday evening at an alternate location in Albuquerque following the protest. "To see any road — yes, less than ideal. That's the nicest thing I can say — to see any road into any of our national parks or our public lands blocked was heartbreaking because our public lands belong to all Americans."

On June 2, Haaland banned oil, gas and mineral leasing within 10 miles of the Chaco Canyon site for 20 years, an action strongly opposed by Navajo communities and government leaders.


Biden suspends oil and gas leasing in slew of executive actions on climate change​

But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
LOL. Methinks you aren't very good at timelines. Biden was president when gas prices went up, not Trump.
After all the Trump cult weeping and deflection, the evidence that triggered them here remains.

Trump himself bragged about raising gas prices, and Trump himself criticized Biden for lowering gas prices.

The whole Republican party decided to lie and blame it on Biden, and all of the Trump cultists joined in.

So, same old same old. Trump cultists know they're lying, but they continue to lie. And why shouldnt they? Once you've sold your soul to the Lord of Lies, you may as well go all out with immoral behavior. It's not like your fate will get any worse.
That's okay, we're not laughing WITH you.
LOL. Methinks you aren't very good at timelines. Biden was president when gas prices went up, not Trump.
It doesn't matter. They will blame TRUMP! for everything from high gas prices to dogs and cats living together until the next Republican is sworn in, even if it's a decade from now. They are totally obsessed with him and simply cannot blame a democrat for ANYTHING.
It's fascinating, how badly the Trump cult sore-losers got triggered by reality here.

It's not debatable that Trump deliberately raised oil prices and bragged about it. The Trump cultists think that if they just deny any inconvenient fact loudly and often enough, it will go away.

All of the Trump cultists have retreated into a butthurt alternate reality, and they're not coming back.

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