Trump asks for $1,000,000,000.00 in donations from the Oil and Gas Industry

Record production of any product does not correlate to keeping up with demand or the market reducing its dependency on an alternative source (in this case, foreign oil).

Capitulating and ceding to foreign oil is not the answer. The answer is to reduce regulatory costs, free up drilling and exploration permits, encourage more infrastructure investments and incentivize for parity alternative energy products development.

Are you an oil executive? Petroleum engineer? Driller?
Record production of any product does not correlate to keeping up with demand or the market reducing its dependency on an alternative source (in this case, foreign oil).
. This is not how oil companies operate.

They aren't even producing to capacity. And likely never will.

And the babble about dependence on foreign oil is especially hilarious. Our oil industry is not nationalized. Even when US oil companies produce more than we use, we still import much of what we use. Like, half. Because private US oil companies sell to the highest bidder, foreign or domestic.
. This is not how oil companies operate.

They aren't even producing to capacity. And likely never will.

And the babble about dependence on foreign oil is especially hilarious. Our oil industry is not nationalized. Even when US oil companies produce more than we use, we still import much of what we use. Like, half. Because private US oil companies sell to the highest bidder, foreign or domestic.
in your own babble, you just said why and how US is dependent on foreign oil. If the US at least drives towards full capacity, it’s less dependence. Do you understand economics?
Are you an oil executive? Petroleum engineer? Driller?
None of the above. Everything I posted is an economic position. In this case, the product is oil. I could lay out the same argument and format and replace with another product where the government pushes high regulations, limits raw material exploration, and limits industry infrastructure.
None of the above. Everything I posted is an economic position. In this case, the product is oil. I could lay out the same argument and format and replace with another product where the government pushes high regulations, limits raw material exploration, and limits industry infrastructure.

A glut on the oil market will hurt US producers.
A glut on the oil market will hurt US producers.
Define a glut. Are you saying US oil execs don’t know what’s good for them or they are happy with more restrictions under Democrats? How and why?

OPEC is all too happy with the US producers under more restrictions.
Define a glut. Are you saying US oil execs don’t know what’s good for them or they are happy with more restrictions under Democrats? How and why?

OPEC is all too happy with the US producers under more restrictions.

Lolol 😂 you're a blooming idiot.

I'm saying oil executives don't need advice from you or Trump.
Lolol 😂 you're a blooming idiot.

I'm saying oil executives don't need advice from you or Trump.
Why would you go out of your way to say whether oil executives need advice from Trump? That is not the debate. The debate is whether oil execs would prefer Trump energy policies or Biden energy policies?

You can’t even build the case as to why Oil execs should except Biden’s policies over Trump’s polices other than “record production”.
Why would you go out of your way to say whether oil executives need advice from Trump? That is not the debate. The debate is whether oil execs would prefer Trump energy policies or Biden energy policies?

You can’t even build the case as to why Oil execs should except Biden’s policies over Trump’s polices other than “record production”.

Biden's policies aren't hurting the industry and Trump won't say what his "policy" is.


Trump asked top oil execs for $1 billion campaign cash in exchange for environmental policy rollbacks, report says​

  • Donald Trump made a $1 billion fundraising pitch to oil executives, The Washington Post reported.
  • Trump promises to dismantle Biden's environmental policies if reelected.
  • His campaign needs the funds due to lagging behind Biden and legal expenses.
Last month, he asked for a $1 billion contribution to his reelection campaign, and in return, he pledged to dismantle President Joe Biden's environmental policies

Trump promised to scrap climate laws if US oil bosses donated $1bn – report​

Trump promised to 20 executives at Mar-a-Lago dinner to increase oil drilling and reverse pollution rules among other pitches

Donald Trump dangled a brazen “deal” in front of some of the top US oil bosses last month, proposing that they give him $1bn for his White House re-election campaign and vowing that once back in office he would instantly tear up Joe Biden’s environmental regulations and prevent any new ones, according to a bombshell new report.

In front of more than 20 executives, including from Chevron, Exxon and Occidental Petroleum, he promised to increase oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, remove hurdles to drilling in the Alaskan Arctic, and reverse new rules designed to cut car pollution. He would also overturn the Biden administration’s decision in January to pause new natural gas export permits which have been denounced as “climate bombs”.

The former president’s exchange with fossil fuel giants also engaged the concern of groups monitoring the influence of money in politics. Jordan Libowitz of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (Crew), a non-partisan government watchdog, said the conversation, as reported by the Post, “certainly looks a lot like quid pro quo”.
Libowitz said the encounter was “about as blatant as I’ve ever seen. Politicians often give a nudge and a wink, they don’t say raise a billion dollars for me and I’ll get rid of the regulations that you want.”

It sure sounds lie quid pro quo toe me. He named a figure and told them what they would get for the money if elected and promised it would happen on Day 1.

He is big money, leaning on big money with promised action for donation of $1 Billion Dollars. It sounds like legislation for sail, if the money is paid. I have never heard anything as clear-cut in my life, and neither have you.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Youd have more luck defending your prezophile than this retarded shit.
"donate to me because I will save you money. Look at my environmental platform" is not quid pro quo, pervert.
Former President Donald J. Trump told a group of oil executives and lobbyists gathered at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort last month that they should donate $1 billion to his presidential campaign because, if elected, he would roll back environmental rules that he said hampered their industry, according to two people who were there.

About 20 people attended an April 11 event billed as an “energy round table” at Mr. Trump’s private club, according to those people, who asked not to be identified in order to discuss the private event. Attendees included executives from ExxonMobil, EQT Corporation and the American Petroleum Institute, which lobbies for the oil industry.


Remember when all those people said they would vote for Trump because he was incorruptible and did not need the money? Well apparently he does need the money and a lot of it, and is willing to wreak havoc on our environment to get it. No little bucks for Trump. He wants a billion dollars! Those attorney fees must really be adding up.
The fact US oil execs are willing to pay $1B to roll back Biden US energy policies says a lot.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Youd have more luck defending your prezophile than this retarded shit.
"donate to me because I will save you money. Look at my environmental platform" is not quid pro quo, pervert.
Cheer up, Harley. You cannot hold it against me, for what he said and offered.

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